
HDRenderPipeline: indent code correctly

sebastienlagarde 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 176 次插入176 次删除
  1. 352


base.Render(renderContext, cameras);
SupportedRenderingFeatures.active = s_NeededFeatures;
SupportedRenderingFeatures.active = s_NeededFeatures;
// HD use specific GraphicsSettings. This is init here.
// TODO: This should not be set at each Frame but is there another place for these config setup ?
GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = true;
GraphicsSettings.lightsUseColorTemperature = true;
// HD use specific GraphicsSettings. This is init here.
// TODO: This should not be set at each Frame but is there another place for these config setup ?
GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = true;
GraphicsSettings.lightsUseColorTemperature = true;
if (m_FrameCount != Time.frameCount)
m_FrameCount = Time.frameCount;
if (m_FrameCount != Time.frameCount)
m_FrameCount = Time.frameCount;
foreach (var material in m_MaterialList)
foreach (var material in m_MaterialList)
// Do anything we need to do upon a new frame.
// Do anything we need to do upon a new frame.
// we only want to render one camera for now
// select the most main camera!
Camera camera = null;
foreach (var cam in cameras)
if (cam == Camera.main)
// we only want to render one camera for now
// select the most main camera!
Camera camera = null;
foreach (var cam in cameras)
camera = cam;
if (cam == Camera.main)
camera = cam;
if (camera == null && cameras.Length > 0)
camera = cameras[0];
if (camera == null && cameras.Length > 0)
camera = cameras[0];
if (camera == null)
if (camera == null)
// If we render a reflection view or a preview we should not display any debug information
// This need to be call before ApplyDebugDisplaySettings()
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Reflection || camera.cameraType == CameraType.Preview)
// Neutral allow to disable all debug settings
m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings = s_NeutralDebugDisplaySettings;
m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings = m_DebugDisplaySettings;
// If we render a reflection view or a preview we should not display any debug information
// This need to be call before ApplyDebugDisplaySettings()
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Reflection || camera.cameraType == CameraType.Preview)
// Neutral allow to disable all debug settings
m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings = s_NeutralDebugDisplaySettings;
m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings = m_DebugDisplaySettings;
ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParams;
if (!CullResults.GetCullingParameters(camera, out cullingParams))
ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParams;
if (!CullResults.GetCullingParameters(camera, out cullingParams))
m_LightLoop.UpdateCullingParameters( ref cullingParams );
m_LightLoop.UpdateCullingParameters( ref cullingParams );
// emit scene view UI
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
// emit scene view UI
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "CullResults.Cull", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.CullResultsCull)))
CullResults.Cull(ref cullingParams, renderContext,ref m_CullResults);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "CullResults.Cull", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.CullResultsCull)))
CullResults.Cull(ref cullingParams, renderContext,ref m_CullResults);
var postProcessLayer = camera.GetComponent<PostProcessLayer>();
var hdCamera = HDCamera.Get(camera, postProcessLayer);
PushGlobalParams(hdCamera, cmd, sssSettings);
// TODO: Find a correct place to bind these material textures
// We have to bind the material specific global parameters in this mode
m_MaterialList.ForEach(material => material.Bind());
var postProcessLayer = camera.GetComponent<PostProcessLayer>();
var hdCamera = HDCamera.Get(camera, postProcessLayer);
PushGlobalParams(hdCamera, cmd, sssSettings);
var additionalCameraData = camera.GetComponent<HDAdditionalCameraData>();
if (additionalCameraData && additionalCameraData.renderingPath == RenderingPathHDRP.Unlit)
// TODO: Add another path dedicated to planar reflection / real time cubemap that implement simpler lighting
// It is up to the users to only send unlit object for this camera path
// TODO: Find a correct place to bind these material textures
// We have to bind the material specific global parameters in this mode
m_MaterialList.ForEach(material => material.Bind());
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Forward", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.Forward)))
var additionalCameraData = camera.GetComponent<HDAdditionalCameraData>();
if (additionalCameraData && additionalCameraData.renderingPath == RenderingPathHDRP.Unlit)
CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT, ClearFlag.Color | ClearFlag.Depth);
RenderOpaqueRenderList(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, HDShaderPassNames.s_ForwardName);
RenderTransparentRenderList(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, HDShaderPassNames.s_ForwardName, false);
// TODO: Add another path dedicated to planar reflection / real time cubemap that implement simpler lighting
// It is up to the users to only send unlit object for this camera path
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Forward", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.Forward)))
CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT, ClearFlag.Color | ClearFlag.Depth);
RenderOpaqueRenderList(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, HDShaderPassNames.s_ForwardName);
RenderTransparentRenderList(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, HDShaderPassNames.s_ForwardName, false);
// Note: Legacy Unity behave like this for ShadowMask
// When you select ShadowMask in Lighting panel it recompile shaders on the fly with the SHADOW_MASK keyword.
// However there is no C# function that we can query to know what mode have been select in Lighting Panel and it will be wrong anyway. Lighting Panel setup what will be the next bake mode. But until light is bake, it is wrong.
