
Small change to camera inspector to only display forward rendering path,

Felipe Lira 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 8 次插入34 次删除
  1. 42


public class LightweightameraEditor : Editor
// Manually entered rendering path names/values, since we want to show them
// in different order than they appear in the enum.
private static readonly GUIContent[] kCameraRenderPaths =
new GUIContent("Use Graphics Settings"),
new GUIContent("Forward"),
new GUIContent("Deferred"),
new GUIContent("Legacy Vertex Lit"),
new GUIContent("Legacy Deferred (light prepass)")
private static readonly int[] kCameraRenderPathValues =
(int) RenderingPath.UsePlayerSettings,
(int) RenderingPath.Forward,
(int) RenderingPath.DeferredShading,
(int) RenderingPath.VertexLit,
(int) RenderingPath.DeferredLighting
public readonly GUIContent renderingPathWarning = new GUIContent("Lightweight Pipeline only supports Forward rendering path.");
public readonly GUIContent renderingPathLabel = new GUIContent("Rendering Path");
public readonly GUIContent[] renderingPathOptions = { new GUIContent("Forward") };
public readonly GUIContent renderingPathInfo = new GUIContent("Lightweight Pipeline only supports Forward rendering path.");
public readonly GUIContent clipingPlanesLabel = new GUIContent("Clipping Planes", "Distances from the camera to start and stop rendering.");
public readonly GUIContent nearPlaneLabel = new GUIContent("Near", "The closest point relative to the camera that drawing will occur.");
public readonly GUIContent farPlaneLabel = new GUIContent("Far", "The furthest point relative to the camera that drawing will occur.");

private static readonly int[] kRenderingPathValues = {0};
private static Styles s_Styles;
private LightweightPipelineAsset lightweightPipeline;

// Animation Properties
private bool IsSameClearFlags { get { return !clearFlags.hasMultipleDifferentValues; } }
private bool IsSameOrthographic { get { return !orthographic.hasMultipleDifferentValues; } }
private bool IsSameRenderingPath { get { return !renderingPath.hasMultipleDifferentValues; } }
private bool ShowRenderingPathWarning { get { return IsSameRenderingPath && renderingPath.intValue != (int)RenderingPath.Forward; } }
readonly AnimBool showBGColorAnim = new AnimBool();
readonly AnimBool showOrthoAnim = new AnimBool();

orthographicSize = serializedObject.FindProperty("orthographic size");
depth = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Depth");
cullingMask = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_CullingMask");
renderingPath = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_RenderingPath");
occlusionCulling = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_OcclusionCulling");
targetTexture = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_TargetTexture");
HDR = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_HDR");

public void DrawRenderingPath()
EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(renderingPath, kCameraRenderPaths, kCameraRenderPathValues,
new GUIContent("Rendering Path"));
if (ShowRenderingPathWarning)
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(s_Styles.renderingPathWarning.text, MessageType.Warning);
// Button (align lower right)
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 60.0f, 20.0f), s_Styles.fixNow))
renderingPath.intValue = (int) RenderingPath.Forward;
EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(s_Styles.renderingPathLabel, 0, s_Styles.renderingPathOptions, kRenderingPathValues);
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(s_Styles.renderingPathInfo.text, MessageType.Info);
public void DrawTargetTexture()
