public enum CustomSamplerId
PushGlobal_Parameters ,
Copy_SetDepthBuffer ,
Copydepth_stencilbuffer ,
Copy_StencilBuffer ,
Forward ,
Build_Light_list_and_render_shadows ,
Blit_to_final_RT ,
Distortion ,
ApplyDistortion ,
Depth_Prepass ,
GBuffer ,
DisplayDebug_ViewMaterial ,
DebugViewMaterialGBuffer ,
Blit_DebugView_Material_Debug ,
Subsurface_Scattering ,
ForwardPassName ,
Forward_Transparent_Depth_Prepass ,
Render_Forward_Error ,
Velocity ,
Gaussian_Pyramid_Color ,
Pyramid_Depth ,
Post_processing ,
Render_Debug ,
InitAndClearBuffer ,
InitGBuffers_and_clear_Depth_Stencil ,
Clear_SSS_diffuse_target ,
Clear_SSS_filtering_target ,
Clear_stencil_texture ,
Clear_HTile ,
Clear_HDR_target ,
Clear_GBuffer ,
HDRenderPipeline_Render ,
CullResults_Cull ,
TP_PrepareLightsForGPU ,
TP_Push_Global_Parameters ,
TP_Tiled_Lighting_Debug ,
TP_Deferred_Directional ,
TP_m_TileSettings_enableTileAndCluster ,
TP_Forward_pass ,
TP_Forward_Tiled_Cluster_pass ,
TP_Display_Shadows ,
TP_RenderDeferredLighting ,
static readonly string [ ] k_ForwardPassDebugName =
"Forward Opaque Debug Display" ,
RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraStencilBufferCopyRT ;
RenderTargetIdentifier m_HTileRT ;
static CustomSampler [ ] m_samplers = new CustomSampler [ ( int ) CustomSamplerId . Max ] ;
static CustomSampler [ ] m_samplers = new CustomSampler [ ( int ) CustomSamplerId . Max ] ;
// The pass "SRPDefaultUnlit" is a fall back to legacy unlit rendering and is required to support unity 2d + unity UI that render in the scene.
ShaderPassName [ ] m_ForwardAndForwardOnlyPassNames = { new ShaderPassName ( ) , new ShaderPassName ( ) , HDShaderPassNames . s_SRPDefaultUnlitName } ;
CommonSettings . Settings m_CommonSettings = CommonSettings . Settings . s_Defaultsettings ;
SkySettings m_SkySettings = null ;
static public CustomSampler GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId id )
static public CustomSampler GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId id )
return m_samplers [ ( int ) id ] ;
// Init all samplers
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) CustomSamplerId . Max ; i + + )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) CustomSamplerId . Max ; i + + )
m_samplers [ i ] = CustomSampler . Create ( "C#_" + id . ToString ( ) ) ;
m_samplers [ i ] = CustomSampler . Create ( "C#_" + id . ToString ( ) ) ;
InitializeRenderStateBlocks ( ) ;
public void PushGlobalParams ( HDCamera hdCamera , CommandBuffer cmd , SubsurfaceScatteringSettings sssParameters )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Push Global Parameters" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . PushGlobal_ Parameters ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Push Global Parameters" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . PushGlobalParameters ) ) )
hdCamera . SetupGlobalParams ( cmd ) ;
void CopyDepthBufferIfNeeded ( CommandBuffer cmd )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , NeedDepthBufferCopy ( ) ? "Copy DepthBuffer" : "Set DepthBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Copy_ SetDepthBuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , NeedDepthBufferCopy ( ) ? "Copy DepthBuffer" : "Set DepthBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . CopySetDepthBuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Copy depth-stencil buffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Copydepth_s tencilbuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Copy depth-stencil buffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . CopyDepthS tencilbuffer ) ) )
cmd . CopyTexture ( m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT , m_CameraDepthBufferCopyRT ) ;
if ( NeedStencilBufferCopy ( ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Copy StencilBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Copy_ StencilBuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Copy StencilBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . CopyStencilBuffer ) ) )
cmd . SetRandomWriteTarget ( 1 , GetHTile ( ) ) ;
// Our method of exporting the stencil requires one pass per unique stencil value.
