// BSDF share between directional light, punctual light and area light (reference)
// This function apply BSDF
void BSDF( float3 V, float3 L, float3 positionWS, PreLightData preLightData, BSDFData bsdfData,
// This function apply BSDF. Assumes that NdotL is positive.
void BSDF( float3 V, float3 L, float NdotL, float 3 positionWS, PreLightData preLightData, BSDFData bsdfData,
out float3 diffuseLighting,
out float3 specularLighting)
// Optimized math. Ref: PBR Diffuse Lighting for GGX + Smith Microsurfaces (slide 114).
float NdotL = saturate(dot(N, L)); // Must have the same value without the clamp
float LdotV = dot(L, V);
float invLenLV = rsqrt(max(2.0 * LdotV + 2.0, FLT_EPS)); // invLenLV = rcp(length(L + V)) - caution about the case where V and L are opposite, it can happen, use max to avoid this
// Note: We use NdotL here to early out, but in case of clear coat this is not correct. But we are ok with this
[branch] if (intensity > 0.0)
BSDF(V, L, posInput.positionWS, preLightData, bsdfData, lighting.diffuse, lighting.specular);
BSDF(V, L, NdotL, posInput.positionWS, preLightData, bsdfData, lighting.diffuse, lighting.specular);
lighting.diffuse *= intensity * lightData.diffuseScale;
lighting.specular *= intensity * lightData.specularScale;
float3 lightToSample = posInput.positionWS - lightData.positionWS;
int lightType = lightData.lightType;
float3 unL = (lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_PROJECTOR_BOX) ? -lightToSample : -lightData.forward;
float distSq = dot(unL, unL);
float distRcp = rsqrt(distSq);
float dist = distSq * distRcp;
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
float3 L = unL * distRcp;
float NdotL = dot(N, L);
float3 L;
float dist, distSq, distProj;
dist = distSq = 1; // No distance attenuation
L = -lightData.forward; // No angle attenuation
float3 unL = -lightToSample;
distSq = dot(unL, unL);
float distRcp = rsqrt(distSq);
dist = distSq * distRcp;
L = unL * distRcp;
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
float NdotL = dot(N, L);
if (HasFeatureFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_LIT_TRANSMISSION))
float3 color;
float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Punctual(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L, dist, distSq, color, attenuation);
EvaluateLight_Punctual(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L,
lightToSample, dist, distSq, color, attenuation);
float intensity = saturate(attenuation * NdotL);
bsdfData.roughnessT = max(bsdfData.roughnessT, lightData.minRoughness);
bsdfData.roughnessB = max(bsdfData.roughnessB, lightData.minRoughness);
BSDF(V, L, posInput.positionWS, preLightData, bsdfData, lighting.diffuse, lighting.specular);
BSDF(V, L, NdotL, posInput.positionWS, preLightData, bsdfData, lighting.diffuse, lighting.specular);
lighting.diffuse *= intensity * lightData.diffuseScale;
lighting.specular *= intensity * lightData.specularScale;