
prep work for supporting clustered as well as opaque only plus some clean up and removal of hungarians.

prep work for supporting clustered as well as opaque only plus some
clean up and removal of hungarians.
mmikk 8 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 124 次插入41 次删除
  1. 79
  2. 86


uint FetchLightCount(const uint tileOffs)
uniform float g_fClustScale;
uniform float g_fClustBase;
uniform float g_fNearPlane;
uniform int g_iLog2NumClusters; // numClusters = (1<<g_iLog2NumClusters)
Buffer<uint> g_vLayeredOffsetsBuffer;
Buffer<float> g_fModulUserscale;
#include "ClusteredUtils.h"
void GetLightCountAndStart(out uint uStart, out uint uNrLights, uint2 tileIDX, int nrTilesX, int nrTilesY, float linDepth)
return g_vLightList[ 16*tileOffs + 0]&0xffff;
float modulScale = g_fModulUserscale[uTileIdx.y*nrTilesX + uTileIdx.x];
float modulScale = 1.0;
int clustIdx = SnapToClusterIdx(linDepth, modulScale);
int nrClusters = (1<<g_iLog2NumClusters);
const int idx = ((REFLECTION_LIGHT*nrClusters + clustIdx)*nrTilesY + tileIDX.y)*nrTilesX + tileIDX.x;
uint dataPair = g_vLayeredOffsetsBuffer[idx];
uStart = dataPair&0x7ffffff;
uNrLights = (dataPair>>27)&31;
uint FetchIndex(const uint tileOffs, const uint l)
return g_vLightList[ tileOffs+l ];
void GetLightCountAndStart(out uint uStart, out uint uNrLights, uint2 tileIDX, int nrTilesX, int nrTilesY, float linDepth)
const int tileOffs = (tileIDX.y+REFLECTION_LIGHT*nrTilesY)*nrTilesX+tileIDX.x;
uNrLights = g_vLightList[ 16*tileOffs + 0]&0xffff;
uStart = tileOffs;
uint FetchIndex(const uint tileOffs, const uint l)

float3 ExecuteReflectionProbes(uint2 pixCoord, const uint offs);
float3 ExecuteReflectionProbes(uint2 pixCoord, uint start, uint numLights, float linDepth);
float3 OverlayHeatMap(uint uNumLights, float3 c);

uint2 tileIDX = pixCoord / 16;
const int offs = tileIDX.y*nrTilesX+tileIDX.x + nrTilesX*nrTilesY; // offset to where the reflection probes are
float zbufDpth = FetchDepth(_CameraDepthTexture, pixCoord.xy).x;
float linDepth = GetLinearDepth(zbufDpth);
float3 c = ExecuteReflectionProbes(pixCoord, offs);
//c = OverlayHeatMap(FetchLightCount(offs), c);
uint numLights=0, start=0;
GetLightCountAndStart(start, numLights, tileIDX, nrTilesX, nrTilesY, linDepth);
float3 c = ExecuteReflectionProbes(pixCoord, start, numLights, linDepth);
//c = OverlayHeatMap(numLights, c);
return float4(c,1.0);

half3 Unity_GlossyEnvironment (UNITY_ARGS_TEXCUBEARRAY(tex), int sliceIndex, half4 hdr, Unity_GlossyEnvironmentData glossIn);
float3 ExecuteReflectionProbes(uint2 pixCoord, const uint offs)
float3 ExecuteReflectionProbes(uint2 pixCoord, uint start, uint numLights, float linDepth)
float3 v3ScrPos = float3(pixCoord.x+0.5, pixCoord.y+0.5, FetchDepth(_CameraDepthTexture, pixCoord.xy).x);
float linDepth = GetLinearDepth(v3ScrPos.z);
float3 vP = GetViewPosFromLinDepth(v3ScrPos.xy, linDepth);
float3 vP = GetViewPosFromLinDepth(float2(pixCoord.x+0.5, pixCoord.y+0.5), linDepth);
float3 worldPos = mul(g_mViewToWorld, float4(vP.xyz,1.0)).xyz; //unity_CameraToWorld
float3 vWSpaceVDir = normalize(mul((float3x3) g_mViewToWorld, -vP).xyz); //unity_CameraToWorld

float3 ints = 0;
const uint uNrLights = FetchLightCount(offs);
uint l=0;
// we need this outer loop for when we cannot assume a wavefront is 64 wide

uint uIndex = l<uNrLights ? FetchIndex(offs, l) : 0;
uint uLgtType = l<uNrLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
uint uIndex = l<numLights ? FetchIndex(start, l) : 0;
uint uLgtType = l<numLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
while(l<uNrLights && uLgtType==(uint) BOX_LIGHT)
while(l<numLights && uLgtType==(uint) BOX_LIGHT)
SFiniteLightData lgtDat = g_vLightData[uIndex];
float3 vLp = lgtDat.vLpos.xyz;

ints = lerp(ints, rgb, falloff);
// next probe
++l; uIndex = l<uNrLights ? FetchIndex(offs, l) : 0;
uLgtType = l<uNrLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
++l; uIndex = l<numLights ? FetchIndex(start, l) : 0;
uLgtType = l<numLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
#if !defined(XBONE) && !defined(PLAYSTATION4)