// This is the main command buffer used for the frame.
var cmd = CommandBufferPool . Get ( "" ) ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "HDRenderPipeline::Render" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . HDRenderPipeline_ Render ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "HDRenderPipeline::Render" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . HDRenderPipelineRender ) ) )
base . Render ( renderContext , cameras ) ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "CullResults.Cull" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . CullResults_ Cull ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "CullResults.Cull" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . CullResultsCull ) ) )
CullResults . Cull ( ref cullingParams , renderContext , ref m_CullResults ) ;
// It mean that when we build a standalone player, if we detect a light with bake shadow mask, we generate all shader variant (with and without shadow mask) and at runtime, when a bake shadow mask light is visible, we dynamically allocate an extra GBuffer and switch the shader.
// So the first thing to do is to go through all the light: PrepareLightsForGPU
bool enableBakeShadowMask ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "TP_PrepareLightsForGPU" , HDRenderPipeline . GetSampler ( HDRenderPipeline . CustomSamplerId . TP_ PrepareLightsForGPU ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "TP_PrepareLightsForGPU" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . TPPrepareLightsForGPU ) ) )
enableBakeShadowMask = m_LightLoop . PrepareLightsForGPU ( m_ShadowSettings , m_CullResults , camera ) ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Build Light list and render shadows" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Build_Light_list_and_render_shadows ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Render SSAO" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . RenderSSAO ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Render shadows" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . RenderShadows ) ) )
// TODO: check if statement below still apply
renderContext . SetupCameraProperties ( camera ) ; // Need to recall SetupCameraProperties after RenderShadows as it modify our view/proj matrix
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( m_DeferredShadowBuffer , camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight , 0 , FilterMode . Point , RenderTextureFormat . ARGB32 , RenderTextureReadWrite . Linear , 1 , true ) ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Deferred directional shadows" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow ) ) )
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( m_DeferredShadowBuffer , camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight , 0 , FilterMode . Point , RenderTextureFormat . ARGB32 , RenderTextureReadWrite . Linear , 1 , true ) ;
renderContext . SetupCameraProperties ( camera ) ; // Need to recall SetupCameraProperties after m_ShadowPass.Render
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Build Light list" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . BuildLightList ) ) )
m_LightLoop . BuildGPULightLists ( camera , cmd , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT , GetStencilTexture ( ) ) ;
// Planar and real time cubemap doesn't need post process and render in FP16
if ( camera . cameraType = = CameraType . Reflection )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Blit to final RT" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Blit_to_final_ RT ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Blit to final RT" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . BlitToFinal RT ) ) )
// Simple blit
cmd . Blit ( m_CameraColorBufferRT , BuiltinRenderTextureType . CameraTarget ) ;
if ( ! m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings . renderingDebugSettings . enableDistortion )
return ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Distortion" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Distortion ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Distortion" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Distortion ) ) )
int w = camera . pixelWidth ;
int h = camera . pixelHeight ;
void RenderDistortion ( CommandBuffer cmd , RenderPipelineResources resources )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "ApplyDistortion" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ApplyDistortion ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "ApplyDistortion" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ApplyDistortion ) ) )
var size = new Vector4 ( m_CurrentWidth , m_CurrentHeight , 1f / m_CurrentWidth , 1f / m_CurrentHeight ) ;
uint x , y , z ;
bool addFullDepthPrepass = m_Asset . renderingSettings . ShouldUseForwardRenderingOnly ( ) | | m_Asset . renderingSettings . useDepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering ;
bool addAlphaTestedOnly = ! m_Asset . renderingSettings . ShouldUseForwardRenderingOnly ( ) & & m_Asset . renderingSettings . useDepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering & & m_Asset . renderingSettings . renderAlphaTestOnlyInDeferredPrepass ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , addAlphaTestedOnly ? "Depth Prepass alpha test" : "Depth Prepass" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Depth_ Prepass ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , addAlphaTestedOnly ? "Depth Prepass alpha test" : "Depth Prepass" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . DepthPrepass ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ) ;
if ( addFullDepthPrepass & & ! addAlphaTestedOnly ) // Always true in case of forward rendering, use in case of deferred rendering if requesting a full depth prepass
