
Add node that 'just does' HLSL and can convert to shader node based on API.

Tim Cooper 7 年前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 628 次插入3 次删除
  1. 32
  2. 4
  3. 583
  4. 12


return false;
[Obsolete("Call new override", false)]
public static string ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(ConcreteSlotValueType slotValue)
switch (slotValue)

return "3x3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4:
return "4x4";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState:
case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState:
return "SamplerState";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Sampler2D:
return "sampler2D";
return "Error";
public static string ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(OutputPrecision p, ConcreteSlotValueType slotValue)
switch (slotValue)
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1:
return p.ToString();
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2:
return p + "2";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3:
return p + "3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4:
return p + "4";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D:
return "Texture2D";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2:
return "Matrix2x2";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3:
return "Matrix3x3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4:
return "Matrix4x4";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState:
return "SamplerState";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Sampler2D:
return "sampler2D";


private bool m_ShowValue;
public MaterialSlot() {}
public MaterialSlot(int slotId, string displayName, string shaderOutputName, SlotType slotType, SlotValueType valueType, Vector4 defaultValue)
: base(slotId, displayName, slotType)

if (matOwner == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Slot {0} either has no owner, or the owner is not a {1}", this, typeof(AbstractMaterialNode)));
visitor.AddShaderChunk(matOwner.precision + AbstractMaterialNode.ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(concreteValueType) + " " + matOwner.GetVariableNameForSlot(id) + ";", true);
visitor.AddShaderChunk(AbstractMaterialNode.ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(matOwner.precision, concreteValueType) + " " + matOwner.GetVariableNameForSlot(id) + ";", true);
public bool IsCompatibleWithInputSlotType(SlotValueType inputType)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using UnityEngine.Graphing;
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph
[Title("TEST/Add Node")]
public class SnippetAddNode : SimpleNode
protected override MethodInfo GetFunctionToConvert()
return GetType().GetMethod("Unity_Add", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
static void Unity_Add(out DynamicDimensionVector result, [Bind(BindChannel.MeshUV0)]DynamicDimensionVector first, DynamicDimensionVector second)
protected override string GetFunctionBody()
result = first + second;
[Title("TEST/POM Node")]
public class SnippetPOMNode : SimpleNode
protected override MethodInfo GetFunctionToConvert()
return GetType().GetMethod("Unity_POM", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
static void Unity_POM(
out Vector2 result,
Sampler2D tex,
ShaderSingle heightScale,
[Bind(BindChannel.MeshUV0)] Vector2 UVs,
[Bind(BindChannel.ViewDirectionTangentSpace)] Vector3 viewTangentSpace,
[Bind(BindChannel.Normal)] Vector3 worldSpaceNormal,
[Bind(BindChannel.ViewDirection)] Vector3 worldSpaceViewDirection)
result = Vector2.zero;
protected override string GetFunctionBody()
float2 height_map_dimensions = float2(256.0f, 256.0f); //HARDCODE
//height_map.tex.GetDimensions(height_map_dimensions.x, height_map_dimensions.y);
float2 texcoord= UVs;
// Compute the current gradients:
float2 texcoords_per_size = texcoord * height_map_dimensions;
// Compute all 4 derivatives in x and y in a single instruction to optimize:
float2 dx, dy;
float4 temp_ddx = ddx(float4(texcoords_per_size, texcoord));
dx.xy = temp_ddx.zw;
float4 temp_ddy = ddy(float4(texcoords_per_size, texcoord));
dy.xy = temp_ddy.zw;
// Start the current sample located at the input texture coordinate, which would correspond
// to computing a bump mapping result:
float2 result_texcoord = texcoord;
float height_scale_value = heightScale;
float height_scale_adjust = height_scale_value;
float per_pixel_height_scale_value = height_scale_value * heightScale;
// Parallax occlusion mapping offset computation
// Utilize dynamic flow control to change the number of samples per ray
// depending on the viewing angle for the surface. Oblique angles require
// smaller step sizes to achieve more accurate precision for computing displacement.
// We express the sampling rate as a linear function of the angle between
// the geometric normal and the view direction ray:
float max_samples = 30.0f;
float min_samples = 4.0f;
float view_dot_normal= dot(worldSpaceNormal, worldSpaceViewDirection);
int number_of_steps = (int)lerp(max_samples, min_samples, saturate(view_dot_normal));
// Intersect the view ray with the height field profile along the direction of
// the parallax offset ray (computed in the vertex shader. Note that the code is
// designed specifically to take advantage of the dynamic flow control constructs
// in HLSL and is very sensitive to specific syntax. When converting to other examples,
// if still want to use dynamic flow control in the resulting assembly shader,
// care must be applied.
// In the below steps we approximate the height field profile as piecewise linear
// curve. We find the pair of endpoints between which the intersection between the
