
Moved shadow setup related code into its own class to make separation from the light loop easier.

uygar 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 98 次插入75 次删除
  1. 173


using ShadowExp;
class ShadowSetup : IDisposable
// shadow related stuff
const int k_MaxShadowDataSlots = 64;
const int k_MaxPayloadSlotsPerShadowData = 16;
ShadowmapBase[] m_Shadowmaps;
ShadowManager m_ShadowMgr;
static ComputeBuffer s_ShadowDataBuffer;
static ComputeBuffer s_ShadowPayloadBuffer;
public ShadowSetup( ShadowSettings shadowSettings, out IShadowManager shadowManager )
s_ShadowDataBuffer = new ComputeBuffer( k_MaxShadowDataSlots, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( ShadowExp.ShadowData ) ) );
s_ShadowPayloadBuffer = new ComputeBuffer( k_MaxShadowDataSlots * k_MaxPayloadSlotsPerShadowData, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( int ) ) );
ShadowAtlas.AtlasInit atlasInit;
atlasInit.baseInit.width = (uint) shadowSettings.shadowAtlasWidth;
atlasInit.baseInit.height = (uint) shadowSettings.shadowAtlasHeight;
atlasInit.baseInit.slices = 1;
atlasInit.baseInit.shadowmapBits = 32;
atlasInit.baseInit.shadowmapFormat = RenderTextureFormat.Shadowmap;
atlasInit.baseInit.clearColor = new Vector4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
atlasInit.baseInit.maxPayloadCount = 0;
atlasInit.baseInit.shadowSupport = ShadowmapBase.ShadowSupport.Directional;
atlasInit.shaderKeyword = null;
atlasInit.cascadeCount = shadowSettings.directionalLightCascadeCount;
atlasInit.cascadeRatios = shadowSettings.directionalLightCascades;
var atlasInit2 = atlasInit;
atlasInit2.baseInit.shadowSupport = ShadowmapBase.ShadowSupport.Point | ShadowmapBase.ShadowSupport.Spot;
m_Shadowmaps = new ShadowmapBase[] { new ShadowExp.ShadowAtlas( ref atlasInit ), new ShadowExp.ShadowAtlas( ref atlasInit2 ) };
ShadowContext.SyncDel syncer = (ShadowContext sc) =>
// update buffers
uint offset, count;
ShadowExp.ShadowData[] sds;
sc.GetShadowDatas( out sds, out offset, out count );
s_ShadowDataBuffer.SetData( sds ); // unfortunately we can't pass an offset or count to this function
int[] payloads;
sc.GetPayloads( out payloads, out offset, out count );
s_ShadowPayloadBuffer.SetData( payloads );
// binding code. This needs to be in sync with ShadowContext.hlsl
ShadowContext.BindDel binder = (ShadowContext sc, CommandBuffer cb ) =>
// bind buffers
cb.SetGlobalBuffer( "_ShadowDatasExp", s_ShadowDataBuffer );
cb.SetGlobalBuffer( "_ShadowPayloads", s_ShadowPayloadBuffer );
// bind textures
uint offset, count;
RenderTargetIdentifier[] tex;
sc.GetTex2DArrays( out tex, out offset, out count );
cb.SetGlobalTexture( "_ShadowmapExp_Dir", tex[0] );
cb.SetGlobalTexture( "_ShadowmapExp_PointSpot", tex[1] );
// TODO: Currently samplers are hard coded in ShadowContext.hlsl, so we can't really set them here
ShadowContext.CtxtInit scInit;
scInit.storage.maxShadowDataSlots = k_MaxShadowDataSlots;
scInit.storage.maxPayloadSlots = k_MaxShadowDataSlots * k_MaxPayloadSlotsPerShadowData;
scInit.storage.maxTex2DArraySlots = 4;
scInit.storage.maxTexCubeArraySlots = 1;
scInit.storage.maxComparisonSamplerSlots = 1;
scInit.storage.maxSamplerSlots = 1;
scInit.dataSyncer = syncer;
scInit.resourceBinder = binder;
m_ShadowMgr = new ShadowExp.ShadowManager( shadowSettings, ref scInit, m_Shadowmaps );
shadowManager = m_ShadowMgr;
public void Dispose()
if( m_Shadowmaps != null )
(m_Shadowmaps[0] as ShadowAtlas).Dispose();
(m_Shadowmaps[1] as ShadowAtlas).Dispose();
m_Shadowmaps = null;
m_ShadowMgr = null;
Utilities.SafeRelease( s_ShadowDataBuffer );
Utilities.SafeRelease( s_ShadowPayloadBuffer );
namespace TilePass