if ( m_Asset . renderingSettings . ShouldUseForwardRenderingOnly ( ) )
return ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings . IsDebugDisplayEnabled ( ) ? "GBufferDebugDisplay" : "GBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . GBuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings . IsDebugDisplayEnabled ( ) ? "GBufferDebugDisplay" : "GBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . GBuffer ) ) )
// setup GBuffer for rendering
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_GbufferManager . GetGBuffers ( ) , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ) ;
void RenderDebugViewMaterial ( CullResults cull , HDCamera hdCamera , ScriptableRenderContext renderContext , CommandBuffer cmd )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "DisplayDebug ViewMaterial" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . DisplayDebug_ ViewMaterial ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "DisplayDebug ViewMaterial" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . DisplayDebugViewMaterial ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "DebugViewMaterialGBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . DebugViewMaterialGBuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "DebugViewMaterialGBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . DebugViewMaterialGBuffer ) ) )
CoreUtils . DrawFullScreen ( cmd , m_currentDebugViewMaterialGBuffer , m_CameraColorBufferRT ) ;
// Last blit
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Blit DebugView Material Debug" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Blit_ DebugView_ Material_ Debug ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Blit DebugView Material Debug" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . BlitDebugViewMaterialDebug ) ) )
cmd . Blit ( m_CameraColorBufferRT , BuiltinRenderTextureType . CameraTarget ) ;
return ;
// No AO applied - neutral is black, see the comment in the shaders
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( HDShaderIDs . _AmbientOcclusionTexture , RuntimeUtilities . blackTexture ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVector ( HDShaderIDs . _AmbientOcclusionParam , Vector4 . zero ) ;
if ( ! m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings . renderingDebugSettings . enableSSSAndTransmission | | m_Asset . renderingSettings . ShouldUseForwardRenderingOnly ( ) )
return ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Subsurface Scattering" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Subsurface_Scattering ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Subsurface Scattering" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . SubsurfaceScattering ) ) )
// TODO: Remove this once fix, see comment inside the function
hdCamera . SetupComputeShader ( m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS , cmd ) ;
cmd . SetComputeIntParam ( m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS , HDShaderIDs . _TexturingModeFlags , sssParameters . texturingModeFlags ) ;
cmd . SetComputeVectorArrayParam ( m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS , HDShaderIDs . _WorldScales , sssParameters . worldScales ) ;
cmd . SetComputeVectorArrayParam ( m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS , HDShaderIDs . _FilterKernels , sssParameters . filterKernels ) ;
profileName = k_ForwardPassName [ ( int ) pass ] ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , profileName , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ForwardPassName ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , profileName , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ForwardPassName ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_CameraColorBufferRT , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ) ;
void RenderTransparentDepthPrepass ( CullResults cullResults , Camera camera , ScriptableRenderContext renderContext , CommandBuffer cmd )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Forward Transparent Depth Prepass" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Forward_ Transparent_ Depth_ Prepass ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Forward Transparent Depth Prepass" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ForwardTransparentDepthPrepass ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ) ;
RenderTransparentRenderList ( cullResults , camera , renderContext , cmd , HDShaderPassNames . s_TransparentDepthPrepassName , preRefractionQueue : true ) ;
[Conditional("DEVELOPMENT_BUILD"), Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")]
void RenderForwardError ( CullResults cullResults , Camera camera , ScriptableRenderContext renderContext , CommandBuffer cmd , ForwardPass pass )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Render Forward Error" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Render_ Forward_ Error ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Render Forward Error" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . RenderForwardError ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_CameraColorBufferRT , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ) ;
void RenderVelocity ( CullResults cullResults , HDCamera hdcam , ScriptableRenderContext renderContext , CommandBuffer cmd )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Velocity" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Velocity ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Velocity" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Velocity ) ) )
// If opaque velocity have been render during GBuffer no need to render it here
// TODO: Currently we can't render velocity vector into GBuffer, neither during forward pass (in case of forward opaque), so it is always a separate pass