// height field profile and the view ray is found and then compute line segment
// intersection for the view ray and the line segment formed by the two endpoints.
// This intersection is the displacement offset from the original texture coordinate.
// See the above SI3D 06 paper for more details about the process and derivation.
float current_height = 0.0;
float step_size = 1.0 / (float)number_of_steps;
float previous_height = 1.0;
float next_height = 0.0;
int step_index = 0;
// Optimization: this should move to vertex shader, however, we compute it here for simplicity of
// integration into our shaders for now.
float3 normalized_view_dir_in_tangent_space = normalize(viewTangentSpace.xyz);
// Compute initial parallax displacement direction:
float2 parallax_direction = normalize(viewTangentSpace.xy);
// The length of this vector determines the furthest amount of displacement:
float parallax_direction_length = length(normalized_view_dir_in_tangent_space);
float max_parallax_amount = sqrt(parallax_direction_length * parallax_direction_length - viewTangentSpace.z * viewTangentSpace.z) / viewTangentSpace.z;
// Compute the actual reverse parallax displacement vector:
float2 parallax_offset_in_tangent_space = parallax_direction * max_parallax_amount;
// Need to scale the amount of displacement to account for different height ranges
// in height maps. This is controlled by an artist-editable parameter:
parallax_offset_in_tangent_space *= saturate(heightScale);
float2 texcoord_offset_per_step = step_size * parallax_offset_in_tangent_space;
float2 current_texcoord_offset = texcoord;
float current_bound = 1.0;
float current_parallax_amount = 0.0;
float2 pt1 = 0;
float2 pt2 = 0;
float2 temp_texcoord_offset = 0;
while (step_index < number_of_steps)
current_texcoord_offset -= texcoord_offset_per_step;
// Sample height map which in this case is stored in the alpha channel of the normal map:
current_height = tex2Dgrad(tex, current_texcoord_offset, dx, dy).r;
current_bound -= step_size;
if (current_height > current_bound)
pt1 = float2(current_bound, current_height);
pt2 = float2(current_bound + step_size, previous_height);
temp_texcoord_offset = current_texcoord_offset - texcoord_offset_per_step;
step_index = number_of_steps + 1;
previous_height = current_height;
} // End of while ( step_index < number_of_steps)
float delta2 = pt2.x - pt2.y;
float delta1 = pt1.x - pt1.y;
float denominator = delta2 - delta1;
// SM 3.0 and above requires a check for divide by zero since that operation
// will generate an 'Inf' number instead of 0
if (denominator== 0.0f)
current_parallax_amount= 0.0f;
current_parallax_amount= (pt1.x* delta2 - pt2.x* delta1) / denominator;
float2 parallax_offset = parallax_offset_in_tangent_space * (1.0f - current_parallax_amount);
// The computed texture offset for the displaced point on the pseudo-extruded surface:
float2 parallaxed_texcoord = texcoord - parallax_offset;
result = parallaxed_texcoord;
public abstract class SimpleNode : AbstractMaterialNode
, IGeneratesBodyCode
, IGeneratesFunction
, IMayRequireNormal
, IMayRequireTangent
, IMayRequireBitangent
, IMayRequireMeshUV
, IMayRequireScreenPosition
, IMayRequireViewDirection
, IMayRequireWorldPosition
, IMayRequireVertexColor
, IMayRequireViewDirectionTangentSpace
private List<KeyValuePair<int, ParameterInfo>> m_ParamMap = new List<KeyValuePair<int, ParameterInfo>>();
public override bool hasPreview
get { return true; }
public SimpleNode()
protected struct ShaderSingle
protected struct Texture2D
protected struct Sampler2D
protected struct SamplerState
protected struct DynamicDimensionVector
protected enum BindChannel
private static string BindChannelToShaderName(BindChannel channel)
switch (channel)
case BindChannel.None:
return "ERROR!";
case BindChannel.Normal:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.WorldSpaceNormal;
case BindChannel.Tangent:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.WorldSpaceTangent;
case BindChannel.Bitangent:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.WorldSpaceBitangent;
case BindChannel.MeshUV0:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.GetUVName(UVChannel.uv0);
case BindChannel.MeshUV1:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.GetUVName(UVChannel.uv1);
case BindChannel.MeshUV2:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.GetUVName(UVChannel.uv2);
case BindChannel.MeshUV3:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.GetUVName(UVChannel.uv3);
case BindChannel.ScreenPosition:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.ScreenPosition;
case BindChannel.ViewDirection:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.WorldSpaceViewDirection;
case BindChannel.WorldPosition:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.WorldSpacePosition;
case BindChannel.VertexColor:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.VertexColor;
case BindChannel.ViewDirectionTangentSpace:
return ShaderGeneratorNames.TangentSpaceViewDirection;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("channel", channel, null);
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)]
protected class BindAttribute : Attribute
public BindChannel channel { get; private set; }
public BindAttribute(BindChannel mChannel)
channel = mChannel;
protected abstract MethodInfo GetFunctionToConvert();
private static SlotValueType ConvertTypeToSlotValueType(ParameterInfo p)
Type t = p.ParameterType;
if (p.ParameterType.IsByRef)
t = p.ParameterType.GetElementType();
if (t == typeof(ShaderSingle))
return SlotValueType.Vector1;
if (t == typeof(Vector2))
return SlotValueType.Vector2;
if (t == typeof(Vector3))
return SlotValueType.Vector3;
if (t == typeof(Vector4))
return SlotValueType.Vector4;
if (t == typeof(Texture2D))
