
Merge pull request #937 from Unity-Technologies/add-correct-support-of-float

Add correct support of float for debug color picker
GitHub 6 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 25 次插入9 次删除
  1. 34


// Draw a signed integer
// Can't display more than 16 digit
void DrawInteger(int intValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color)
// The two following parameter are for float representation
// leading0 is used when drawing frac part of a float to draw the leading 0 (call is in charge of it)
// forceNegativeSign is used to force to display a negative sign as -0 is not recognize
void DrawInteger(int intValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color, int leading0, bool forceNegativeSign)
const uint maxStringSize = 16;

int numEntries = min((intValue == 0 ? 0 : log10(absIntValue)) + (intValue < 0 ? 1 : 0), maxStringSize);
int numEntries = min((intValue == 0 ? 0 : log10(absIntValue)) + ((intValue < 0 || forceNegativeSign) ? 1 : 0) + leading0, maxStringSize);
for (uint i = 0; i < maxStringSize; ++i)
for (uint j = 0; j < maxStringSize; ++j)
// Numeric value incurrent font start on the second row at 0
DrawCharacter((absIntValue % 10) + '0', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, -1);

// 4. Display sign
if (intValue < 0)
// 4. Display leading 0
for (int i = 0; i < leading0; ++i)
DrawCharacter('0', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, -1);
// 5. Display sign
if (intValue < 0 || forceNegativeSign)
// 5. Reset cursor at end location
// 6. Reset cursor at end location
void DrawInteger(int intValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color)
DrawInteger(intValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, 0, false);
void DrawFloat(float floatValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color)

int intValue = int(floatValue);
DrawInteger(intValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color);
bool forceNegativeSign = floatValue >= 0.0f ? false : true;
DrawInteger(intValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, 0, forceNegativeSign);
int fracValue = int(frac(floatValue) * 1e6); // 6 digit
DrawInteger(fracValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color);
int fracValue = int(frac(abs(floatValue)) * 1e6); // 6 digit
int leading0 = 6 - (int(log10(fracValue)) + 1); // Counting leading0 to add in front of the float
DrawInteger(fracValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, leading0, false);