var graphView = graphEditorView.graphView; |
var nodes = graphView.selection.OfType<MaterialNodeView>().Where(x => !(x.node is PropertyNode)).Select(x => x.node as INode).ToArray(); |
Vector2 middle = Vector2.zero; |
foreach (var node in nodes) |
{ |
middle += node.drawState.position.center; |
} |
middle /= nodes.Length; |
var copyPasteGraph = new CopyPasteGraph( |
graphView.selection.OfType<MaterialNodeView>().Where(x => !(x.node is PropertyNode)).Select(x => x.node as INode), |
graphView.selection.OfType<Edge>().Select(x => x.userData as IEdge)); |
return; |
var graph = new SubGraph(); |
graph.AddNode(new SubGraphOutputNode()); |
var subGraph = new SubGraph(); |
subGraph.AddNode(new SubGraphOutputNode()); |
var nodeGuidMap = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>(); |
foreach (var node in deserialized.GetNodes<INode>()) |
nodeGuidMap[oldGuid] = newGuid; |
graph.AddNode(node); |
subGraph.AddNode(node); |
// remap outputs to the subgraph
var onlyInputInternallyConnected = new List<IEdge>(); |
var onlyOutputInternallyConnected = new List<IEdge>(); |
// figure out what needs remapping
var externalOutputSlots = new List<IEdge>(); |
var externalInputSlots = new List<IEdge>(); |
foreach (var edge in deserialized.edges) |
{ |
var outputSlot = edge.outputSlot; |
Guid remappedInputNodeGuid; |
var outputRemapExists = nodeGuidMap.TryGetValue(outputSlot.nodeGuid, out remappedOutputNodeGuid); |
var inputRemapExists = nodeGuidMap.TryGetValue(inputSlot.nodeGuid, out remappedInputNodeGuid); |
var outputSlotExistsInSubgraph = nodeGuidMap.TryGetValue(outputSlot.nodeGuid, out remappedOutputNodeGuid); |
var inputSlotExistsInSubgraph = nodeGuidMap.TryGetValue(inputSlot.nodeGuid, out remappedInputNodeGuid); |
if (outputRemapExists && inputRemapExists) |
if (outputSlotExistsInSubgraph && inputSlotExistsInSubgraph) |
graph.Connect(outputSlotRef, inputSlotRef); |
subGraph.Connect(outputSlotRef, inputSlotRef); |
else if (outputRemapExists) |
else if (outputSlotExistsInSubgraph) |
onlyOutputInternallyConnected.Add(edge); |
externalInputSlots.Add(edge); |
else if (inputRemapExists) |
else if (inputSlotExistsInSubgraph) |
onlyInputInternallyConnected.Add(edge); |
externalOutputSlots.Add(edge); |
var uniqueInputEdges = onlyOutputInternallyConnected.GroupBy( |
// Find the unique edges coming INTO the graph
var uniqueIncomingEdges = externalOutputSlots.GroupBy( |
(key, edges) => new { slotRef = key, edges = edges.ToList() }); |
foreach (var group in uniqueInputEdges) |
(key, edges) => new {slotRef = key, edges = edges.ToList()}); |
var externalInputNeedingConnection = new List<KeyValuePair<IEdge, IShaderProperty>>(); |
foreach (var group in uniqueIncomingEdges) |
IShaderProperty prop; |
case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState: |
break; |
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4: |
break; |
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3: |
break; |
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2: |
break; |
prop = new TextureShaderProperty(); |
prop = new Vector4ShaderProperty(); |
prop = new Vector3ShaderProperty(); |
prop = new Vector2ShaderProperty(); |
prop = new FloatShaderProperty(); |
if (prop != null) |
{ |
subGraph.AddShaderProperty(prop); |
var propNode = new PropertyNode(); |
subGraph.AddNode(propNode); |
propNode.propertyGuid = prop.guid; |
foreach (var edge in group.edges) |
{ |
subGraph.Connect( |
new SlotReference(propNode.guid, PropertyNode.OutputSlotId), |
new SlotReference(nodeGuidMap[edge.inputSlot.nodeGuid], edge.inputSlot.slotId)); |
externalInputNeedingConnection.Add(new KeyValuePair<IEdge, IShaderProperty>(edge, prop)); |
} |
} |
var uniqueOutputEdges = onlyInputInternallyConnected.GroupBy( |
var uniqueOutgoingEdges = externalInputSlots.GroupBy( |
(key, edges) => new { slot = key, edges = edges.ToList() }); |
(key, edges) => new {slot = key, edges = edges.ToList()}); |
var outputsNeedingConnection = new List<KeyValuePair<IEdge, IEdge>>(); |
foreach (var group in uniqueOutputEdges) |
var externalOutputsNeedingConnection = new List<KeyValuePair<IEdge, IEdge>>(); |
foreach (var group in uniqueOutgoingEdges) |
var outputNode = graph.outputNode; |
var outputNode = subGraph.outputNode; |
var slotId = outputNode.AddSlot(); |
var inputSlotRef = new SlotReference(outputNode.guid, slotId); |
var newEdge = graph.Connect(new SlotReference(nodeGuidMap[edge.outputSlot.nodeGuid], edge.outputSlot.slotId), inputSlotRef); |
outputsNeedingConnection.Add(new KeyValuePair<IEdge, IEdge>(edge, newEdge)); |
var newEdge = subGraph.Connect(new SlotReference(nodeGuidMap[edge.outputSlot.nodeGuid], edge.outputSlot.slotId), inputSlotRef); |
externalOutputsNeedingConnection.Add(new KeyValuePair<IEdge, IEdge>(edge, newEdge)); |
File.WriteAllText(path, EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(graph)); |
File.WriteAllText(path, EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(subGraph)); |
var subGraph = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(MaterialSubGraphAsset)) as MaterialSubGraphAsset; |
if (subGraph == null) |
var loadedSubGraph = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(MaterialSubGraphAsset)) as MaterialSubGraphAsset; |
if (loadedSubGraph == null) |
var ds = subGraphNode.drawState; |
ds.position = new Rect(middle, Vector2.one); |
subGraphNode.drawState = ds; |
subGraphNode.subGraphAsset = subGraph; |
subGraphNode.subGraphAsset = loadedSubGraph; |
/* foreach (var edgeMap in inputsNeedingConnection) |
{ |
graphObject.graph.Connect(edgeMap.Key.outputSlot, new SlotReference(subGraphNode.guid, edgeMap.Value.outputSlot.slotId)); |
}*/ |
foreach (var edgeMap in externalInputNeedingConnection) |
{ |
graphObject.graph.Connect(edgeMap.Key.outputSlot, new SlotReference(subGraphNode.guid, edgeMap.Value.guid.GetHashCode())); |
} |
foreach (var edgeMap in outputsNeedingConnection) |
foreach (var edgeMap in externalOutputsNeedingConnection) |
{ |
graphObject.graph.Connect(new SlotReference(subGraphNode.guid, edgeMap.Value.inputSlot.slotId), edgeMap.Key.inputSlot); |
} |
var shaderImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as ShaderGraphImporter; |
if (shaderImporter == null) |
return; |
File.WriteAllText(path, EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(graph, true)); |
shaderImporter.SaveAndReimport(); |
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); |