
Merge pull request #461 from Unity-Technologies/Add-Per-Pixel-Scale-Seb

Add per pixel scale seb
GitHub 7 年前
共有 5 个文件被更改,包括 207 次插入202 次删除
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_TexWorldScale2("Tiling", Float) = 1.0
_TexWorldScale3("Tiling", Float) = 1.0
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Vector) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale0("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Float) = 1
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale1("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Float) = 1
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale2("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Float) = 1
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale3("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Float) = 1
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Planar, 4, Triplanar, 5)] _UVBase0("UV Set for base0", Float) = 0 // no UV1/2/3 for main layer (matching Lit.shader and for PPDisplacement restriction)
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Planar, 4, Triplanar, 5)] _UVBase1("UV Set for base1", Float) = 0


_TexWorldScale2("Tiling", Float) = 1.0
_TexWorldScale3("Tiling", Float) = 1.0
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Vector) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale0("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Float) = 1
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale1("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Float) = 1
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale2("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Float) = 1
[HideInInspector] _InvTilingScale3("Inverse tiling scale = 2 / (abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.x) + abs(_BaseColorMap_ST.y))", Float) = 1
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Planar, 4, Triplanar, 5)] _UVBase0("UV Set for base0", Float) = 0 // no UV1/2/3 for main layer (matching Lit.shader and for PPDisplacement restriction)
[Enum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Planar, 4, Triplanar, 5)] _UVBase1("UV Set for base1", Float) = 0


if (!heightMap[layerIndex].hasMixedValue && heightMap[layerIndex].textureValue != null)
heightAmplitude[layerIndex].floatValue = (heightMax[layerIndex].floatValue - heightMin[layerIndex].floatValue) * 0.01f; // Conversion centimeters to meters.
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
heightAmplitude[layerIndex].floatValue = (heightMax[layerIndex].floatValue - heightMin[layerIndex].floatValue) * 0.01f; // Conversion centimeters to meters.
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(heightCenter[layerIndex], Styles.heightMapCenterText);
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;

m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(UVBase[layerIndex], Styles.UVBaseMappingText);
UVBaseMapping uvBaseMapping = (UVBaseMapping)UVBase[layerIndex].floatValue;

W = (uvBaseMapping == UVBaseMapping.UV3) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
UVMappingMask[layerIndex].colorValue = new Color(X, Y, Z, W);
// Precompute.
InvTilingScale[layerIndex].floatValue = 2 / (Mathf.Abs(baseColorMap[layerIndex].textureScaleAndOffset.x) + Mathf.Abs(baseColorMap[layerIndex].textureScaleAndOffset.y));
if ((uvBaseMapping == UVBaseMapping.Planar) || (uvBaseMapping == UVBaseMapping.Triplanar))
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
InvTilingScale[layerIndex].floatValue = InvTilingScale[layerIndex].floatValue / TexWorldScale[layerIndex].floatValue;
// Precompute.
InvTilingScale[layerIndex].floatValue = 2.0f / (Mathf.Abs(baseColorMap[layerIndex].textureScaleAndOffset.x) + Mathf.Abs(baseColorMap[layerIndex].textureScaleAndOffset.y));
if ((uvBaseMapping == UVBaseMapping.Planar) || (uvBaseMapping == UVBaseMapping.Triplanar))
InvTilingScale[layerIndex].floatValue = InvTilingScale[layerIndex].floatValue / TexWorldScale[layerIndex].floatValue;

// TODO: display warning if we don't have bent normal (either OS or TS) and ambient occlusion
//if (enableSpecularOcclusion.floatValue > 0.0f)
//EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.specularOcclusionWarning.text, MessageType.Error);
//EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.specularOcclusionWarning.text, MessageType.Error);
m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(Styles.emissiveText, emissiveColorMap, emissiveColor);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(emissiveIntensity, Styles.emissiveIntensityText);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(albedoAffectEmissive, Styles.albedoAffectEmissiveText);


