// by using the pass "ForwardOnly". In this case the .shader should not have "Forward" but only a "ForwardOnly" pass.
// It must also have a "DepthForwardOnly" and no "DepthOnly" pass as forward material (either deferred or forward only rendering) have always a depth pass.
// If a forward material have no depth prepass, then lighting can be incorrect (deferred sahdowing, SSAO), this may be acceptable depends on usage
if(forcePrepass||(addFullDepthPrepass&&!addAlphaTestedOnly))// Always true in case of forward rendering, use in case of deferred rendering if requesting a full depth prepass
if(addFullDepthPrepass)// Always true in case of forward rendering, use in case of deferred rendering if requesting a full depth prepass
// We render first the opaque object as opaque alpha tested are more costly to render and could be reject by early-z (but not Hi-z as it is disable with clip instruction)
// This is handled automatically with the RenderQueue value (OpaqueAlphaTested have a different value and thus are sorted after Opaque)
// We always do a DepthForwardOnly pass with all the opaque (including alpha test)