return (asint( flag ) & 2) ? 1.0 : 0.0; |
} |
real3 EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightPos( real3 positionWS, real3 normalWS, real3 L, real worldTexelSize ) |
bool EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightUseNormalFlag( float flag ) |
{ |
return (asint( flag ) & 4) ? true : false; |
} |
real3 EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightPos( real3 positionWS, real3 normalWS, real3 L, real worldTexelSize, real tolerance, bool useNormal ) |
return positionWS + L * worldTexelSize; |
return positionWS + L * worldTexelSize * tolerance; |
return positionWS + normalWS * worldTexelSize; |
return positionWS + (useNormal ? normalWS : L) * worldTexelSize * tolerance; |
#endif |
} |
[branch] |
if( shadowAlgorithm <= GPUSHADOWALGORITHM_PCF_TENT_7X7 ) |
{ |
real3 pos = EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightPos( positionWS, normalWS, L, EvalShadow_WorldTexelSize( sd, L_dist, perspProj ) ); |
real3 pos = EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightPos( positionWS, normalWS, L, EvalShadow_WorldTexelSize( sd, L_dist, perspProj ), sd.edgeTolerance, EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightUseNormalFlag( sd.nrmlBias.w ) ); |
real3 tcs = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, pos, perspProj ); |
weight = SampleCompShadow_T2DA( shadowContext, texIdx, sampIdx, tcs, slice ).x; |
} |
real EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeight( ShadowData sd, Texture2DArray tex, SamplerComparisonState samp, real3 positionWS, real3 normalWS, real3 L, real L_dist, real slice, bool perspProj ) |
{ |
real3 pos = EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightPos( positionWS, normalWS, L, EvalShadow_WorldTexelSize( sd, L_dist, perspProj ) ); |
real3 pos = EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightPos( positionWS, normalWS, L, EvalShadow_WorldTexelSize( sd, L_dist, perspProj ), sd.edgeTolerance, EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightUseNormalFlag( sd.nrmlBias.w ) ); |
return lerp( 1.0, SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_SHADOW( tex, samp, EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, pos, perspProj ), slice ).x, EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeightFlag( sd.nrmlBias.w ) ); |
} |
real EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeight( ShadowContext shadowContext, uint shadowAlgorithm, ShadowData sd, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, real3 positionWS, real3 normalWS, real3 L, real L_dist, real slice, bool perspProj ) { return 1.0; } |
real EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeight( ShadowData sd, Texture2DArray tex, SamplerComparisonState samp, real3 positionWS, real3 normalWS, real3 L, real L_dist, real slice, bool perspProj ) { return 1.0; } |
real EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeight(ShadowData sd, Texture2DArray tex, SamplerState samp, real3 positionWS, real3 normalWS, real3 L, real L_dist, real slice, bool perspProj) { return 1.0; } |
real EvalShadow_ReceiverBiasWeight (ShadowData sd, Texture2DArray tex, SamplerState samp, real3 positionWS, real3 normalWS, real3 L, real L_dist, real slice, bool perspProj ) { return 1.0; } |
// receiver bias either using the normal to weight normal and view biases, or just light view biasing |