// Share by Lit and LayeredLit. Return object scaling for displacement map depends if it is vertex (affect vertex displacement) or pixel displacement (affect tiling)
float3 GetDisplacementObjectScale(bool vertexDisplacement)
float3 objectScale = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// TODO: This should be an uniform for the object, this code should be remove once we have it. - Workaround for now
// To handle object scaling with pixel displacement we need to multiply the view vector by the inverse scale.
// To Handle object scaling with vertex/tessellation displacement we must multiply displacement by object scale
// Currently we extract either the scale (ObjectToWorld) or the inverse scale (worldToObject) directly by taking the transform matrix
float4x4 worldTransform;
if (vertexDisplacement)
worldTransform = GetObjectToWorldMatrix();
worldTransform = GetWorldToObjectMatrix();
objectScale.x = length(float3(worldTransform._m00, worldTransform._m01, worldTransform._m02));
// In the specific case of pixel displacement mapping, to get a consistent behavior compare to tessellation we require to not take into account y scale if lock object scale is not enabled
objectScale.y = length(float3(worldTransform._m10, worldTransform._m11, worldTransform._m12));
objectScale.z = length(float3(worldTransform._m20, worldTransform._m21, worldTransform._m22));
return objectScale;

#include "../../../Core/ShaderLibrary/PerPixelDisplacement.hlsl"
float3 GetDisplacementInverseObjectScale(bool vertexDisplacement)
float3 objectScale = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// Displacement with lock object scale require to take into account object scaling except for planar and triplanar that are done in world space in Lit and thus are independent of object scale.
#if !defined(_MAPPING_PLANAR) && !defined(_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR)
// TODO: This should be an uniform for the object, this code should be remove once we have it. - Workaround for now
// To handle object scaling with pixel displacement we need to multiply the view vector by the inverse scale.
// To Handle object scaling with vertex/tessellation displacement we must multiply displacement by object scale
// Currently we extract either the scale (ObjectToWorld) or the inverse scale (worldToObject) directly by taking the transform matrix
float4x4 worldTransform;
if (vertexDisplacement)
worldTransform = GetObjectToWorldMatrix();
worldTransform = GetWorldToObjectMatrix();
objectScale.x = length(float3(worldTransform._m00, worldTransform._m01, worldTransform._m02));
// In the specific case of pixel displacement mapping, to get a consistent behavior compare to tessellation we require to not take into account y scale if lock object scale is not enabled
objectScale.y = length(float3(worldTransform._m10, worldTransform._m11, worldTransform._m12));
objectScale.z = length(float3(worldTransform._m20, worldTransform._m21, worldTransform._m22));
return objectScale;
float GetDisplacementInverseTilingScale()
void ApplyDisplacementTileScale(inout float height)
return _InvTilingScale;
return 1.0;
height *= _InvTilingScale;

bool isTriplanar = layerTexCoord.base.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR;
// See comment in layered version for details
float maxHeight = GetMaxDisplacement() * GetDisplacementInverseTilingScale();
float maxHeight = GetMaxDisplacement();
float2 minUvSize = GetMinUvSize(layerTexCoord);
float lod = ComputeTextureLOD(minUvSize);

ppdParam.uv = layerTexCoord.base.uv; // For planar it is uv too, not uvXZ
// Note: The TBN is not normalize as it is based on mikkt. We should normalize it, but POM is always use on simple enough surfarce that mean it is not required (save 2 normalize). Tag: SURFACE_GRADIENT
float3 viewDirTS = isPlanar ? float3(uvXZ, V.y) : TransformWorldToTangent(V, input.worldToTangent) * GetDisplacementInverseObjectScale(false).xzy; // Switch from Y-up to Z-up (as we move to tangent space)
float3 viewDirTS = isPlanar ? float3(uvXZ, V.y) : TransformWorldToTangent(V, input.worldToTangent) * GetDisplacementObjectScale(false).xzy; // Switch from Y-up to Z-up (as we move to tangent space)
NdotV = viewDirTS.z;
// Transform the view vector into the UV space.

