- Fixed a shader preprocessor issue when compiling DebugViewMaterialGBuffer.shader against Metal target
- Added a temporary workaround to Lit.hlsl to avoid broken lighting code with Metal/AMD
### Added
- Add option supportDitheringCrossFade on HDRP Asset to allow to remove shader variant during player build if needed
- Add contact shadows for punctual lights (in additional shadow settings), only one light is allowed to cast contact shadows at the same time and so at each frame a dominant light is choosed among all light with contact shadows enabled.
// TODO: We need to match the PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel formula for planar, so we don't do this test (which is specific to our current lightloop)
// Specific case for Texture2Ds, their convolution is a gaussian one and not a GGX one - So we use another roughness mip mapping.