// Required for SSS
#define GBufferType0 float4
#include "../../Lighting/LightLoop/LightLoop.cs.hlsl"
# define IF_DEBUG(a)
// Vlayer config options:
// Vlayer config options:
//#define VLAYERED_RECOMPUTE_PERLIGHT // TODO test more, make it a shader_features
// probably too slow but just to check the difference it makes
bsdfData.diffuseColor = ComputeDiffuseColor(surfaceData.baseColor, metallic);
bsdfData.fresnel0 = ComputeFresnel0(surfaceData.baseColor, surfaceData.metallic, DEFAULT_SPECULAR_VALUE );
bsdfData.fresnel0 = ComputeFresnel0(surfaceData.baseColor, surfaceData.metallic, IorToFresnel0(surfaceData.dielectricIor) );
// Kind of obsolete without gbuffer, ie could use _MATERIAL_FEATURE* shader_features directly, but
// if anything, makes the code more readable.
float3 vLayerEnergyCoeff[NB_VLAYERS];
//float vLayerPerceptualRoughness[NB_VLAYERS];
// For the vlayered case, fold compensation into FGD terms during ComputeAdding
// (ie FGD becomes FGDinf) (but the approximation depends on f0, our FGD is scalar,
// For the vlayered case, fold compensation into FGD terms during ComputeAdding
// (ie FGD becomes FGDinf) (but the approximation depends on f0, our FGD is scalar,
// We will duplicate one entry to simplify the IBL loop (In general it's either that or
// We will duplicate one entry to simplify the IBL loop (In general it's either that or
// (All our loops for lobes are static so either way the compiler should unroll and remove
// (All our loops for lobes are static so either way the compiler should unroll and remove
// either duplicated storage or the branch.)
float3 energyCompensationFactor[TOTAL_NB_LOBES];
// EnergyCompensation: This term can no longer be used alone in our vlayered BSDF framework as it
// was applied only one time indiscriminately at PostEvaluateBSDF( ) on the specular lighting which
// would be wrong in our case, since the correction terms depend on the FGD of the lobe
// compensation must happen at each FGD use in ComputeAdding. However, our framework is exactly
// designed to handle that problem, in that if we calculate and apply proper energy coefficient
// terms (should be calculated from FGDinf) and modulate each specular calculations with them,
// this will actually do compensation. For now, since FGD fetches are done after ComputeAdding,
// compensation must happen at each FGD use in ComputeAdding. However, our framework is exactly
// designed to handle that problem, in that if we calculate and apply proper energy coefficient
// terms (should be calculated from FGDinf) and modulate each specular calculations with them,
// this will actually do compensation. For now, since FGD fetches are done after ComputeAdding,
// we apply the factors on light samples, less correct, must be moved inside ComputeAdding.
// TODO:
// Case of the dielectric coating
if( i == 0 )
if( i == 0 )
// Update energy
float R0, n12;
// Update mean
float sti = sqrt(1.0 - Sq(cti));
float stt = sti / n12;
if( stt <= 1.0f )
if( stt <= 1.0f )
// Hack: as roughness -> 1, remove the effect of changing angle also note: we never track means per se
// because of symmetry, we have no azimuth, and don't consider offspecular effect as well as never
stt = scale*stt + (1.0-scale)*sti;
ctt = sqrt(1.0 - stt*stt);
// TIR, flip sign: directions either reflected or transmitted always leave
// the surface. So here we have ctt instead of cti, we reverse dir by flipping sign.
j21 = 1.0/j12;
// Case of the media layer
else if(i == 1)
else if(i == 1)
// Update energy
R12 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
j21 = 1.0;
// Case of the dielectric / conductor base
// Update energy
R12 = F_Schlick(bsdfData.fresnel0, cti);
_s_ri0 = (e_ri0 > 0.0) ? _s_ri0/e_ri0 : 0.0;
// Store the coefficient and variance
if(m_r0i > 0.0)
if(m_r0i > 0.0)
preLightData.vLayerEnergyCoeff[i] = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//preLightData.vLayerPerceptualRoughness[i] = 0.0;
// Post compute:
// Post compute:
// TODO: dual lobe feature option
// We need both bottom lobes perceptualRoughnessA and
// We need both bottom lobes perceptualRoughnessA and
// perceptualRoughnessB for IBLs (because anisotropy will use a hack)
// Then we need anisotropic roughness updates again for the 2
if( !calledPerLight )
// First, if we're not called per light, always (regardless of perLightOption) calculate
// roughness for top lobe: no adding( ) modifications, just conversion + clamping for
// analytical lights. For these we also don't need to recompute these, but only the Fresnel
// First, if we're not called per light, always (regardless of perLightOption) calculate
// roughness for top lobe: no adding( ) modifications, just conversion + clamping for
// analytical lights. For these we also don't need to recompute these, but only the Fresnel
// or FGD term are necessary in ComputeAdding, see BSDF().
