// This script is a helper for the artists to re-synchronise all layered materials
[MenuItem("HDRenderPipeline/Synchronize all Layered materials")]
// In case the shader code have change and the inspector have been update with new kind of keywords we need to regenerate the set of keywords use by the material.
// This script will remove all keyword of a material and trigger the inspector that will re-setup all the used keywords.
// It require that the inspector of the material have a static function call that update all keyword based on material properties.
[MenuItem("HDRenderPipeline/Reset all materials keywords")]
[MenuItem("HDRenderPipeline/Test/Reset all materials keywords")]
// Funtion used only to check performance of data with and without tessellation
// TODO: Currently it is not yet possible to use this feature, we need to provide previousPositionCS to the vertex shader as part of Attribute for GBuffer pass
// TODO: How to enable this feature only on mesh that effectively require it like skinned and moving mesh (other can be done with depth reprojection. But TAA can be an issue)
// TODO: It is not possible to use VelocityInGBuffer feature yet. This feature allow to render motion vectors during Gbuffer pass. However Unity have limitation today that forbid to do that.
// 1) Currently previousPositionCS is provide to the vertex shader with a hard coded NORMAL semantic (in the vertex declaration - See MeshRenderingData.cpp "pSecondaryFormat = gMotionVectorRenderFormat.GetVertexFormat();") mean it will overwrite the normal
// 2) All current available semantic (see ShaderChannelMask) are used in our Lit shader. Mean just changing the semantic is not enough, Unity need to unlock other Texcoord semantic
// 3) When this is solve (i.e move previousPositionCS to a free attribute semantic), Unity only support one pSecondaryFormat. Mean if we ahve a vertex color instance stream and motion vector, motion vector will overwrite vertex color stream. See MeshRenderingData.cpp
// All this could be fix we a new Mesh API not ready yet. Note that this feature only affect animated mesh (vertex or skin) as others use depth reprojection.
// TODO: not working yet, waiting for UINT16 RT format support
// uniform have _ as prefix + uppercase _LowercaseThenCamelCase
// All uniforms should be in contant buffer (nothing in the global namespace).
// The reason is that for compute shader we need to guarantee that the layout of CBs is consistent across kernels. Something that we can't control with the global namespace (uniforms get optimized out if not used, modifying the global CBuffer layout per kernel)
// Structure definition that are share between C# and hlsl.
// These structures need to be align on float4 to respectect various packing rules from sahder language.
// This mean that these structure need to be padded.