using UnityEngine ;
using System ;
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering ;
using UnityEngine.Rendering ;
public override void Render ( ScriptableRenderContext context , Camera [ ] cameras )
var prevPipe = Shader . globalRenderPipeline ;
Shader . globalRenderPipeline = "LDRenderPipeline" ;
base . Render ( context , cameras ) ;
foreach ( Camera camera in cameras )
if ( ! CullResults . GetCullingParameters ( camera , out cullingParameters ) )
continue ;
cullingParameters . shadowDistance = QualitySettings . s hadowDistance;
cullingParameters . shadowDistance = m_ShadowSettings . maxS hadowDistance;
CullResults cull = CullResults . Cull ( ref cullingParameters , context ) ;
var cmd = new CommandBuffer ( ) { name = "Clear" } ;
if ( shadowsRendered )
SetupShadowShaderVariables ( context , camera . nearClipPlane , cullingParameters . shadowDistance , m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascadeCount ) ;
// Rende Opaques
// Render Opaques
var settings = new DrawRendererSettings ( cull , camera , new ShaderPassName ( "LowEndForwardBase" ) ) ;
settings . sorting . flags = SortFlags . CommonOpaque ;
settings . inputFilter . SetQueuesOpaque ( ) ;
// TODO: Check skybox shader
context . DrawSkybox ( camera ) ;
// Rende Alpha blended
// Render Alpha blended
settings . sorting . flags = SortFlags . CommonTransparent ;
settings . inputFilter . SetQueuesTransparent ( ) ;
context . DrawRenderers ( ref settings ) ;
Shader . globalRenderPipeline = prevPipe ;
m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascadeCount = QualitySettings . shadowCascades ;
m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascadeCount = m_Asset . CascadeCount ;
m_ShadowSettings . maxShadowDistance = QualitySettings . shadowDistance ;
m_ShadowSettings . maxShadowDistance = m_Asset . ShadowDistance ;
switch ( m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascadeCount )
case 2 :
m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascades = new Vector3 ( QualitySettings . shadowCascade2Split , 1.0f , 0.0f ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascades = QualitySettings . shadowCascade4Split ;
m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascades = new Vector3 ( m_Asset . CascadeSplit . x , 1.0f , 0.0f ) ;
Debug . LogError ( "Invalid Shadow Cascade Settings" ) ;
m_ShadowSettings = ShadowSettings . Default ;
m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascades = m_Asset . CascadeSplit ;
break ;
context . ExecuteCommandBuffer ( setRenderTargetCommandBuffer ) ;
setRenderTargetCommandBuffer . Dispose ( ) ;
float shadowNearPlane = QualitySettings . shadowNearPlane Offset;
float shadowNearPlane = m_Asset . ShadowNear Offset;
Vector3 splitRatio = m_ShadowSettings . directionalLightCascades ;
for ( int cascadeIdx = 0 ; cascadeIdx < cascadeCount ; + + cascadeIdx )
private void RenderShadowSlice ( ref ScriptableRenderContext context , int cascadeIndex , Matrix4x4 proj , Matrix4x4 view , DrawShadowsSettings settings , float shadowBias )
var buffer = new CommandBuffer ( ) { name = "RenderShadowMap " } ;
var buffer = new CommandBuffer ( ) { name = "Prepare Shadowmap Slice " } ;
buffer . SetViewport ( new Rect ( m_ShadowSlices [ cascadeIndex ] . atlasX , m_ShadowSlices [ cascadeIndex ] . atlasY , m_ShadowSlices [ cascadeIndex ] . shadowResolution , m_ShadowSlices [ cascadeIndex ] . shadowResolution ) ) ;
buffer . SetViewProjectionMatrices ( view , proj ) ;
buffer . SetGlobalVector ( "_ShadowBias" , new Vector4 ( shadowBias , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) ) ;
int resolution = Mathf . Min ( atlasWidth , atlasHeight ) ;
if ( tileCount > Mathf . Log ( resolution ) )
//Debug.LogError(String.Format( "Cannot fit {0} tiles into current shadowmap atlas of size ({1}, {2}). ShadowMap Resolution set to zero.", tileCount, atlasWidth, atlasHeight));
Debug . LogError ( String . Format ( "Cannot fit {0} tiles into current shadowmap atlas of size ({1}, {2}). ShadowMap Resolution set to zero." , tileCount , atlasWidth , atlasHeight ) ) ;
return 0 ;
void SetShadowKeywords ( CommandBuffer cmd )
if ( QualitySettings . shadows = = ShadowQuality . Disable )
if ( m_Asset . CurrShadowType = = LowEndRenderPipeline . ShadowType . NO_SHADOW )
cmd . DisableShaderKeyword ( "SHADOWS_DEPTH" ) ;
cmd . EnableShaderKeyword ( "SHADOWS_DEPTH" ) ;
PCF = 0 ,
public bool m_SupportsVertexLight = true ;
public bool m_EnableLightmaps = true ;
public bool m_EnableAmbientProbe = true ;
public int m_ShadowAtlasResolution = 1 0 2 4 ;
public ShadowFiltering m_ShadowFiltering = ShadowFiltering . NONE ;
public enum ShadowCascades
public enum ShadowType
private bool m_SupportsVertexLight = true ;
private bool m_EnableLightmaps = true ;
private bool m_EnableAmbientProbe = true ;
private ShadowType m_ShadowType = ShadowType . HARD_SHADOWS ;
private float m_ShadowNearPlaneOffset = 2.0f ;
private float m_ShadowDistance = 5 0.0f ;
private int m_ShadowAtlasResolution = 1 0 2 4 ;
private ShadowCascades m_ShadowCascades = ShadowCascades . NO_CASCADES ;
private Vector3 m_CascadeSplit = new Vector3 ( 0.067f , 0.2f , 0.467f ) ;
private ShadowFiltering m_ShadowFiltering = ShadowFiltering . NONE ;
public bool SupportsVertexLight { get { return m_SupportsVertexLight ; } private set { m_SupportsVertexLight = value ; } }
public ShadowType CurrShadowType { get { return m_ShadowType ; } private set { m_ShadowType = value ; } }
public float ShadowNearOffset { get { return m_ShadowNearPlaneOffset ; } private set { m_ShadowNearPlaneOffset = value ; } }
public float ShadowDistance { get { return m_ShadowDistance ; } private set { m_ShadowDistance = value ; } }
public int CascadeCount { get { return ( int ) m_ShadowCascades ; } private set { m_ShadowCascades = ( ShadowCascades ) value ; } }
public Vector3 CascadeSplit { get { return m_CascadeSplit ; } private set { m_CascadeSplit = value ; } }
public ShadowFiltering CurrShadowFiltering { get { return m_ShadowFiltering ; } private set { m_ShadowFiltering = value ; } }