return lighting;
float3 envLighting;
float3 positionWS = posInput.positionWS;
float weight = 1.0;
float3 R = preLightData.iblR;
if ((lightData.envIndex & 1) == ENVCACHETYPE_CUBEMAP)
R = GetSpecularDominantDir(bsdfData.normalWS, R, preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness, ClampNdotV(preLightData.NdotV));
// When we are rough, we tend to see outward shifting of the reflection when at the boundary of the projection volume
// Also it appear like more sharp. To avoid these artifact and at the same time get better match to reference we lerp to original unmodified reflection.
R = lerp(R, preLightData.iblR, saturate(smoothstep(0, 1, roughness * roughness)));
// Note: using influenceShapeType and projectionShapeType instead of (lightData|proxyData).shapeType allow to make compiler optimization in case the type is know (like for sky)
// TODO: We need to match the PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel formula for planar, so we don't do this test (which is specific to our current lightloop)
// Specific case for Texture2Ds, their convolution is a gaussian one and not a GGX one - So we use another roughness mip mapping.