if ( ! m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings . renderingDebugSettings . enableGaussianPyramid )
return ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Gaussian Pyramid Color" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Gaussian_ Pyramid_ Color ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Gaussian Pyramid Color" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . GaussianPyramidColor ) ) )
int w = camera . pixelWidth ;
int h = camera . pixelHeight ;
if ( ! m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings . renderingDebugSettings . enableGaussianPyramid )
return ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Pyramid Depth" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Pyramid_ Depth ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Pyramid Depth" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . PyramidDepth ) ) )
int w = camera . pixelWidth ;
int h = camera . pixelHeight ;
void RenderPostProcesses ( Camera camera , CommandBuffer cmd , PostProcessLayer layer )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Post-processing" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Post_p rocessing ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Post-processing" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . PostP rocessing ) ) )
if ( CoreUtils . IsPostProcessingActive ( layer ) )
if ( camera . camera . cameraType = = CameraType . Reflection | | camera . camera . cameraType = = CameraType . Preview )
return ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Render Debug" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Render_ Debug ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Render Debug" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . RenderDebug ) ) )
// We make sure the depth buffer is bound because we need it to write depth at near plane for overlays otherwise the editor grid end up visible in them.
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , BuiltinRenderTextureType . CameraTarget , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ) ;
void InitAndClearBuffer ( HDCamera camera , bool enableBakeShadowMask , CommandBuffer cmd )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "InitAndClearBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . InitAndClearBuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "InitAndClearBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . InitAndClearBuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "InitGBuffers and clear Depth/Stencil" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . InitGBuffers_and_clear_Depth_ Stencil ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "InitGBuffers and clear Depth/Stencil" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . InitGBuffersAndClearDepth Stencil ) ) )
// Init buffer
// With scriptable render loop we must allocate ourself depth and color buffer (We must be independent of backbuffer for now, hope to fix that later).
// Clear the diffuse SSS lighting target
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear SSS diffuse target" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Clear_SSS_diffuse_t arget ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear SSS diffuse target" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ClearSSSDiffuseT arget ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_CameraSssDiffuseLightingBufferRT , ClearFlag . Color , CoreUtils . clearColorAllBlack ) ;
// Clear the SSS filtering target
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear SSS filtering target" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Clear_SSS_filtering_t arget ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear SSS filtering target" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ClearSSSFilteringT arget ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_CameraFilteringBuffer , ClearFlag . Color , CoreUtils . clearColorAllBlack ) ;
if ( NeedStencilBufferCopy ( ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear stencil texture" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Clear_stencil_t exture ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear stencil texture" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ClearStencilT exture ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_CameraStencilBufferCopyRT , ClearFlag . Color , CoreUtils . clearColorAllBlack ) ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear HTile" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Clear_ HTile ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear HTile" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ClearHTile ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_HTileRT , ClearFlag . Color , CoreUtils . clearColorAllBlack ) ;
// Clear the HDR target
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear HDR target" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Clear_HDR_t arget ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear HDR target" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ClearHDRT arget ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_CameraColorBufferRT , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT , ClearFlag . Color , CoreUtils . clearColorAllBlack ) ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear GBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . Clear_ GBuffer ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Clear GBuffer" , GetSampler ( CustomSamplerId . ClearGBuffer ) ) )
CoreUtils . SetRenderTarget ( cmd , m_GbufferManager . GetGBuffers ( ) , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT , ClearFlag . Color , CoreUtils . clearColorAllBlack ) ;