// Calculate displacement for per vertex displacement mapping
float ComputePerVertexDisplacement(LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float4 vertexColor, float lod)
float3 ComputePerVertexDisplacement(LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float4 vertexColor, float lod)
return height * GetDisplacementInverseTilingScale();
// Height is affected by tiling property and by object scale (depends on option).
// Apply scaling from tiling properties (TexWorldScale and tiling from BaseColor)
// Applying scaling of the object if requested
float3 objectScale = GetDisplacementObjectScale(true);
// Reminder: mappingType is know statically, so code below is optimize by the compiler
// Planar and Triplanar are in world space thus it is independent of object scale
return height.xxx * ((layerTexCoord.base.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_UVSET) ? objectScale : float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
return height.xxx;
void GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData(FragInputs input, float3 V, inout PositionInputs posInput, out SurfaceData surfaceData, out BuiltinData builtinData)

GetBuiltinData(input, surfaceData, alpha, bentNormalWS, depthOffset, builtinData);
#define LAYERS_HEIGHTMAP_ENABLE (defined(_HEIGHTMAP0) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP1) || (_LAYER_COUNT > 2 && defined(_HEIGHTMAP2)) || (_LAYER_COUNT > 3 && defined(_HEIGHTMAP3)))
// Number of sampler are limited, we need to share sampler as much as possible with lit material
// for this we put the constraint that the sampler are the same in a layered material for all textures of the same type

// TODO: precompute all these scaling factors!
height0 /= max(_BaseColorMap0_ST.x, _BaseColorMap0_ST.y) * _TexWorldScale0;
height0 *= _InvTilingScale0;
height0 *= tileObjectScale; // We only affect layer0 in case we are not in influence mode (i.e we should not change the base object)
height0 /= tileObjectScale; // We only affect layer0 in case we are not in influence mode (i.e we should not change the base object)
height1 /= tileObjectScale * max(_BaseColorMap1_ST.x, _BaseColorMap1_ST.y) * _TexWorldScale1;
height2 /= tileObjectScale * max(_BaseColorMap2_ST.x, _BaseColorMap2_ST.y) * _TexWorldScale2;
height3 /= tileObjectScale * max(_BaseColorMap3_ST.x, _BaseColorMap3_ST.y) * _TexWorldScale3;
height1 = (height1 / tileObjectScale) * _InvTilingScale1;
height2 = (height2 / tileObjectScale) * _InvTilingScale2;
height3 = (height3 / tileObjectScale) * _InvTilingScale3;

// Calculate displacement for per vertex displacement mapping
float ComputePerPixelHeightDisplacement(float2 texOffsetCurrent, float lod, PerPixelHeightDisplacementParam param)
#if defined(_HEIGHTMAP0) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP1) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP2) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP3)
#if defined(_HEIGHTMAP0) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP1) || (_LAYER_COUNT > 2 && defined(_HEIGHTMAP2)) || (_LAYER_COUNT > 3 && defined(_HEIGHTMAP3))
// Note: No multiply by amplitude here, this is bake into the weights and apply in BlendLayeredScalar
// The amplitude is normalize to be able to work with POM algorithm
// Tiling is automatically handled correctly here as we use 4 differents uv even if they come from the same UVSet (they include the tiling)

// Most contraint are handled by the inspector (i.e the UI) like the mapping constraint and is assumed in the shader.
float ApplyPerPixelDisplacement(FragInputs input, float3 V, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float influenceMask)
bool ppdEnable = false;
ppdEnable = true;
ppdEnable = true;
isPlanar = layerTexCoord.base1.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR;
isTriplanar = layerTexCoord.base1.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR;

ppdEnable = true;
isPlanar = layerTexCoord.base2.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR;
isTriplanar = layerTexCoord.base2.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR;

