lightData . lightType = gpuLightType ;
lightData . disableContactShadow = 1 ;
lightData . contactShadowIndex = - 1 ;
lightData . positionWS = light . light . transform . position ;
// Setting 0 for invSqrAttenuationRadius mean we have no range attenuation, but still have inverse square attenuation.
int lightCount = Math . Min ( cullResults . visibleLights . Count , k_MaxLightsOnScreen ) ;
var sortKeys = new uint [ lightCount ] ;
int sortCount = 0 ;
float biggestLight = 0 ;
int dominantLightDataIndex = 0 ;
for ( int lightIndex = 0 , numLights = cullResults . visibleLights . Count ; ( lightIndex < numLights ) & & ( sortCount < lightCount ) ; + + lightIndex )
// 2. Go through all lights, convert them to GPU format.
// Simultaneously create data for culling (LightVolumeData and SFiniteLightBound)
//TODO: move this upwards
float biggestLight = 0 ;
int dominantLightDataIndex = 0 ;
for ( int sortIndex = 0 ; sortIndex < sortCount ; + + sortIndex )
//Activate contact shadows on dominant light
if ( m_DominantLightIndex ! = - 1 )
m_DominantLightData . disableContactShadow = 0 ;
m_DominantLightData . contactShadowIndex = 0 ;
m_lightList . lights [ dominantLightDataIndex ] = m_DominantLightData ;
if ( ( m_CurrentSunLight = = null | | m_CurrentSunLight . GetComponent < AdditionalShadowData > ( ) = = null | | m_CurrentSunLightShadowIndex < 0 ) & & m_DominantLightIndex = = - 1 )
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( HDShaderIDs . _DeferredShadowTexture , RuntimeUtilities . black Texture) ;
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( HDShaderIDs . _DeferredShadowTexture , RuntimeUtilities . white Texture) ;
return ;