Created both Metallic and Specular PBR validation scenes with template image done in legacy pipe.
Created both Metallic and Specular PBR validation scenes with template image done in legacy pipe.
Andre McGrail
7 年前
共有 102 个文件被更改,包括 16622 次插入 和 548 次删除
58Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Limbs_n 1.tif.meta
1001Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Limbs_o 1.tif
87Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Limbs_o 1.tif.meta
378Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Torso_glow 1.tif
58Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Torso_glow 1.tif.meta
1001Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Torso_n 1.tif
58Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Torso_n 1.tif.meta
1001Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Torso_o 1.tif
58Tests/GraphicsTests/RenderPipeline/LightweightPipeline/Scenes/025_Shader_PBRvalidation_Metallic/Adam/Textures/Adam_LOD_02_Torso_o 1.tif.meta
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