shadow = GetPunctualShadowAttenuation(lightLoopContext.shadowContext, positionWS, N, lightData.shadowIndex, L, distances.x, posInput.positionSS);
// Note: Legacy Unity have two shadow mask mode. ShadowMask (ShadowMask contain static objects shadow and ShadowMap contain only dynamic objects shadow, final result is the minimun of both value)
// Volumetric don't use screenspace shadow. Transparent neither (as we don't have the depth information)
EvaluateLight_Directional(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L, HasFeatureFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIAL_FEATURE_FLAGS_TRANSMISSION_MODE_THIN_THICKNESS), color, attenuation);
// When using thin transmission mode we don't fetch shadow map for back face, we reuse front face shadow
// However we flip the normal for the bias (and the NdotL test) and disable contact shadow
if (HasFeatureFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIAL_FEATURE_FLAGS_TRANSMISSION_MODE_THIN_THICKNESS) && NdotL < 0)
// Disable shadow contact in case of transmission and backface shadow
N = -N;
lightData.contactShadowIndex = -1; // This is only modify for the scope of this function
EvaluateLight_Directional(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L, color, attenuation);
float intensity = max(0, attenuation * NdotL); // Warning: attenuation can be greater than 1 due to the inverse square attenuation (when position is close to light)
float3 color;
float attenuation;
float attenuationNoContactShadows;
// When using thin transmission mode we don't fetch shadow map for back face, we reuse front face shadow
// However we flip the normal for the bias (and the NdotL test) and disable contact shadow
if (HasFeatureFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIAL_FEATURE_FLAGS_TRANSMISSION_MODE_THIN_THICKNESS) && NdotL < 0)
// Disable shadow contact in case of transmission and backface shadow
N = -N;
lightData.contactShadowIndex = -1; // This is only modify for the scope of this function
float intensity = max(0, attenuation * NdotL); // Warning: attenuation can be greater than 1 due to the inverse square attenuation (when position is close to light)
float intensity = max(0, attenuation); // Warning: attenuation can be greater than 1 due to the inverse square attenuation (when position is close to light)
// Note: we do not modify the distance to the light, or the light angle for the back face.
// This is a performance-saving optimization which makes sense as long as the thickness is small.
// We use diffuse lighting for accumulation since it is going to be blurred during the SSS pass.