#pragma target 5.0
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardBRDF.cginc"

uint FetchLightCount(const uint tileOffs)
uniform float g_fClustScale;
uniform float g_fClustBase;
uniform float g_fNearPlane;
uniform int g_iLog2NumClusters; // numClusters = (1<<g_iLog2NumClusters)
Buffer<uint> g_vLayeredOffsetsBuffer;
Buffer<float> g_fModulUserscale;
#include "ClusteredUtils.h"
void GetLightCountAndStart(out uint uStart, out uint uNrLights, uint2 tileIDX, int nrTilesX, int nrTilesY, float linDepth)
return g_vLightList[ 16*tileOffs + 0]&0xffff;
float modulScale = g_fModulUserscale[uTileIdx.y*nrTilesX + uTileIdx.x];
float modulScale = 1.0;
int clustIdx = SnapToClusterIdx(linDepth, modulScale);
int nrClusters = (1<<g_iLog2NumClusters);
const int idx = ((DIRECT_LIGHT*nrClusters + clustIdx)*nrTilesY + tileIDX.y)*nrTilesX + tileIDX.x;
uint dataPair = g_vLayeredOffsetsBuffer[idx];
uStart = dataPair&0x7ffffff;
uNrLights = (dataPair>>27)&31;
uint FetchIndex(const uint tileOffs, const uint l)
return g_vLightList[ tileOffs+l ];
void GetLightCountAndStart(out uint uStart, out uint uNrLights, uint2 tileIDX, int nrTilesX, int nrTilesY, float linDepth)
const int tileOffs = (tileIDX.y+DIRECT_LIGHT*nrTilesY)*nrTilesX+tileIDX.x;
uNrLights = g_vLightList[ 16*tileOffs + 0]&0xffff;
uStart = tileOffs;
uint FetchIndex(const uint tileOffs, const uint l)

float3 ExecuteLightList(uint2 pixCoord, const uint offs);
float3 ExecuteLightList(uint2 pixCoord, uint start, uint numLights, float linDepth);
float3 OverlayHeatMap(uint uNumLights, float3 c);
#define VALVE_DECLARE_SHADOWMAP( tex ) Texture2D tex; SamplerComparisonState sampler##tex

uint2 tileIDX = pixCoord / 16;
const int offs = tileIDX.y*nrTilesX+tileIDX.x;
float zbufDpth = FetchDepth(_CameraDepthTexture, pixCoord.xy).x;
float linDepth = GetLinearDepth(zbufDpth);
float3 c = ExecuteLightList(pixCoord, offs);
//c = OverlayHeatMap(FetchLightCount(offs), c);
uint numLights=0, start=0;
GetLightCountAndStart(start, numLights, tileIDX, nrTilesX, nrTilesY, linDepth);
float3 c = ExecuteLightList(pixCoord, start, numLights, linDepth);
//c = OverlayHeatMap(numLights, c);
return float4(c,1.0);

return data;
float3 ExecuteLightList(uint2 pixCoord, const uint offs)
float3 ExecuteLightList(uint2 pixCoord, uint start, uint numLights, float linDepth)
float3 v3ScrPos = float3(pixCoord.x+0.5, pixCoord.y+0.5, FetchDepth(_CameraDepthTexture, pixCoord.xy).x);
float linDepth = GetLinearDepth(v3ScrPos.z);
float3 vP = GetViewPosFromLinDepth(v3ScrPos.xy, linDepth);
float3 vP = GetViewPosFromLinDepth(float2(pixCoord.x+0.5, pixCoord.y+0.5), linDepth);
float3 vWSpaceVDir = normalize(mul((float3x3) g_mViewToWorld, -vP).xyz); //unity_CameraToWorld
float4 gbuffer0 = _CameraGBufferTexture0.Load( uint3(pixCoord.xy, 0) );

float3 ints = 0;
const uint uNrLights = FetchLightCount(offs);
uint l=0;

// since in this case we cannot assume the lights will remain sorted by type
// during processing in lightlist_cs.hlsl
#if !defined(XBONE) && !defined(PLAYSTATION4)
uint uIndex = l<uNrLights ? FetchIndex(offs, l) : 0;
uint uLgtType = l<uNrLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
uint uIndex = l<numLights ? FetchIndex(start, l) : 0;
uint uLgtType = l<numLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
while(l<uNrLights && uLgtType==SPOT_LIGHT)
while(l<numLights && uLgtType==SPOT_LIGHT)
SFiniteLightData lgtDat = g_vLightData[uIndex];
float3 vLp = lgtDat.vLpos.xyz;

ints += UNITY_BRDF_PBS (data.diffuseColor, data.specularColor, oneMinusReflectivity, data.smoothness, data.normalWorld, vWSpaceVDir, light, ind);
++l; uIndex = l<uNrLights ? FetchIndex(offs, l) : 0;
uLgtType = l<uNrLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
++l; uIndex = l<numLights ? FetchIndex(start, l) : 0;
uLgtType = l<numLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
while(l<uNrLights && uLgtType==SPHERE_LIGHT)
while(l<numLights && uLgtType==SPHERE_LIGHT)
SFiniteLightData lgtDat = g_vLightData[uIndex];
float3 vLp = lgtDat.vLpos.xyz;

ints += UNITY_BRDF_PBS (data.diffuseColor, data.specularColor, oneMinusReflectivity, data.smoothness, data.normalWorld, vWSpaceVDir, light, ind);
++l; uIndex = l<uNrLights ? FetchIndex(offs, l) : 0;
uLgtType = l<uNrLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
++l; uIndex = l<numLights ? FetchIndex(start, l) : 0;
uLgtType = l<numLights ? g_vLightData[uIndex].uLightType : 0;
#if !defined(XBONE) && !defined(PLAYSTATION4)
