
Miss a lot of file...

Don't know if I have done shit due to late hour or if I get in space for
a moment and haven't see file change...
Sebastien Lagarde 8 年前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 80 次插入41 次删除
  1. 1
  2. 9
  3. 110
  4. 1


RenderDeferredLighting(camera, renderLoop);
// RenderForward(cullResults, camera, renderLoop);


// TODO: Think about how to apply Disney diffuse preconvolve on indirect diffuse => must be done during GBuffer layout! Else emissive will be fucked...
// That's mean we need to read DFG texture during Gbuffer...
void ForwardLighting( float3 V, float3 positionWS, BSDFData material,
void ForwardLighting( float3 V, float3 positionWS, BSDFData bsdfData,
out float4 diffuseLighting,
out float4 specularLighting)

float4 localDiffuseLighting;
float4 localSpecularLighting;
EvaluateBSDF_Punctual(V, positionWS, g_punctualLightList[i], material, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting);
EvaluateBSDF_Punctual(V, positionWS, g_punctualLightList[i], bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting);
diffuseLighting += localDiffuseLighting;
specularLighting += localSpecularLighting;

float4 localDiffuseLighting;
float4 localSpecularLighting;
EvaluateBSDF_Area(V, positionWS, areaLightData[i], material, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting);
EvaluateBSDF_Area(V, positionWS, areaLightData[i], bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting);
// Add GI
diffuseLighting.rgb += bsdfData.diffuseLightingAndEmissive;


// Main structure that store the user data (i.e user input of master node in material graph)
struct SurfaceData
// TODO: define what is the best parametrization for artsits, seems that metal smoothness is the winner, but would like at add back a specular parameter.
// Bonus, if we store as specular color we can define a liner specular 0..1 mapping 2% to 20%
float occlusion;
float matData0;
float3 specularColor;
float smoothness;
float3 specularColor; // Should be YCbCr but need to validate that it is fine first! MEan have reflection probe
float SpecularOcclusion;
//float matData1;
float3 normal; // normal in world space
float3 normalWS;
float perceptualSmoothness;
float materialId;
float ambientOcclusion;
float3 baked;
float3 diffuseLighting;
float emissiveIntensity;
float emissiveIntensity;
float occlusion;
float matData0;
float3 fresnel0;
float3 fresnel0; // Should be YCbCr but need to validate that it is fine first! MEan have reflection probe
float SpecularOcclusion;
//float matData1;
float3 normalWS;
float materialId;
float3 normalWS;
float roughness;
float roughness;
float3 bakedAndEmissive;
float3 diffuseLightingAndEmissive;

BSDFData output;
output.diffuseColor = data.diffuseColor;
output.occlusion = data.occlusion;
output.matData0 = data.matData0;
output.fresnel0 = data.specularColor;
output.perceptualRoughness = SmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(data.smoothness);
output.fresnel0 = data.specularColor;
output.SpecularOcclusion = data.SpecularOcclusion;
//output.matData1 = data.matData1;
output.normalWS = data.normalWS;
output.perceptualRoughness = PerceptualSmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(data.perceptualSmoothness);
output.materialId = data.materialId;
output.normalWS = data.normal;
output.bakedAndEmissive = data.baked + data.emissiveColor * data.emissiveIntensity;
output.diffuseLightingAndEmissive = data.diffuseLighting * data.ambientOcclusion * data.diffuseColor + data.emissiveColor * data.emissiveIntensity;
// Packing function specific to this surfaceData
float PackMaterialId(int materialId)
return float(materialId) / 3.0;
int UnpackMaterialId(float f)
return int(round(f * 3.0));
// RT0: diffuse color (rgb), occlusion (a) - sRGB rendertarget
outGBuffer0 = float4(data.diffuseColor, data.occlusion);
// RT0 - 8:8:8:8 sRGB
outGBuffer0 = float4(data.diffuseColor, data.matData0);
// RT1: spec color (rgb), perceptual roughness (a) - sRGB rendertarget
outGBuffer1 = float4(data.specularColor, SmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(data.smoothness));
// RT1 - 8:8:8:8:
outGBuffer1 = float4(data.specularColor, data.SpecularOcclusion /*, data.matData1 */);
// RT2: normal (rgb), --unused, very low precision-- (a)
outGBuffer2 = float4(PackNormalCartesian(data.normal), 1.0f);
// RT2 - 10:10:10:2
// Encode normal on 20bit with oct compression
float2 octNormal = PackNormalOctEncode(data.normalWS);
// We store perceptualRoughness instead of roughness because it save a sqrt ALU when decoding
// (as we want both perceptualRoughness and roughness for the lighting due to Disney Diffuse model)
outGBuffer2 = float4(octNormal * 0.5 + 0.5, PerceptualSmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(data.perceptualSmoothness), PackMaterialId(data.materialId));
// RT3: 11, 11, 10 float
outGBuffer3 = float4(data.baked + data.emissiveColor * data.emissiveIntensity, 0.0f);
// RT3 - 11:11:10 float
outGBuffer3 = float4(data.diffuseLighting * data.ambientOcclusion * data.diffuseColor + data.emissiveColor * data.emissiveIntensity, 0.0f);
// This decode the Gbuffer in a BSDFData struct

