
Add spot reflector option to modulate light intensity with spot angle.

Remy 7 年前
共有 3 个文件被更改,包括 42 次插入3 次删除
  1. 1
  2. 41
  3. 3


public readonly GUIContent shape = new GUIContent("Type", "Specifies the current type of light. Possible types are Directional, Spot, Point, Rectangle and Line lights.");
public readonly GUIContent[] shapeNames;
public readonly GUIContent spotBackReflector = new GUIContent("Enable light reflector", "Is the light reflected in the back in the spot cone.");
// Additional shadow data
public readonly GUIContent shadowResolution = new GUIContent("Resolution", "Controls the rendered resolution of the shadow maps. A higher resolution will increase the fidelity of shadows at the cost of GPU performance and memory usage.");


public SerializedProperty affectSpecular;
public SerializedProperty lightTypeExtent;
public SerializedProperty spotLightShape;
public SerializedProperty spotBackReflector;
public SerializedProperty shapeWidth;
public SerializedProperty shapeHeight;
public SerializedProperty aspectRatio;

affectSpecular = o.Find(x => x.affectSpecular),
lightTypeExtent = o.Find(x => x.lightTypeExtent),
spotLightShape = o.Find(x => x.spotLightShape),
spotBackReflector = o.Find(x => x.spotBackReflector),
shapeWidth = o.Find(x => x.shapeWidth),
shapeHeight = o.Find(x => x.shapeHeight),
aspectRatio = o.Find(x => x.aspectRatio),

if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.spotBackReflector, s_Styles.spotBackReflector);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_AdditionalLightData.spotInnerPercent, 0f, 100f, s_Styles.spotInnerPercent);
// TODO : replace with angle and ratio

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.spotBackReflector, s_Styles.spotBackReflector);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_AdditionalLightData.aspectRatio, 0.05f, 20.0f, s_Styles.aspectRatioPyramid);
else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Box)

case LightShape.Spot:
// Spot should used conversion which take into account the angle, and thus the intensity vary with angle.
// This is not easy to manipulate for lighter, so we simply consider any spot light as just occluded point light. So reuse the same code.
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue);
// TODO: What to do with box shape ?
// var spotLightShape = (SpotLightShape)m_AdditionalLightData.spotLightShape.enumValueIndex;
var spotLightShape = (SpotLightShape)m_AdditionalLightData.spotLightShape.enumValueIndex;
if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone)
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertSpotLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue, settings.spotAngle.floatValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad, m_AdditionalLightData.spotBackReflector.boolValue );
else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Pyramid)
if (m_AdditionalLightData.spotBackReflector.boolValue)
var aspectRatio = m_AdditionalLightData.aspectRatio.floatValue;
// Since the smallest angles is = to the fov, and we don't care of the angle order, simply make sure the aspect ratio is > 1
if ( aspectRatio < 1f ) aspectRatio = 1f/aspectRatio;
var angleA = settings.spotAngle.floatValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
var halfAngle = angleA * 0.5f;
var length = Mathf.Sin(halfAngle);
length *= aspectRatio;
halfAngle = Mathf.Atan(length);
var angleB = halfAngle * 2f;
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertFrustrumLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue, angleA, angleB );
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue);
else // box shape, no conversion implemented for the moment. Should use a fresnel light model.
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue);
case LightShape.Rectangle:


// Only for Spotlight, should be hide for other light
public SpotLightShape spotLightShape = SpotLightShape.Cone;
// Only for Spotlight, should be hide for other light
public bool spotBackReflector = false;
// Only for Rectangle/Line/box projector lights
public float shapeWidth = 0.5f;