#if defined(_HEIGHTMAP3)
ppdEnable = true;
// Even if we use same mapping we can have different tiling. For per pixel displacement we will perform the ray marching with already tiled uv
float maxHeight = GetMaxDisplacement();
// Compute lod as we will sample inside a loop(so can't use regular sampling)
// Note: It appear that CALCULATE_TEXTURE2D_LOD only return interger lod. We want to use float lod to have smoother transition and fading, so do our own calculation.
// Approximation of lod to used. Be conservative here, we will take the highest mip of all layers.
// Remember, we assume that we used the same mapping for all layer, so only size matter.
float2 minUvSize = GetMinUvSize(layerTexCoord);
float lod = ComputeTextureLOD(minUvSize);
if (ppdEnable)
// Even if we use same mapping we can have different tiling. For per pixel displacement we will perform the ray marching with already tiled uv
float maxHeight = GetMaxDisplacement();
// Compute lod as we will sample inside a loop(so can't use regular sampling)
// Note: It appear that CALCULATE_TEXTURE2D_LOD only return interger lod. We want to use float lod to have smoother transition and fading, so do our own calculation.
// Approximation of lod to used. Be conservative here, we will take the highest mip of all layers.
// Remember, we assume that we used the same mapping for all layer, so only size matter.
float2 minUvSize = GetMinUvSize(layerTexCoord);
float lod = ComputeTextureLOD(minUvSize);
// Calculate blend weights
float4 blendMasks = GetBlendMask(layerTexCoord, input.color);
// Calculate blend weights
float4 blendMasks = GetBlendMask(layerTexCoord, input.color);
float weights[_MAX_LAYER];
ComputeMaskWeights(blendMasks, weights);
float weights[_MAX_LAYER];
ComputeMaskWeights(blendMasks, weights);
// Be sure we are not considering weight here were there is no heightmap
SetEnabledHeightByLayer(weights[0], weights[1], weights[2], weights[3]);
// Be sure we are not considering weight here were there is no heightmap
SetEnabledHeightByLayer(weights[0], weights[1], weights[2], weights[3]);
PerPixelHeightDisplacementParam ppdParam;
PerPixelHeightDisplacementParam ppdParam;
// For per pixel displacement we need to have normalized height scale to calculate the interesection (required by the algorithm we use)
// mean that we will normalize by the highest amplitude.
// We store this normalization factor with the weights as it will be multiply by the readed height.
ppdParam.weights[0] = weights[0] * (_HeightAmplitude0) / maxHeight;
ppdParam.weights[1] = weights[1] * (_HeightAmplitude1 + _HeightAmplitude0 * _InheritBaseHeight1) / maxHeight;
ppdParam.weights[2] = weights[2] * (_HeightAmplitude2 + _HeightAmplitude0 * _InheritBaseHeight2) / maxHeight;
ppdParam.weights[3] = weights[3] * (_HeightAmplitude3 + _HeightAmplitude0 * _InheritBaseHeight3) / maxHeight;
// For per pixel displacement we need to have normalized height scale to calculate the interesection (required by the algorithm we use)
// mean that we will normalize by the highest amplitude.
// We store this normalization factor with the weights as it will be multiply by the readed height.
ppdParam.weights[0] = weights[0] * (_HeightAmplitude0) / maxHeight;
ppdParam.weights[1] = weights[1] * (_HeightAmplitude1 + _HeightAmplitude0 * _InheritBaseHeight1) / maxHeight;
ppdParam.weights[2] = weights[2] * (_HeightAmplitude2 + _HeightAmplitude0 * _InheritBaseHeight2) / maxHeight;
ppdParam.weights[3] = weights[3] * (_HeightAmplitude3 + _HeightAmplitude0 * _InheritBaseHeight3) / maxHeight;
// Think that inheritbasedheight will be 0 if height0 is fully visible in weights. So there is no double contribution of height0
float mainHeightInfluence = BlendLayeredScalar(0.0, _InheritBaseHeight1, _InheritBaseHeight2, _InheritBaseHeight3, weights) * influenceMask;
ppdParam.mainHeightInfluence = mainHeightInfluence;
// Think that inheritbasedheight will be 0 if height0 is fully visible in weights. So there is no double contribution of height0
float mainHeightInfluence = BlendLayeredScalar(0.0, _InheritBaseHeight1, _InheritBaseHeight2, _InheritBaseHeight3, weights) * influenceMask;
ppdParam.mainHeightInfluence = mainHeightInfluence;
for (int i = 0; i < _MAX_LAYER; ++i)
ppdParam.weights[i] = weights[i];
ppdParam.mainHeightInfluence = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < _MAX_LAYER; ++i)
ppdParam.weights[i] = weights[i];
ppdParam.mainHeightInfluence = 0.0;
float height; // final height processed
float NdotV;
float height; // final height processed
float NdotV;
// planar/triplanar
float2 uvXZ;
float2 uvXY;
float2 uvZY;
GetTriplanarCoordinate(V, uvXZ, uvXY, uvZY);
// planar/triplanar
float2 uvXZ;
float2 uvXY;
float2 uvZY;
GetTriplanarCoordinate(V, uvXZ, uvXY, uvZY);
// We need to calculate the texture space direction. It depends on the mapping.
if (isTriplanar)
// TODO: implement. Require 3 call to POM + dedicated viewDirTS based on triplanar convention
// apply the 3 offset on all layers
// We need to calculate the texture space direction. It depends on the mapping.
if (isTriplanar)
// TODO: implement. Require 3 call to POM + dedicated viewDirTS based on triplanar convention
// apply the 3 offset on all layers
ppdParam.uv[0] = layerTexCoord.base0.uvZY;
ppdParam.uv[1] = layerTexCoord.base1.uvYZ;
ppdParam.uv[2] = layerTexCoord.base2.uvYZ;
ppdParam.uv[3] = layerTexCoord.base3.uvYZ;
ppdParam.uv[0] = layerTexCoord.base0.uvZY;
ppdParam.uv[1] = layerTexCoord.base1.uvYZ;
ppdParam.uv[2] = layerTexCoord.base2.uvYZ;
ppdParam.uv[3] = layerTexCoord.base3.uvYZ;
float3 viewDirTS = ;
int numSteps = (int)lerp(_PPDMaxSamples, _PPDMinSamples, abs(viewDirTS.z));