// shadow related stuff
const int k_MaxShadowDataSlots = 64;
const int k_MaxPayloadSlotsPerShadowData = 16;
FrameId m_frameId;
ShadowmapBase[] m_Shadowmaps;
FrameId m_FrameId;
ShadowSetup m_ShadowSetup; // doesn't actually have to reside here, it would be enough to pass the IShadowManager in from the outside
static ComputeBuffer s_ShadowDataBuffer;
static ComputeBuffer s_ShadowPayloadBuffer;
s_ShadowDataBuffer = new ComputeBuffer( k_MaxShadowDataSlots, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( ShadowExp.ShadowData ) ) );
s_ShadowPayloadBuffer = new ComputeBuffer( k_MaxShadowDataSlots * k_MaxPayloadSlotsPerShadowData, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( int ) ) );
ShadowAtlas.AtlasInit atlasInit;
atlasInit.baseInit.width = (uint) shadowSettings.shadowAtlasWidth;
atlasInit.baseInit.height = (uint) shadowSettings.shadowAtlasHeight;
atlasInit.baseInit.slices = 1;
atlasInit.baseInit.shadowmapBits = 32;
atlasInit.baseInit.shadowmapFormat = RenderTextureFormat.Shadowmap;
atlasInit.baseInit.clearColor = new Vector4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
atlasInit.baseInit.maxPayloadCount = 0;
atlasInit.baseInit.shadowSupport = ShadowmapBase.ShadowSupport.Directional;
atlasInit.shaderKeyword = null;
atlasInit.cascadeCount = shadowSettings.directionalLightCascadeCount;
atlasInit.cascadeRatios = shadowSettings.directionalLightCascades;
var atlasInit2 = atlasInit;
atlasInit2.baseInit.shadowSupport = ShadowmapBase.ShadowSupport.Point | ShadowmapBase.ShadowSupport.Spot;
m_Shadowmaps = new ShadowmapBase[] { new ShadowExp.ShadowAtlas( ref atlasInit ), new ShadowExp.ShadowAtlas( ref atlasInit2 ) };
ShadowContext.SyncDel syncer = (ShadowContext sc) =>
// update buffers
uint offset, count;
ShadowExp.ShadowData[] sds;
sc.GetShadowDatas( out sds, out offset, out count );
s_ShadowDataBuffer.SetData( sds ); // unfortunately we can't pass an offset or count to this function
int[] payloads;
sc.GetPayloads( out payloads, out offset, out count );
payloads[0] = 5;
ShadowContext.BindDel binder = (ShadowContext sc, CommandBuffer cb ) =>
// bind buffers
cb.SetGlobalBuffer( "_ShadowDatasExp", s_ShadowDataBuffer );
cb.SetGlobalBuffer( "_ShadowPayloads", s_ShadowPayloadBuffer );
// bind textures
uint offset, count;
RenderTargetIdentifier[] tex;
sc.GetTex2DArrays( out tex, out offset, out count );
cb.SetGlobalTexture( "_ShadowmapExp_Dir", tex[0] );
cb.SetGlobalTexture( "_ShadowmapExp_PointSpot", tex[1] );
//cb.SetGlobalTexture( "_ShadowmapMomentum", tex[1] );
// TODO: Currently samplers are hard coded in ShadowContext.hlsl, so we can't really set them here
ShadowContext.CtxtInit scInit;
scInit.storage.maxShadowDataSlots = k_MaxShadowDataSlots;
scInit.storage.maxPayloadSlots = k_MaxShadowDataSlots * k_MaxPayloadSlotsPerShadowData;
scInit.storage.maxTex2DArraySlots = 4;
scInit.storage.maxTexCubeArraySlots = 1;
scInit.storage.maxComparisonSamplerSlots = 1;
scInit.storage.maxSamplerSlots = 1;
scInit.dataSyncer = syncer;
scInit.resourceBinder = binder;
m_ShadowMgr = new ShadowExp.ShadowManager( shadowSettings, ref scInit, m_Shadowmaps );
m_ShadowSetup = new ShadowSetup( shadowSettings, out m_ShadowMgr );
if( m_Shadowmaps != null )
if( m_ShadowSetup != null )
(m_Shadowmaps[0] as ShadowAtlas).Dispose();
m_Shadowmaps = null;
m_ShadowSetup = null;
m_ShadowMgr = null;
m_ShadowMgr = null;
Utilities.SafeRelease( s_ShadowDataBuffer );
Utilities.SafeRelease( s_ShadowPayloadBuffer );

// 0. deal with shadows
// get the indices for all lights that want to have shadows
m_ShadowRequests.Capacity = cullResults.visibleLights.Length;

int[] shadowRequests = m_ShadowRequests.ToArray();
int[] shadowDataIndices;
uint originalRequestCount = shadowRequestCount;
m_ShadowMgr.ProcessShadowRequests( m_frameId, cullResults, camera, cullResults.visibleLights,
m_ShadowMgr.ProcessShadowRequests( m_FrameId, cullResults, camera, cullResults.visibleLights,
ref shadowRequestCount, shadowRequests, out shadowDataIndices );
// update the visibleLights with the shadow information

// kick off the shadow jobs here
m_ShadowMgr.RenderShadows( m_frameId, renderContext, cullResults, cullResults.visibleLights );
m_ShadowMgr.RenderShadows( m_FrameId, renderContext, cullResults, cullResults.visibleLights );
