
fix for PR

Remy 6 年前
共有 3 个文件被更改,包括 19 次插入18 次删除
  1. 2
  2. 33
  3. 2


public readonly GUIContent shape = new GUIContent("Type", "Specifies the current type of light. Possible types are Directional, Spot, Point, Rectangle and Line lights.");
public readonly GUIContent[] shapeNames;
public readonly GUIContent spotBackReflector = new GUIContent("Enable light reflector", "Is the light reflected in the back in the spot cone.");
public readonly GUIContent enableSpotReflector = new GUIContent("Enable spot reflector", "When true it simulate a spot light with reflector (mean the intensity of the light will be more focus with narrower angle), otherwise light outside of the cone is simply absorbed (mean intensity is constent whatever the size of the cone).");
// Additional shadow data
public readonly GUIContent shadowResolution = new GUIContent("Resolution", "Controls the rendered resolution of the shadow maps. A higher resolution will increase the fidelity of shadows at the cost of GPU performance and memory usage.");


public SerializedProperty affectSpecular;
public SerializedProperty lightTypeExtent;
public SerializedProperty spotLightShape;
public SerializedProperty spotBackReflector;
public SerializedProperty enableSpotReflector;
public SerializedProperty shapeWidth;
public SerializedProperty shapeHeight;
public SerializedProperty aspectRatio;

affectSpecular = o.Find(x => x.affectSpecular),
lightTypeExtent = o.Find(x => x.lightTypeExtent),
spotLightShape = o.Find(x => x.spotLightShape),
spotBackReflector = o.Find(x => x.spotBackReflector),
enableSpotReflector = o.Find(x => x.enableSpotReflector),
shapeWidth = o.Find(x => x.shapeWidth),
shapeHeight = o.Find(x => x.shapeHeight),
aspectRatio = o.Find(x => x.aspectRatio),

if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.spotBackReflector, s_Styles.spotBackReflector);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.enableSpotReflector, s_Styles.enableSpotReflector);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_AdditionalLightData.spotInnerPercent, 0f, 100f, s_Styles.spotInnerPercent);
// TODO : replace with angle and ratio

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.spotBackReflector, s_Styles.spotBackReflector);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AdditionalLightData.enableSpotReflector, s_Styles.enableSpotReflector);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_AdditionalLightData.aspectRatio, 0.05f, 20.0f, s_Styles.aspectRatioPyramid);
else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Box)

// This is not easy to manipulate for lighter, so we simply consider any spot light as just occluded point light. So reuse the same code.
var spotLightShape = (SpotLightShape)m_AdditionalLightData.spotLightShape.enumValueIndex;
if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone)
if (m_AdditionalLightData.enableSpotReflector.boolValue)
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertSpotLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue, settings.spotAngle.floatValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad, m_AdditionalLightData.spotBackReflector.boolValue );
else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Pyramid)
if (m_AdditionalLightData.spotBackReflector.boolValue)
if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone)
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertSpotLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue, settings.spotAngle.floatValue * Mathf.Deg2Rad, true );
else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Pyramid)
var aspectRatio = m_AdditionalLightData.aspectRatio.floatValue;
// Since the smallest angles is = to the fov, and we don't care of the angle order, simply make sure the aspect ratio is > 1

var halfAngle = angleA * 0.5f;
var length = Mathf.Sin(halfAngle);
length *= aspectRatio;
halfAngle = Mathf.Atan(length);
var halfAngle = angleA * 0.5f; // half of the smallest angle
var length = Mathf.Sin(halfAngle); // half length of the smallest side of the rectangle
length *= aspectRatio; // half length of the bigest side of the rectangle
halfAngle = Mathf.Atan(length); // half of the bigest angle
else // Box shape, fallback to punctual light.
else // box shape, no conversion implemented for the moment. Should use a fresnel light model.
else // Reflector disabled, fallback to punctual light.
settings.intensity.floatValue = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightIntensity(m_AdditionalLightData.punctualIntensity.floatValue);


public SpotLightShape spotLightShape = SpotLightShape.Cone;
// Only for Spotlight, should be hide for other light
public bool spotBackReflector = false;
public bool enableSpotReflector = false;
// Only for Rectangle/Line/box projector lights
public float shapeWidth = 0.5f;