ParallaxOcclusionMapping(lod, _PPDLodThreshold, numSteps, viewDirTS, maxHeight, ppdParam);
float3 viewDirTS = ;
int numSteps = (int)lerp(_PPDMaxSamples, _PPDMinSamples, abs(viewDirTS.z));
ParallaxOcclusionMapping(lod, _PPDLodThreshold, numSteps, viewDirTS, maxHeight, ppdParam);
// Apply to all uvZY
// Apply to all uvZY
// Repeat for uvXZ
// Repeat for uvXZ
// Repeat for uvXY
// Repeat for uvXY
// Apply to all layer that used triplanar
height = 1;
NdotV = 1;
ppdParam.uv[0] = layerTexCoord.base0.uv;
ppdParam.uv[1] = layerTexCoord.base1.uv;
ppdParam.uv[2] = layerTexCoord.base2.uv;
ppdParam.uv[3] = layerTexCoord.base3.uv;
// Apply to all layer that used triplanar
height = 1;
NdotV = 1;
ppdParam.uv[0] = layerTexCoord.base0.uv;
ppdParam.uv[1] = layerTexCoord.base1.uv;
ppdParam.uv[2] = layerTexCoord.base2.uv;
ppdParam.uv[3] = layerTexCoord.base3.uv;
float3x3 worldToTangent = input.worldToTangent;
float3x3 worldToTangent = input.worldToTangent;
// Note: The TBN is not normalize as it is based on mikkt. We should normalize it, but POM is always use on simple enough surfarce that mean it is not required (save 2 normalize). Tag: SURFACE_GRADIENT
// For planar the view vector is the world view vector (unless we want to support object triplanar ? and in this case used TransformWorldToObject)
// TODO: do we support object triplanar ? See ComputeLayerTexCoord
float3 viewDirTS = isPlanar ? float3(uvXZ, V.y) : TransformWorldToTangent(V, worldToTangent);
NdotV = viewDirTS.z;
// Note: The TBN is not normalize as it is based on mikkt. We should normalize it, but POM is always use on simple enough surfarce that mean it is not required (save 2 normalize). Tag: SURFACE_GRADIENT
// For planar the view vector is the world view vector (unless we want to support object triplanar ? and in this case used TransformWorldToObject)
// TODO: do we support object triplanar ? See ComputeLayerTexCoord
float3 viewDirTS = isPlanar ? float3(uvXZ, V.y) : TransformWorldToTangent(V, worldToTangent);
NdotV = viewDirTS.z;
int numSteps = (int)lerp(_PPDMaxSamples, _PPDMinSamples, viewDirTS.z);
int numSteps = (int)lerp(_PPDMaxSamples, _PPDMinSamples, viewDirTS.z);
float2 offset = ParallaxOcclusionMapping(lod, _PPDLodThreshold, numSteps, viewDirTS, maxHeight, ppdParam, height);
float2 offset = ParallaxOcclusionMapping(lod, _PPDLodThreshold, numSteps, viewDirTS, maxHeight, ppdParam, height);
// Apply offset to all planar UV if applicable
float4 planarWeight = float4( layerTexCoord.base0.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR ? 1.0 : 0.0,
layerTexCoord.base1.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR ? 1.0 : 0.0,
layerTexCoord.base2.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR ? 1.0 : 0.0,
layerTexCoord.base3.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR ? 1.0 : 0.0);
// _UVMappingMask0.x will be 1.0 is UVSet0 is used;
float4 offsetWeights = isPlanar ? planarWeight : float4(_UVMappingMask0.x, _UVMappingMask1.x, _UVMappingMask2.x, _UVMappingMask3.x);
// Apply offset to all planar UV if applicable
float4 planarWeight = float4( layerTexCoord.base0.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR ? 1.0 : 0.0,
layerTexCoord.base1.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR ? 1.0 : 0.0,
layerTexCoord.base2.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR ? 1.0 : 0.0,
layerTexCoord.base3.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_PLANAR ? 1.0 : 0.0);
layerTexCoord.base0.uv += offsetWeights.x * offset;
layerTexCoord.base1.uv += offsetWeights.y * offset;
layerTexCoord.base2.uv += offsetWeights.z * offset;
layerTexCoord.base3.uv += offsetWeights.w * offset;
// _UVMappingMask0.x will be 1.0 is UVSet0 is used;
float4 offsetWeights = isPlanar ? planarWeight : float4(_UVMappingMask0.x, _UVMappingMask1.x, _UVMappingMask2.x, _UVMappingMask3.x);
offsetWeights = isPlanar ? planarWeight : float4(_UVDetailsMappingMask0.x, _UVDetailsMappingMask1.x, _UVDetailsMappingMask2.x, _UVDetailsMappingMask3.x);
layerTexCoord.base0.uv += offsetWeights.x * offset;
layerTexCoord.base1.uv += offsetWeights.y * offset;
layerTexCoord.base2.uv += offsetWeights.z * offset;
layerTexCoord.base3.uv += offsetWeights.w * offset;
layerTexCoord.details0.uv += offsetWeights.x * offset;
layerTexCoord.details1.uv += offsetWeights.y * offset;
layerTexCoord.details2.uv += offsetWeights.z * offset;
layerTexCoord.details3.uv += offsetWeights.w * offset;
offsetWeights = isPlanar ? planarWeight : float4(_UVDetailsMappingMask0.x, _UVDetailsMappingMask1.x, _UVDetailsMappingMask2.x, _UVDetailsMappingMask3.x);
// Since POM "pushes" geometry inwards (rather than extrude it), { height = height - 1 }.
// Since the result is used as a 'depthOffsetVS', it needs to be positive, so we flip the sign.
float verticalDisplacement = maxHeight - height * maxHeight;
// IDEA: precompute the tiling scale? MOV-MUL vs MOV-MOV-MAX-RCP-MUL.
float tilingScale = rcp(max(_BaseColorMap0_ST.x, _BaseColorMap0_ST.y));
return tilingScale * verticalDisplacement / max(NdotV, 0.001);
layerTexCoord.details0.uv += offsetWeights.x * offset;
layerTexCoord.details1.uv += offsetWeights.y * offset;
layerTexCoord.details2.uv += offsetWeights.z * offset;
layerTexCoord.details3.uv += offsetWeights.w * offset;
// Since POM "pushes" geometry inwards (rather than extrude it), { height = height - 1 }.
// Since the result is used as a 'depthOffsetVS', it needs to be positive, so we flip the sign.
float verticalDisplacement = maxHeight - height * maxHeight;
// IDEA: precompute the tiling scale? MOV-MUL vs MOV-MOV-MAX-RCP-MUL.
float tilingScale = rcp(max(_BaseColorMap0_ST.x, _BaseColorMap0_ST.y));
return tilingScale * verticalDisplacement / max(NdotV, 0.001);
float GetMaxHeight(float4 heights)

