private Vector4 [ ] m_LightPositions = new Vector4 [ kMaxVisibleAdditionalLights ] ;
private Vector4 [ ] m_LightColors = new Vector4 [ kMaxVisibleAdditionalLights ] ;
private Vector4 [ ] m_LightAttenuations = new Vector4 [ kMaxVisibleAdditionalLights ] ;
private Vector4 [ ] m_LightDistanceAttenuations = new Vector4 [ kMaxVisibleAdditionalLights ] ;
private Vector4 [ ] m_LightSpotAttenuations = new Vector4 [ kMaxVisibleAdditionalLights ] ;
private Camera m_CurrCamera = null ;
BuildShadowSettings ( ) ;
PerFrameBuffer . _GlossyEnvironmentColor = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_GlossyEnvironmentColor" ) ;
PerFrameBuffer . _AttenuationTexture = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_AttenuationTexture" ) ;
PerCameraBuffer . _MainLightAttenuationParams = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_MainLightAttenuationParams" ) ;
PerCameraBuffer . _MainLightDistanceAttenuation = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_MainLightDistanceAttenuation" ) ;
PerCameraBuffer . _MainLightSpotAttenuation = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_MainLightSpotAttenuation" ) ;
PerCameraBuffer . _AdditionalLightAttenuationParams = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_AdditionalLightAttenuationParams" ) ;
PerCameraBuffer . _AdditionalLightDistanceAttenuation = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_AdditionalLightDistanceAttenuation" ) ;
PerCameraBuffer . _AdditionalLightSpotAttenuation = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_AdditionalLightSpotAttenuation" ) ;
m_ShadowMapTexture = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_ShadowMap" ) ;
m_CameraColorTexture = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraColorTexture" ) ;
return ( lightIndex < totalVisibleLights & & visibleLights [ lightIndex ] . light . shadows ! = LightShadows . None ) ? lightIndex : 0 ;
private void InitializeLightConstants ( VisibleLight [ ] lights , int lightIndex , out Vector4 lightPos , out Vector4 lightColor , out Vector4 lightSpotDir ,
out Vector4 lightAttenuationParams )
private void InitializeLightConstants ( VisibleLight [ ] lights , int lightIndex , out Vector4 lightPos , out Vector4 lightColor , out Vector4 lightDistanceAttenuation , out Vector4 lightSpotDir ,
out Vector4 lightSpotAttenuation )
lightAttenuationParams = new Vector4 ( 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) ;
lightDistanceAttenuation = new Vector4 ( 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) ;
lightSpotAttenuation = new Vector4 ( 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) ;
// When no lights are visible, main light will be set to -1.
// In this case we initialize it to default values and return
lightColor = light . finalColor ;
float rangeSq = light . range * light . range ;
float quadAtten = 0.0f ;
// Directional Light attenuation is initialize so distance attenuation always be 1.0
quadAtten = ( m_Asset . AttenuationTexture ! = null ) ? 1.0f : 2 5.0f / rangeSq ;
// Light attenuation in lightweight matches the unity vanilla one.
// attenuation = 1.0 / 1.0 + distanceToLightSqr * quadraticAttenuation
// then a smooth factor is applied to linearly fade attenuation to light range
// the attenuation smooth factor starts having effect at 80% of light range
// smoothFactor = (lightRangeSqr - distanceToLightSqr) / (lightRangeSqr - fadeStartDistanceSqr)
// We rewrite smoothFactor to be able to pre compute the constant terms below and apply the smooth factor
// with one MAD instruction
// smoothFactor = distanceSqr * (1.0 / (fadeDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr)) + (-lightRangeSqr / (fadeDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr)
// distanceSqr * oneOverFadeRangeSqr + lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr
float lightRangeSqr = light . range * light . range ;
float fadeStartDistanceSqr = 0.8f * 0.8f * lightRangeSqr ;
float fadeRangeSqr = ( fadeStartDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr ) ;
float oneOverFadeRangeSqr = 1.0f / fadeRangeSqr ;
float lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr = - lightRangeSqr / fadeRangeSqr ;
float quadAtten = 2 5.0f / lightRangeSqr ;
lightDistanceAttenuation = new Vector4 ( quadAtten , oneOverFadeRangeSqr , lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr , 0.0f ) ;
