staticGUIContents_AlbedoLabel=newGUIContent("Single Scattering Albedo","Hue and saturation control the color of the fog (the wavelength of in-scattered light). Value controls scattering (0 = max absorption & no scattering, 1 = no absorption & max scattering).");
staticGUIContents_MeanFreePathLabel=newGUIContent("Mean Free Path","Controls the density, which determines how far you can seen through the fog. It's the distance in meters at which 50% of background light is lost in the fog (due to absorption and out-scattering).");
staticGUIContents_AlbedoLabel=newGUIContent("Single Scattering Albedo","Hue and saturation control the color of the fog (the wavelength of in-scattered light). Value controls scattering (0 = max absorption & no scattering, 1 = no absorption & max scattering).");
staticGUIContents_MeanFreePathLabel=newGUIContent("Mean Free Path","Controls the density, which determines how far you can seen through the fog. It's the distance in meters at which 50% of background light is lost in the fog (due to absorption and out-scattering).");
staticGUIContents_AnisotropyLabel=newGUIContent("Anisotropy","Controls the angular distribution of scattered light. 0 is isotropic, 1 is forward scattering, -1 is backward scattering.");
staticGUIContents_GlobalLightProbeDimmerLabel=newGUIContent("Global Light Probe Dimmer","Reduces the intensity of the global light probe.");