// Calculate displacement for per vertex displacement mapping
float ComputePerVertexDisplacement(LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float4 vertexColor, float lod)
float3 ComputePerVertexDisplacement(LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float4 vertexColor, float lod)
#if defined(_HEIGHTMAP0) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP1) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP2) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP3)
ApplyDisplacementTileScale(height0, height1, height2, height3); // Only apply with per vertex displacement
// Height is affected by tiling property and by object scale (depends on option).
// Apply scaling from tiling properties (TexWorldScale and tiling from BaseColor)
ApplyDisplacementTileScale(height0, height1, height2, height3);
float4 blendMask = GetBlendMask(layerTexCoord, vertexColor, true, lod);
float4 blendMasks = GetBlendMask(layerTexCoord, vertexColor, true, lod);
#if defined(_MAIN_LAYER_INFLUENCE_MODE) && defined(_HEIGHTMAP0)
float influenceMask = blendMask.a * GetInfluenceMask(layerTexCoord, true, lod);
float influenceMask = blendMasks.a * GetInfluenceMask(layerTexCoord, true, lod);
height1 += height0 * _InheritBaseHeight1 * influenceMask;
height2 += height0 * _InheritBaseHeight2 * influenceMask;
height3 += height0 * _InheritBaseHeight3 * influenceMask;