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[COAT_LOBE_IDX] = bsdfData.coatPerceptualRoughness;
preLightData.layeredCoatRoughness = ClampRoughnessForAnalyticalLights(bsdfData.coatRoughness);
// a corrected anisotropy and scalar roughness for use with the IBL hack.
// That hack adds complexity because IBLs can't use the T and B roughnesses but at the
// same time we can't just update their scalar roughness because then it will only give them more
// roughness in the anisotropic direction, which is incorrect and with the hack, will appear
// roughness in the anisotropic direction, which is incorrect and with the hack, will appear
// even more so.
// roughnesses, keep anisotropy the same. Whether we're being called per light or
// not makes little difference on calculations so everything is made generic,
// roughnesses, keep anisotropy the same. Whether we're being called per light or
// not makes little difference on calculations so everything is made generic,
// but if we have the perLightOption enabled, we don't finalize calculations for
// analytical lights.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[BASE_LOBEB_IDX] = LinearVarianceToPerceptualRoughness(_s_r0m);
// Try to correct stretching that happens when original roughness was low, but not too much
// Try to correct stretching that happens when original roughness was low, but not too much
preLightData.iblAnisotropy[0] = GetModifiedAnisotropy(bsdfData.anisotropy, bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessA,
preLightData.iblAnisotropy[0] = GetModifiedAnisotropy(bsdfData.anisotropy, bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessA,
preLightData.iblAnisotropy[1] = GetModifiedAnisotropy(bsdfData.anisotropy, bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessB,
preLightData.iblAnisotropy[1] = GetModifiedAnisotropy(bsdfData.anisotropy, bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessB,
ConvertAnisotropyToClampRoughness(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[BASE_LOBEA_IDX], preLightData.iblAnisotropy[0],
ConvertAnisotropyToClampRoughness(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[BASE_LOBEA_IDX], preLightData.iblAnisotropy[0],
ConvertAnisotropyToClampRoughness(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[BASE_LOBEB_IDX], preLightData.iblAnisotropy[1],
ConvertAnisotropyToClampRoughness(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[BASE_LOBEB_IDX], preLightData.iblAnisotropy[1],
// Non scalar treatment of anisotropy to have the option to remove some anisotropy
// Non scalar treatment of anisotropy to have the option to remove some anisotropy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( !calledPerLight && !haveAnisotropy)
preLightData.diffuseEnergy = Ti0;
// Not correct since these stats are still directional probably too much
// removed, but with a non FGD term, could actually balance out (as using
// Not correct since these stats are still directional probably too much
// removed, but with a non FGD term, could actually balance out (as using
// FGD would lower this)
preLightData.diffuseEnergy = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// coatRoughness, roughnessAT/AB/BT/BB (anisotropic, all are nonperceptual and *clamped*)
// partLambdaV
// The later are done in ComputeAdding at GetPreLightData time only if we're not using
// The later are done in ComputeAdding at GetPreLightData time only if we're not using
// TODO this can now be refactored instead of having mostly duped code down here,
float3 iblR[TOTAL_NB_LOBES];
float specularReflectivity[TOTAL_NB_LOBES];
float diffuseFGD[BASE_NB_LOBES];
preLightData.partLambdaV[BASE_LOBEA_IDX] = GetSmithJointGGXAnisoPartLambdaV(TdotV, BdotV, NdotV, preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[0], preLightData.layeredRoughnessB[0]);
preLightData.partLambdaV[BASE_LOBEB_IDX] = GetSmithJointGGXAnisoPartLambdaV(TdotV, BdotV, NdotV, preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[1], preLightData.layeredRoughnessB[1]);
// Store those for eval analytical lights since we're going to
// Store those for eval analytical lights since we're going to
// recalculate lambdaV after each ComputeAdding for each light
preLightData.TdotV = TdotV;
preLightData.BdotV = BdotV;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// See ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData : The later are already clamped if
// See ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData : The later are already clamped if
// refactoring (instead of BSDFdata A and B values, we should really
// refactoring (instead of BSDFdata A and B values, we should really
// permit array definitions in the shader include attributes TODOTODO)
// no coat here: preLightData.layeredCoatRoughness = bsdfData.coatRoughness;
preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[0] = bsdfData.roughnessAT;
// TODO: Proper Fresnel
float3 F = F_Schlick(bsdfData.fresnel0, LdotH);
// TODO: with iridescence, will be optionally per light sample
// TODO: with iridescence, will be optionally per light sample
if( IsVLayeredEnabled(bsdfData) )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Save top angles in case VLAYERED_USE_REFRACTED_ANGLES_FOR_BASE option is used
// Save top angles in case VLAYERED_USE_REFRACTED_ANGLES_FOR_BASE option is used
float topLdotH = LdotH; // == VdotH)
float topNdotH = NdotH;
float topNdotL = NdotL;
// Use the refracted angle at the bottom interface for BSDF calculations:
// Seems like the more correct ones to use, but not obvious as we have the energy
// coefficients already (vLayerEnergyCoeff), which are like FGD (but no deferred
// FGD fetch to do here for analytical lights), so normally, we should use
// Seems like the more correct ones to use, but not obvious as we have the energy
// coefficients already (vLayerEnergyCoeff), which are like FGD (but no deferred
// FGD fetch to do here for analytical lights), so normally, we should use
// In the IBL case, we don't have a specific incoming light direction so the light
// In the IBL case, we don't have a specific incoming light direction so the light
// though we don't handle anisotropy correctly either anyway.