// Currently to know if you need shadow mask you need to go through all visible lights (of CullResult), check the LightBakingOutput struct and look at lightmapBakeType/mixedLightingMode. If one light have shadow mask bake mode, then you need shadow mask features (i.e extra Gbuffer).
// It mean that when we build a standalone player, if we detect a light with bake shadow mask, we generate all shader variant (with and without shadow mask) and at runtime, when a bake shadow mask light is visible, we dynamically allocate an extra GBuffer and switch the shader.
// So the first thing to do is to go through all the light: PrepareLightsForGPU
bool enableBakeShadowMask;
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "TP_PrepareLightsForGPU", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.TPPrepareLightsForGPU)))
enableBakeShadowMask = m_LightLoop.PrepareLightsForGPU(m_ShadowSettings, m_CullResults, camera);
ConfigureForShadowMask(enableBakeShadowMask, cmd);
InitAndClearBuffer(hdCamera, enableBakeShadowMask, cmd);
// Note: Legacy Unity behave like this for ShadowMask
// When you select ShadowMask in Lighting panel it recompile shaders on the fly with the SHADOW_MASK keyword.
// However there is no C# function that we can query to know what mode have been select in Lighting Panel and it will be wrong anyway. Lighting Panel setup what will be the next bake mode. But until light is bake, it is wrong.
// Currently to know if you need shadow mask you need to go through all visible lights (of CullResult), check the LightBakingOutput struct and look at lightmapBakeType/mixedLightingMode. If one light have shadow mask bake mode, then you need shadow mask features (i.e extra Gbuffer).
// It mean that when we build a standalone player, if we detect a light with bake shadow mask, we generate all shader variant (with and without shadow mask) and at runtime, when a bake shadow mask light is visible, we dynamically allocate an extra GBuffer and switch the shader.
// So the first thing to do is to go through all the light: PrepareLightsForGPU
bool enableBakeShadowMask;
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "TP_PrepareLightsForGPU", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.TPPrepareLightsForGPU)))
enableBakeShadowMask = m_LightLoop.PrepareLightsForGPU(m_ShadowSettings, m_CullResults, camera);
ConfigureForShadowMask(enableBakeShadowMask, cmd);
RenderDepthPrepass(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd);
InitAndClearBuffer(hdCamera, enableBakeShadowMask, cmd);
RenderGBuffer(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd);
RenderDepthPrepass(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd);
// In both forward and deferred, everything opaque should have been rendered at this point so we can safely copy the depth buffer for later processing.
RenderGBuffer(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd);
RenderPyramidDepth(camera, cmd, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.DepthPyramid);
// In both forward and deferred, everything opaque should have been rendered at this point so we can safely copy the depth buffer for later processing.
// Required for the SSS and the shader feature classification pass.
RenderPyramidDepth(camera, cmd, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.DepthPyramid);
if (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.IsDebugMaterialDisplayEnabled())
RenderDebugViewMaterial(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Render SSAO", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.RenderSSAO)))
// TODO: Everything here (SSAO, Shadow, Build light list, deferred shadow, material and light classification can be parallelize with Async compute)
RenderSSAO(cmd, camera, renderContext, postProcessLayer);
// Required for the SSS and the shader feature classification pass.
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Render shadows", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.RenderShadows)))
if (m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.IsDebugMaterialDisplayEnabled())
m_LightLoop.RenderShadows(renderContext, cmd, m_CullResults);
// TODO: check if statement below still apply
renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera); // Need to recall SetupCameraProperties after RenderShadows as it modify our view/proj matrix
RenderDebugViewMaterial(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Deferred directional shadows", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow)))
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_DeferredShadowBuffer, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear, 1, true);
m_LightLoop.RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow(hdCamera, m_DeferredShadowBufferRT, GetDepthTexture(), cmd);
PushFullScreenDebugTexture(cmd, m_DeferredShadowBuffer, hdCamera.camera, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.DeferredShadows);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Render SSAO", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.RenderSSAO)))
// TODO: Everything here (SSAO, Shadow, Build light list, deferred shadow, material and light classification can be parallelize with Async compute)
RenderSSAO(cmd, camera, renderContext, postProcessLayer);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Build Light list", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.BuildLightList)))
m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, cmd, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT, GetStencilTexture());
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Render shadows", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.RenderShadows)))
m_LightLoop.RenderShadows(renderContext, cmd, m_CullResults);
// TODO: check if statement below still apply
renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera); // Need to recall SetupCameraProperties after RenderShadows as it modify our view/proj matrix
// Don't update the sky environment if we are rendering a cubemap (it should be update already)
if (camera.cameraType != CameraType.Reflection)
// Caution: We require sun light here as some sky use the sun light to render, mean UpdateSkyEnvironment
// must be call after BuildGPULightLists.
// TODO: Try to arrange code so we can trigger this call earlier and use async compute here to run sky convolution during other passes (once we move convolution shader to compute).