#if defined(_HEIGHT_BASED_BLEND)
blendMask = ApplyHeightBlend(float4(height0, height1, height2, height3), blendMask);
// Modify blendMask to take into account the height of the layer. Higher height should be more visible.
blendMasks = ApplyHeightBlend(float4(height0, height1, height2, height3), blendMasks);
ComputeMaskWeights(blendMask, weights);
return BlendLayeredScalar(height0, height1, height2, height3, weights);
ComputeMaskWeights(blendMasks, weights);
// Applying scaling of the object if requested
float3 objectScale = GetDisplacementObjectScale(true);
// Reminder: mappingType is know statically, so code below is optimize by the compiler
// Planar and Triplanar are in world space thus it is independent of object scale
return BlendLayeredVector3( height0.xxx * ((layerTexCoord.base0.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_UVSET) ? objectScale : float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
height1.xxx * ((layerTexCoord.base0.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_UVSET) ? objectScale : float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
height2.xxx * ((layerTexCoord.base0.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_UVSET) ? objectScale : float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
height3.xxx * ((layerTexCoord.base0.mappingType == UV_MAPPING_UVSET) ? objectScale : float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), weights);
return BlendLayeredScalar(height0, height1, height2, height3, weights).xxx;
return 0.0;
return float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

outWeights[i] = 0.0f;
#if defined(_DENSITY_MODE)
// Note: blendMasks.argb because a is main layer
float4 opacityAsDensity = saturate((inputAlphaMask - (float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - blendMasks.argb)) * 20.0); // 20.0 is the number of steps in inputAlphaMask (Density mask. We decided 20 empirically)

#if defined(_HEIGHT_BASED_BLEND)
#if defined(_HEIGHTMAP0) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP1) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP2) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP3)
// If no heightmap is set on any layer, we don't need to try and blend them based on height...
float height0 = (SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_HeightMap0, SAMPLER_HEIGHTMAP_IDX, layerTexCoord.base0).r - _HeightCenter0) * _HeightAmplitude0;
float height1 = (SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_HeightMap1, SAMPLER_HEIGHTMAP_IDX, layerTexCoord.base1).r - _HeightCenter1) * _HeightAmplitude1;
float height2 = (SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_HeightMap2, SAMPLER_HEIGHTMAP_IDX, layerTexCoord.base2).r - _HeightCenter2) * _HeightAmplitude2;

// HACK: use height0 to avoid compiler error for unused sampler - To remove when we can have a sampler without a textures
// We don't use height 0 for the height blend based mode
heights.y += (heights.x * 0.0001);
// If no heightmap is set on any layer, we don't need to try and blend them based on height...
ComputeMaskWeights(blendMasks, outWeights);


// TODO: do this algorithm for lod fetching as lod not available in vertex/domain shader
// http://www.sebastiansylvan.com/post/the-problem-with-tessellation-in-directx-11/
float lod = 0.0;
float height = ComputePerVertexDisplacement(layerTexCoord, vertexColor, lod);
float3 displ = height * normalWS;
// Applying scaling of the object if requested
// Note: In case of planar mapping there is no object scale as we do world space planar mapping (not object space planar mapping)
float3 objectScale = GetDisplacementInverseObjectScale(true);
float3 objectScale = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
displ *= objectScale;
return displ;
return ComputePerVertexDisplacement(layerTexCoord, vertexColor, lod) * normalWS;
void ApplyVertexModification(AttributesMesh input, float3 normalWS, inout float3 positionWS)