return SlotValueType.Texture2D;
if (t == typeof(Sampler2D))
return SlotValueType.Sampler2D;
if (t == typeof(SamplerState))
return SlotValueType.SamplerState;
if (t == typeof(DynamicDimensionVector))
return SlotValueType.Dynamic;
throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported type " + t);
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization()
var method = GetFunctionToConvert();
var returnType = method.ReturnType;
if (returnType != typeof(void))
var inStart = 1;
var outStart = -1;
List<MaterialSlot> slots = new List<MaterialSlot>();
foreach (var par in method.GetParameters())
if (par.IsOut)
slots.Add(new MaterialSlot(outStart, par.Name, par.Name, SlotType.Output,
ConvertTypeToSlotValueType(par), Vector4.zero));
m_ParamMap.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, ParameterInfo>(outStart, par));
slots.Add(new MaterialSlot(inStart, par.Name, par.Name, SlotType.Input,
ConvertTypeToSlotValueType(par), Vector4.zero));
m_ParamMap.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, ParameterInfo>(inStart, par));
foreach (var slot in slots)
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(slots.Select(x => x.id));
public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode)
foreach (var outSlot in GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
visitor.AddShaderChunk(GetParamName(outSlot) + " " + GetVariableNameForSlot(outSlot.id) + ";", true);
string call = GetFunctionName() + "(";
bool first = true;
foreach (var arg in GetSlots<MaterialSlot>())
if (!first)
call += ", ";
first = false;
if (arg.isInputSlot)
var inEdges = owner.GetEdges(arg.slotReference);
if (!inEdges.Any())
var info = m_ParamMap.Where(x => x.Key == arg.id).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
if (info != null)
var bindingInfo = GetSlotBinding(arg, info);
if (bindingInfo != BindChannel.None)
call += BindChannelToShaderName(bindingInfo);
call += GetSlotValue(arg.id, generationMode);
call += GetVariableNameForSlot(arg.id);
call += ");";
visitor.AddShaderChunk(call, true);
private string GetParamName(MaterialSlot slot)
return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(precision, slot.concreteValueType);
private string GetFunctionName()
return GetFunctionToConvert().Name + "_" + precision;
private string GetFunctionHeader()
string header = "void " + GetFunctionName() + "(";
var first = true;
foreach (var kvp in m_ParamMap)
if (!first)
header += ", ";
first = false;
var slot = FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(kvp.Key);
if (slot == null)
throw new ArgumentException("something is wrong");
if (kvp.Value.IsOut)
header += "out ";
header += GetParamName(slot) + " " + kvp.Value.Name;
header += ")";
return header;
protected abstract string GetFunctionBody();
public void GenerateNodeFunction(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode)
string function = GetFunctionHeader() + GetFunctionBody();
visitor.AddShaderChunk(function, true);
private bool NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel channel)
foreach (var kvp in m_ParamMap)
var slot = FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(kvp.Key);
if (slot == null)
throw new ArgumentException("something is wrong");
if (SlotRequiresBinding(channel, slot, kvp.Value))
return true;
return false;
private bool SlotRequiresBinding(BindChannel channel, [NotNull]MaterialSlot slot, [NotNull]ParameterInfo info)
if (slot.isOutputSlot)
return false;
var inEdges = owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference);
if (inEdges.Any())
return false;
foreach (var attr in info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BindAttribute), false).OfType<BindAttribute>())
if (attr.channel == channel)
return true;
return false;
private static BindChannel GetSlotBinding([NotNull]MaterialSlot slot, [NotNull]ParameterInfo info)
if (slot.isOutputSlot)
return BindChannel.None;
var attrs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BindAttribute), false).OfType<BindAttribute>().ToList();
if (attrs.Count > 0)
return attrs.First().channel;
return BindChannel.None;
public bool RequiresNormal()
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.Normal);
public bool RequiresMeshUV(UVChannel channel)
switch (channel)
case UVChannel.uv0:
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.MeshUV0);
case UVChannel.uv1:
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.MeshUV1);
case UVChannel.uv2:
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.MeshUV2);
case UVChannel.uv3:
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.MeshUV3);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("channel", channel, null);
public bool RequiresScreenPosition()
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.ScreenPosition);
public bool RequiresViewDirection()
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.ViewDirection);
public bool RequiresViewDirectionTangentSpace()
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.ViewDirectionTangentSpace);
public bool RequiresWorldPosition()
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.WorldPosition);
public bool RequiresTangent()
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.Tangent);
public bool RequiresBitangent()
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.Bitangent);
public bool RequiresVertexColor()
return NodeRequiresBinding(BindChannel.VertexColor);
public string outputDimension
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindOutputSlot<MaterialSlot>(OutputSlotId).concreteValueType); }
public string inputDimension
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindInputSlot<MaterialSlot>(InputSlotId).concreteValueType); }


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