if ( light . lightType = = LightType . Spot )
float invAngleRange = 1.0f / smoothAngleRange ;
float add = - cosOuterAngle * invAngleRange ;
lightAttenuationParams = new Vector4 ( invAngleRange , add , quadAtten , rangeSq ) ;
lightSpotDir = new Vector4 ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f ) ;
lightAttenuationParams = new Vector4 ( 0.0f , 1.0f , quadAtten , rangeSq ) ;
lightSpotAttenuation = new Vector4 ( invAngleRange , add , 0.0f ) ;
SphericalHarmonicsL2 ambientSH = RenderSettings . ambientProbe ;
Vector4 glossyEnvColor = new Vector4 ( ambientSH [ 0 , 0 ] , ambientSH [ 1 , 0 ] , ambientSH [ 2 , 0 ] ) * RenderSettings . reflectionIntensity ;
CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool . Get ( "SetupPerFrameConstants" ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVector ( PerFrameBuffer . _GlossyEnvironmentColor , glossyEnvColor ) ;
if ( m_Asset . AttenuationTexture ! = null ) cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( PerFrameBuffer . _AttenuationTexture , m_Asset . AttenuationTexture ) ;
context . ExecuteCommandBuffer ( cmd ) ;
CommandBufferPool . Release ( cmd ) ;
Shader . SetGlobalVector ( PerFrameBuffer . _GlossyEnvironmentColor , glossyEnvColor ) ;
private void SetupShaderLightConstants ( CommandBuffer cmd , VisibleLight [ ] lights , ref LightData lightData )
private void SetupMainLightConstants ( CommandBuffer cmd , VisibleLight [ ] lights , int lightIndex )
Vector4 lightPos , lightColor , lightSpotDir , lightAttenuationParams ;
InitializeLightConstants ( lights , lightIndex , out lightPos , out lightColor , out lightSpotDir , out lightAttenuationParams ) ;
Vector4 lightPos , lightColor , lightDistanceAttenuation , lightSpotDir , lightSpotAttenuation ;
InitializeLightConstants ( lights , lightIndex , out lightPos , out lightColor , out lightDistanceAttenuation , out lightSpotDir , out lightSpotAttenuation ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVector ( PerCameraBuffer . _MainLightDistanceAttenuation , lightDistanceAttenuation ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVector ( PerCameraBuffer . _MainLightAttenuationParams , lightAttenuationParams ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVector ( PerCameraBuffer . _MainLightSpotAttenuation , lightSpotAttenuation ) ;
if ( lightIndex > = 0 & & LightweightUtils . IsSupportedCookieType ( lights [ lightIndex ] . lightType ) & & lights [ lightIndex ] . light . cookie ! = null )
perObjectLightIndexMap [ GetLightUnsortedIndex ( i ) ] = additionalLightIndex ;
InitializeLightConstants ( lights , i , out m_LightPositions [ additionalLightIndex ] ,
out m_LightColors [ additionalLightIndex ] ,
out m_LightDistanceAttenuations [ additionalLightIndex ] ,
out m_LightAttenuations [ additionalLightIndex ] ) ;
out m_LightSpotAttenuations [ additionalLightIndex ] ) ;
additionalLightIndex + + ;
lightData . totalAdditionalLightsCount , 0.0f , 0.0f ) ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVectorArray ( PerCameraBuffer . _AdditionalLightPosition , m_LightPositions ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVectorArray ( PerCameraBuffer . _AdditionalLightColor , m_LightColors ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVectorArray ( PerCameraBuffer . _AdditionalLightAttenuationParams , m_LightAttenuations ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVectorArray ( PerCameraBuffer . _AdditionalLightDistanceAttenuation , m_LightDistanceAttenuations ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalVectorArray ( PerCameraBuffer . _AdditionalLightSpotAttenuation , m_LightSpotAttenuations ) ;
private void SetupShadowShaderConstants ( CommandBuffer cmd , ref VisibleLight shadowLight , int cascadeCount )
int depthSlice = ( m_IntermediateTextureArray ) ? - 1 : 0 ;
if ( depthRT ! = BuiltinRenderTextureType . None )
cmd . SetRenderTarget ( colorRT , depthRT /*, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, depthSlice*/ ) ;
cmd . SetRenderTarget ( colorRT , depthRT , 0 , CubemapFace . Unknown , depthSlice ) ;
cmd . SetRenderTarget ( colorRT /*, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, depthSlice*/ ) ;
cmd . SetRenderTarget ( colorRT , 0 , CubemapFace . Unknown , depthSlice ) ;
private void RenderPostProcess ( CommandBuffer cmd , bool opaqueOnly )