//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Implementation |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
float SampleVolumeMask(DensityVolumeData volumeData, float3 voxelCenterUV, float3 duvw_dx, float3 duvw_dy, float3 duvw_dz) |
float SampleVolumeMask(DensityVolumeData volumeData, float3 voxelCenterUVW, float3 duvw_dx, float3 duvw_dy, float3 duvw_dz) |
//scale and bias the UVs and then take fractional part, will be in [0,1] range |
voxelCenterUV = frac(voxelCenterUV * volumeData.textureTiling + volumeData.textureScroll); |
//scale and bias the UVWs and then take fractional part, will be in [0,1] range |
voxelCenterUVW = frac(voxelCenterUVW * volumeData.textureTiling + volumeData.textureScroll); |
voxelCenterUV.z = voxelCenterUV.z * _VolumeMaskDimensions.x; |
voxelCenterUV.z += offset; |
voxelCenterUVW.z = voxelCenterUVW.z * _VolumeMaskDimensions.x; |
voxelCenterUVW.z += offset; |
// TODO: expose the LoD bias parameter. |
float lod = ComputeTextureLOD(duvw_dx, duvw_dy, duvw_dz, _VolumeMaskDimensions.z); |
int textureSize = (int)_VolumeMaskDimensions.z; |
int mipSize = textureSize >> (int)ceil(lod); |
float clampBorder = 0.5f * rcp(mipSize); |
voxelCenterUV.z = clamp(voxelCenterUV.z, offset + clampBorder, offset + _VolumeMaskDimensions.x - clampBorder); |
voxelCenterUVW.z = clamp(voxelCenterUVW.z, offset + clampBorder, offset + _VolumeMaskDimensions.x - clampBorder); |
float maskValue = SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(_VolumeMaskAtlas, s_trilinear_clamp_sampler, voxelCenterUV, lod).a; |
return maskValue; |
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(_VolumeMaskAtlas, s_trilinear_clamp_sampler, voxelCenterUVW, lod).a; |
} |
// Express the voxel center in the local coordinate system of the box. |
const float3 voxelCenterBS = mul(voxelCenterWS - obb.center, transpose(obbFrame)); |
const float3 voxelCenterUV = (voxelCenterBS / obbExtents); |
const float3 voxelCenterCS = (voxelCenterBS / obbExtents); |
const float3 voxelAxisRightBS = mul(voxelAxisRight, transpose(obbFrame)); |
const float3 voxelAxisUpBS = mul(voxelAxisUp, transpose(obbFrame)); |
bool overlap = abs(voxelCenterUV.x) <= 1 && |
abs(voxelCenterUV.y) <= 1 && |
abs(voxelCenterUV.z) <= 1; |
bool overlap = Max3(abs(voxelCenterCS.x), abs(voxelCenterCS.y), abs(voxelCenterCS.z)) <= 1; |
float overlapFraction = overlap ? 1 : 0; |
if (_VolumeData[volumeIndex].textureIndex != -1) |
{ |
// We divide extents (half-sizes) by extents here, obtaining full-sized gradients. |
float3 voxelGradRightUV = z * voxelAxisRightBS / obbExtents; |
float3 voxelGradUpUV = z * voxelAxisUpBS / obbExtents; |
float3 voxelGradForwardUV = halfDZ * voxelAxisForwardBS / obbExtents; |
float3 voxelGradRightUVW = z * voxelAxisRightBS / obbExtents; |
float3 voxelGradUpUVW = z * voxelAxisUpBS / obbExtents; |
float3 voxelGradForwardUVW = halfDZ * voxelAxisForwardBS / obbExtents; |
float3 voxelCenterUVW = voxelCenterCS * 0.5 + 0.5; |
densityMask = SampleVolumeMask(_VolumeData[volumeIndex], voxelCenterUV * 0.5 + 0.5, voxelGradRightUV, voxelGradUpUV, voxelGradForwardUV); |
densityMask = SampleVolumeMask(_VolumeData[volumeIndex], voxelCenterUVW, voxelGradRightUVW, voxelGradUpUVW, voxelGradForwardUVW); |
} |
// There is an overlap. Sample the 3D texture, or load the constant value. |