// the center of the bounding box is thus in locals space: positionLS - offsetLS
// We use this formulation as it is the one of legacy unity that was using only AABB box.
if (lightData.projectionShapeType == PROJECTIONSHAPETYPE_BOX)
float3x3 worldToLocal = transpose(float3x3(lightData.right, lightData.up, lightData.forward)); // worldToLocal assume no scaling
float3 positionLS = positionWS - lightData.positionWS;
positionLS = mul(positionLS, worldToLocal).xyz - lightData.offsetLS; // We want to calculate the intersection from the center of the bounding box.
float3x3 worldToLocal = transpose(float3x3(lightData.right, lightData.up, lightData.forward)); // worldToLocal assume no scaling
float3 positionLS = positionWS - lightData.positionWS;
positionLS = mul(positionLS, worldToLocal).xyz - lightData.offsetLS; // We want to calculate the intersection from the center of the bounding box.
if (lightData.envShapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_BOX)
float3 rayLS = mul(rayWS, worldToLocal);
float3 boxOuterDistance = lightData.innerDistance + float3(lightData.blendDistance, lightData.blendDistance, lightData.blendDistance);
float dist = BoxRayIntersectSimple(positionLS, rayLS, -boxOuterDistance, boxOuterDistance);
// TODO: add distance based roughness
else if (lightData.projectionShapeType == PROJECTIONSHAPETYPE_SPHERE)
else if (lightData.envShapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_SPHERE)
float3x3 worldToLocal = transpose(float3x3(lightData.right, lightData.up, lightData.forward)); // worldToLocal assume no scaling
float3 positionLS = positionWS - lightData.positionWS;
positionLS = mul(positionLS, worldToLocal).xyz - lightData.offsetLS; // We want to calculate the intersection from the center of the bounding box.
float3 rayLS = mul(rayWS, worldToLocal);
float sphereOuterDistance = lightData.innerDistance.x + lightData.blendDistance;
float dist = SphereRayIntersectSimple(positionLS, rayLS, sphereOuterDistance);
// 2. Apply the influence volume (Box volume is used for culling whatever the influence shape)
// TODO: Optimize this code! We can remove offset in case of influence volume!
if (lightData.influenceShapeType == INFLUENCESHAPETYPE_BOX)
if (lightData.envShapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_SPHERE)
float3x3 worldToLocal = transpose(float3x3(lightData.right, lightData.up, lightData.forward)); // worldToLocal assume no scaling
float3 positionLS = positionWS - lightData.positionWS;
positionLS = mul(positionLS, worldToLocal).xyz - lightData.offsetLS; // We want to calculate the intersection from the center of the bounding box.
// Calculate falloff value, so reflections on the edges of the volume would gradually blend to previous reflection.
float distFade = DistancePointBox(positionLS, -lightData.innerDistance, lightData.innerDistance);
float distFade = max(length(positionLS) - lightData.innerDistance.x, 0.0);
float3x3 worldToLocal = transpose(float3x3(lightData.right, lightData.up, lightData.forward)); // worldToLocal assume no scaling
float3 positionLS = positionWS - lightData.positionWS;
positionLS = mul(positionLS, worldToLocal).xyz - lightData.offsetLS; // We want to calculate the intersection from the center of the bounding box.
float distFade = max(length(positionLS) - lightData.innerDistance.x, 0.0);
// Calculate falloff value, so reflections on the edges of the volume would gradually blend to previous reflection.
float distFade = DistancePointBox(positionLS, -lightData.innerDistance, lightData.innerDistance);
weight = saturate(1.0 - distFade / max(lightData.blendDistance, 0.0001)); // avoid divide by zero