// though we don't handle anisotropy correctly either anyway.
// In both cases we need to work around it, so just to test:
float3 H = (L + V) * invLenLV;
// H stays the same so calculate it one time
//LdotH = saturate(invLenLV * LdotV + invLenLV);
//NdotV = ClampNdotV(dot(N, V));
CalculateAngles(L, V, NdotL, dot(N, V), LdotV, invLenLV, NdotH, LdotH, NdotV);
ComputeAdding(topLdotH, bsdfData, preLightData, true);
ComputeAdding(topLdotH, bsdfData, preLightData, true);
// Notice topLdotH as interface angle, symmetric model parametrization (see sec. 6 and comments
// on ComputeAdding)
// layered*Roughness* and vLayerEnergyCoeff are now updated for the proper light direction.
// p9 eq(39): if we don't recompute per light, we just reuse the IBL energy terms as the fresnel terms
// for our LdotH, too bad (similar to what we do with iridescence), along with the "wrongly" calculated energy.
// Note that in any case, we should have used FGD terms (except for R12 at the start of the process)
// Note that in any case, we should have used FGD terms (except for R12 at the start of the process)
// we just changed V, update those:
preLightData.TdotV = dot(bsdfData.tangentWS, V);
float TdotH, TdotL, BdotH, BdotL;
CalculateAnisoAngles(bsdfData, L, V, invLenLV, TdotH, TdotL, BdotH, BdotL);
DV[BASE_LOBEA_IDX] = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[0], preLightData.layeredRoughnessB[0],
DV[BASE_LOBEA_IDX] = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[0], preLightData.layeredRoughnessB[0],
DV[BASE_LOBEB_IDX] = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[1], preLightData.layeredRoughnessB[1],
DV[BASE_LOBEB_IDX] = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[1], preLightData.layeredRoughnessB[1],
preLightData.partLambdaV[BASE_LOBEA_IDX] = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(NdotV, preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[0]);
specularLighting = preLightData.vLayerEnergyCoeff[BOTTOM_VLAYER_IDX]
* lerp(DV[BASE_LOBEA_IDX] * preLightData.energyCompensationFactor[BASE_LOBEA_IDX],
DV[BASE_LOBEB_IDX] * preLightData.energyCompensationFactor[BASE_LOBEB_IDX],
specularLighting = preLightData.vLayerEnergyCoeff[BOTTOM_VLAYER_IDX]
* lerp(DV[BASE_LOBEA_IDX] * preLightData.energyCompensationFactor[BASE_LOBEA_IDX],
DV[BASE_LOBEB_IDX] * preLightData.energyCompensationFactor[BASE_LOBEB_IDX],
specularLighting += preLightData.vLayerEnergyCoeff[TOP_VLAYER_IDX]
float3 H = (L + V) * invLenLV;
float TdotH, TdotL, BdotH, BdotL;
CalculateAnisoAngles(bsdfData, L, V, invLenLV, TdotH, TdotL, BdotH, BdotL);
DV[0] = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
bsdfData.roughnessAT, bsdfData.roughnessAB,
DV[0] = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
bsdfData.roughnessAT, bsdfData.roughnessAB,
DV[1] = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
bsdfData.roughnessBT, bsdfData.roughnessBB,
DV[1] = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
bsdfData.roughnessBT, bsdfData.roughnessBB,
specularLighting = F * lerp(DV[0]*preLightData.energyCompensationFactor[BASE_LOBEA_IDX],
specularLighting = F * lerp(DV[0]*preLightData.energyCompensationFactor[BASE_LOBEA_IDX],
//...and energy compensation is applied at PostEvaluateBSDF when no vlayering.