
Cap local shadow casting lights to max of 1 for now. We need to pass in to shader the bias and scale for each shadow.

Felipe Lira 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 29 次插入13 次删除
  1. 42


m_CascadeSlices[cascadeIndex].offsetX = (cascadeIndex % 2) * shadowResolution;
m_CascadeSlices[cascadeIndex].offsetY = (cascadeIndex / 2) * shadowResolution;
m_CascadeSlices[cascadeIndex].resolution = shadowResolution;
m_CascadeSlices[cascadeIndex].shadowTransform = GetShadowTransform(proj, view);
// If we have shadow cascades baked into the atlas we bake cascade transform
// in each shadow matrix to save shader ALU and L/S
if (m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount > 1)
ApplySliceTransform(ref m_CascadeSlices[cascadeIndex], m_ShadowSettings.directionalShadowAtlasWidth, m_ShadowSettings.directionalShadowAtlasHeight);
SetupShadowSliceTransform(ref m_CascadeSlices[cascadeIndex], m_ShadowSettings.directionalShadowAtlasWidth, m_ShadowSettings.directionalShadowAtlasHeight, proj, view);
RenderShadowSlice(cmd, ref context, ref m_CascadeSlices[cascadeIndex], proj, view, settings);

List<int> localLightIndices = lightData.localLightIndices;
List<VisibleLight> visibleLights = lightData.visibleLights;
// TODO: for now we just support 1 local shadow casting light
const int kMaxLocalShadowCastingLightsCount = 1;
if (shadowLight.lightType == LightType.Spot && shadowLight.light.shadows != LightShadows.None)
if (shadowLight.lightType == LightType.Spot && shadowLight.light.shadows != LightShadows.None && shadowCastingLightsCount < kMaxLocalShadowCastingLightsCount)

VisibleLight shadowLight = visibleLights[shadowLightIndex];
Light light = shadowLight.light;
// TODO: Add support to point light shadows
if (shadowLight.lightType != LightType.Spot || shadowLight.light.shadows == LightShadows.None)

// This way of computing the shadow slice only work for spots and with most 4 shadow casting lights per pass
// Change this when point lights are supported.
Debug.Assert(kMaxLocalPixelLightPerPass == 4 && shadowLight.lightType == LightType.Spot);
// TODO: We need to pass bias and scale list to shader to be able to support multiple
// shadow casting local lights.
m_LocalLightSlices[i].shadowTransform = GetShadowTransform(proj, view);
SetupShadowSliceTransform(ref m_LocalLightSlices[i], atlasWidth, atlasHeight, proj, view);
// TODO: only one local shadow casting light is supported for now.

private void SetupShadowSliceTransform(ref ShadowSliceData shadowSliceData, int atlasWidth, int atlasHeight, Matrix4x4 proj, Matrix4x4 view)
private Matrix4x4 GetShadowTransform(Matrix4x4 proj, Matrix4x4 view)
// Currently CullResults ComputeDirectionalShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives doesn't
// apply z reversal to projection matrix. We need to do it manually here.

textureScaleAndBias.m13 = 0.5f;
// Apply texture scale and offset to save a MAD in shader.
worldToShadow = textureScaleAndBias * worldToShadow;
return textureScaleAndBias * worldToShadow;
var cascadeAtlas = Matrix4x4.identity;
private void ApplySliceTransform(ref ShadowSliceData shadowSliceData, int atlasWidth, int atlasHeight)
Matrix4x4 sliceTransform = Matrix4x4.identity;
cascadeAtlas.m00 = shadowSliceData.resolution * oneOverAtlasWidth;
cascadeAtlas.m11 = shadowSliceData.resolution * oneOverAtlasHeight;
cascadeAtlas.m03 = shadowSliceData.offsetX * oneOverAtlasWidth;
cascadeAtlas.m13 = shadowSliceData.offsetY * oneOverAtlasHeight;
sliceTransform.m00 = shadowSliceData.resolution * oneOverAtlasWidth;
sliceTransform.m11 = shadowSliceData.resolution * oneOverAtlasHeight;
sliceTransform.m03 = shadowSliceData.offsetX * oneOverAtlasWidth;
sliceTransform.m13 = shadowSliceData.offsetY * oneOverAtlasHeight;
worldToShadow = cascadeAtlas * worldToShadow;
shadowSliceData.shadowTransform = worldToShadow;
shadowSliceData.shadowTransform = sliceTransform * shadowSliceData.shadowTransform;
private void RenderShadowSlice(CommandBuffer cmd, ref ScriptableRenderContext context, ref ShadowSliceData shadowSliceData,