bsdfData.diffuseColor = inGBuffer0.rgb;
bsdfData.occlusion = inGBuffer0.a;
bsdfData.matData0 = inGBuffer0.a;
bsdfData.perceptualRoughness = inGBuffer1.a;
bsdfData.SpecularOcclusion = inGBuffer1.a;
// bsdfData.matData1 = ?;
bsdfData.normalWS = UnpackNormalOctEncode(float2(inGBuffer2.r * 2.0 - 1.0, inGBuffer2.g * 2 - 1));
bsdfData.perceptualRoughness = inGBuffer2.b;
bsdfData.materialId = UnpackMaterialId(inGBuffer2.a);
bsdfData.normalWS = UnpackNormalCartesian(inGBuffer2.rgb);
bsdfData.bakedAndEmissive = inGBuffer3.rgb;
bsdfData.diffuseLightingAndEmissive = inGBuffer3.rgb;
return bsdfData;

void EvaluateBSDF_Punctual( float3 V, float3 positionWS, PunctualLightData light, BSDFData material,
void EvaluateBSDF_Punctual( float3 V, float3 positionWS, PunctualLightData light, BSDFData bsdfData,
out float4 diffuseLighting,
out float4 specularLighting)

float attenuation = GetDistanceAttenuation(unL, light.invSqrAttenuationRadius);
attenuation *= GetAngleAttenuation(L, light.forward, light.angleScale, light.angleOffset);
float illuminance = saturate(dot(material.normalWS, L)) * attenuation;
float illuminance = saturate(dot(bsdfData.normalWS, L)) * attenuation;
diffuseLighting = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
specularLighting = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

float NdotV = abs(dot(material.normalWS, V)) + 1e-5f; // TODO: check Eric idea about doing that when writting into the GBuffer (with our forward decal)
float NdotV = abs(dot(bsdfData.normalWS, V)) + 1e-5f; // TODO: check Eric idea about doing that when writting into the GBuffer (with our forward decal)
float NdotH = saturate(dot(material.normalWS, H));
float NdotL = saturate(dot(material.normalWS, L));
float3 F = F_Schlick(material.fresnel0, LdotH);
float Vis = V_SmithJointGGX(NdotL, NdotV, material.roughness);
float D = D_GGX(NdotH, material.roughness);
float NdotH = saturate(dot(bsdfData.normalWS, H));
float NdotL = saturate(dot(bsdfData.normalWS, L));
float3 F = F_Schlick(bsdfData.fresnel0, LdotH);
float Vis = V_SmithJointGGX(NdotL, NdotV, bsdfData.roughness);
float D = D_GGX(NdotH, bsdfData.roughness);
float disneyDiffuse = DisneyDiffuse(NdotV, NdotL, LdotH, material.perceptualRoughness);
diffuseLighting.rgb = material.diffuseColor * disneyDiffuse;
float disneyDiffuse = DisneyDiffuse(NdotV, NdotL, LdotH, bsdfData.perceptualRoughness);
diffuseLighting.rgb = bsdfData.diffuseColor * disneyDiffuse;
diffuseLighting.rgb *= light.color * illuminance;
specularLighting.rgb *= light.color * illuminance;


float3 n = float3(f.x, f.y, 1.0 - abs(f.x) - abs(f.y));
float2 val = 1.0 - abs(n.yx);
n.xy = (n.zz < float2(0.0, 0.0) ? (n.xy >= 0.0 ? val : -val) : n.xy);
return normalize(n);