UpdateSkyEnvironment(hdCamera, cmd);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Deferred directional shadows", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow)))
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_DeferredShadowBuffer, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear, 1, true);
m_LightLoop.RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow(hdCamera, m_DeferredShadowBufferRT, GetDepthTexture(), cmd);
PushFullScreenDebugTexture(cmd, m_DeferredShadowBuffer, hdCamera.camera, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.DeferredShadows);
RenderDeferredLighting(hdCamera, cmd);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Build Light list", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.BuildLightList)))
m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, cmd, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT, GetStencilTexture());
// We compute subsurface scattering here. Therefore, no objects rendered afterwards will exhibit SSS.
// Currently, there is no efficient way to switch between SRT and MRT for the forward pass;
// therefore, forward-rendered objects do not output split lighting required for the SSS pass.
SubsurfaceScatteringPass(hdCamera, cmd, sssSettings);
// Don't update the sky environment if we are rendering a cubemap (it should be update already)
if (camera.cameraType != CameraType.Reflection)
// Caution: We require sun light here as some sky use the sun light to render, mean UpdateSkyEnvironment
// must be call after BuildGPULightLists.
// TODO: Try to arrange code so we can trigger this call earlier and use async compute here to run sky convolution during other passes (once we move convolution shader to compute).
UpdateSkyEnvironment(hdCamera, cmd);
RenderForward(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Opaque);
RenderForwardError(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Opaque);
RenderDeferredLighting(hdCamera, cmd);
RenderSky(hdCamera, cmd);
// We compute subsurface scattering here. Therefore, no objects rendered afterwards will exhibit SSS.
// Currently, there is no efficient way to switch between SRT and MRT for the forward pass;
// therefore, forward-rendered objects do not output split lighting required for the SSS pass.
SubsurfaceScatteringPass(hdCamera, cmd, sssSettings);
// Render pre refraction objects
RenderForward(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.PreRefraction);
RenderForwardError(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.PreRefraction);
RenderForward(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Opaque);
RenderForwardError(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Opaque);
RenderGaussianPyramidColor(camera, cmd, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.PreRefractionColorPyramid);
RenderSky(hdCamera, cmd);
// Render all type of transparent forward (unlit, lit, complex (hair...)) to keep the sorting between transparent objects.
RenderForward(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Transparent);
RenderForwardError(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Transparent);
// Render pre refraction objects
RenderForward(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.PreRefraction);
RenderForwardError(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.PreRefraction);
PushFullScreenDebugTexture(cmd, m_CameraColorBuffer, camera, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.NanTracker);
RenderGaussianPyramidColor(camera, cmd, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.PreRefractionColorPyramid);
// Planar and real time cubemap doesn't need post process and render in FP16
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Reflection)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Blit to final RT", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.BlitToFinalRT)))
// Render all type of transparent forward (unlit, lit, complex (hair...)) to keep the sorting between transparent objects.
RenderForward(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Transparent);
RenderForwardError(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Transparent);
PushFullScreenDebugTexture(cmd, m_CameraColorBuffer, camera, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.NanTracker);
// Planar and real time cubemap doesn't need post process and render in FP16
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.Reflection)
// Simple blit
cmd.Blit(m_CameraColorBufferRT, BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget);
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Blit to final RT", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.BlitToFinalRT)))
// Simple blit
cmd.Blit(m_CameraColorBufferRT, BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget);
RenderVelocity(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd); // Note we may have to render velocity earlier if we do temporalAO, temporal volumetric etc... Mean we will not take into account forward opaque in case of deferred rendering ?
RenderVelocity(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd); // Note we may have to render velocity earlier if we do temporalAO, temporal volumetric etc... Mean we will not take into account forward opaque in case of deferred rendering ?
RenderGaussianPyramidColor(camera, cmd, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.FinalColorPyramid);
RenderGaussianPyramidColor(camera, cmd, renderContext, FullScreenDebugMode.FinalColorPyramid);
// TODO: Check with VFX team.
// Rendering distortion here have off course lot of artifact.
// But resolving at each objects that write in distortion is not possible (need to sort transparent, render those that do not distort, then resolve, then etc...)
// Instead we chose to apply distortion at the end after we cumulate distortion vector and desired blurriness.
AccumulateDistortion(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd);
RenderDistortion(cmd, m_Asset.renderPipelineResources);
// TODO: Check with VFX team.
// Rendering distortion here have off course lot of artifact.
// But resolving at each objects that write in distortion is not possible (need to sort transparent, render those that do not distort, then resolve, then etc...)
// Instead we chose to apply distortion at the end after we cumulate distortion vector and desired blurriness.
AccumulateDistortion(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd);
RenderDistortion(cmd, m_Asset.renderPipelineResources);
RenderPostProcesses(camera, cmd, postProcessLayer);
RenderPostProcesses(camera, cmd, postProcessLayer);
RenderDebug(hdCamera, cmd);
RenderDebug(hdCamera, cmd);
// bind depth surface for editor grid/gizmo/selection rendering
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
cmd.SetRenderTarget(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT);
// bind depth surface for editor grid/gizmo/selection rendering
if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView)
cmd.SetRenderTarget(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT);
