7 年前
共有 43 个文件被更改,包括 1802 次插入 和 53 次删除
{ |
"name": "com.unity.render-pipelines.core", |
"description": "Core library for Unity render pipelines.", |
"version": "3.0.1-preview", |
"version": "3.1.0-preview", |
"unity": "2018.3", |
"displayName": "Render Pipeline Core Library" |
} |
{ |
"name": "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition", |
"description": "HD Render Pipeline for Unity.", |
"version": "3.0.1-preview", |
"version": "3.1.0-preview", |
"com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "3.0.1-preview", |
"com.unity.shadergraph": "3.0.1-preview" |
"com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "3.1.0-preview", |
"com.unity.shadergraph": "3.1.0-preview" |
} |
} |
{ |
"name": "com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight", |
"description": "Lightweight Render Pipeline for Unity.", |
"version": "3.0.1-preview", |
"version": "3.1.0-preview", |
"com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "3.0.1-preview", |
"com.unity.shadergraph": "3.0.1-preview" |
"com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "3.1.0-preview", |
"com.unity.shadergraph": "3.1.0-preview" |
} |
} |
{ |
"name": "com.unity.shadergraph", |
"description": "Shader Graph", |
"version": "3.0.1-preview", |
"version": "3.1.0-preview", |
"unity": "2018.3", |
"displayName": "Shader Graph", |
"dependencies": { |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; |
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering |
{ |
public static unsafe class CoreUnsafeUtils |
{ |
public static void CopyTo<T>(this List<T> list, void* dest, int count) |
where T : struct |
{ |
var c = Mathf.Min(count, list.Count); |
for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) |
UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement<T>(dest, i, list[i]); |
} |
public static void CopyTo<T>(this T[] list, void* dest, int count) |
where T : struct |
{ |
var c = Mathf.Min(count, list.Length); |
for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) |
UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement<T>(dest, i, list[i]); |
} |
public static void QuickSort<T>(int count, void* data) |
where T : struct, IComparable<T> |
{ |
QuickSort<T>(data, 0, count - 1); |
} |
public static void QuickSort<T>(void* data, int left, int right) |
where T : struct, IComparable<T> |
{ |
// For Recursion
if (left < right) |
{ |
int pivot = Partition<T>(data, left, right); |
if (pivot > 1) |
QuickSort<T>(data, left, pivot); |
if (pivot + 1 < right) |
QuickSort<T>(data, pivot + 1, right); |
} |
} |
// Just a sort function that doesn't allocate memory
// Note: Shoud be repalc by a radix sort for positive integer
static int Partition<T>(void* data, int left, int right) |
where T : struct, IComparable<T> |
{ |
var pivot = UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<T>(data, left); |
--left; |
++right; |
while (true) |
{ |
var lvalue = default(T); |
do { ++left; } |
while ((lvalue = UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<T>(data, left)).CompareTo(pivot) < 0); |
var rvalue = default(T); |
do { --right; } |
while ((rvalue = UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<T>(data, right)).CompareTo(pivot) > 0); |
if (left < right) |
{ |
UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement<T>(data, right, lvalue); |
UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement<T>(data, left, rvalue); |
} |
else |
{ |
return right; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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"TestAssemblies" |
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using NUnit.Framework; |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; |
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.Tests |
{ |
public unsafe class CoreUnsafeUtilsTests |
{ |
public struct TestData : IEquatable<TestData> |
{ |
public int intValue; |
public float floatValue; |
public bool Equals(TestData other) |
{ |
return intValue == other.intValue && floatValue == other.floatValue; |
} |
public override bool Equals(object obj) |
{ |
if (!(obj is TestData)) |
return false; |
return Equals((TestData)obj); |
} |
public override int GetHashCode() |
{ |
fixed (float* fptr = &floatValue) |
return intValue ^ *(int*)fptr; |
} |
} |
static object[][] s_CopyToList = new object[][] |
{ |
new object[] { new List<TestData> |
{ |
new TestData { floatValue = 2, intValue = 1 }, |
new TestData { floatValue = 3, intValue = 2 }, |
new TestData { floatValue = 4, intValue = 3 }, |
new TestData { floatValue = 5, intValue = 4 }, |
new TestData { floatValue = 6, intValue = 5 }, |
} } |
}; |
[Test] |
[TestCaseSource("s_CopyToList")] |
public void CopyToList(List<TestData> datas) |
{ |
var dest = stackalloc TestData[datas.Count]; |
datas.CopyTo(dest, datas.Count); |
for (int i = 0; i < datas.Count; ++i) |
Assert.AreEqual(datas[i], dest[i]); |
} |
static object[][] s_CopyToArray = new object[][] |
{ |
new object[] { new TestData[] |
{ |
new TestData { floatValue = 2, intValue = 1 }, |
new TestData { floatValue = 3, intValue = 2 }, |
new TestData { floatValue = 4, intValue = 3 }, |
new TestData { floatValue = 5, intValue = 4 }, |
new TestData { floatValue = 6, intValue = 5 }, |
} } |
}; |
[Test] |
[TestCaseSource("s_CopyToArray")] |
public void CopyToArray(TestData[] datas) |
{ |
var dest = stackalloc TestData[datas.Length]; |
datas.CopyTo(dest, datas.Length); |
for (int i = 0; i < datas.Length; ++i) |
Assert.AreEqual(datas[i], dest[i]); |
} |
static object[][] s_QuickSort = new object[][] |
{ |
new object[] { new int[] { 0, 1 } }, |
new object[] { new int[] { 1, 0 } }, |
new object[] { new int[] { 0, 4, 2, 6, 3, 7, 1, 5 } }, // Test with unique set
new object[] { new int[] { 0, 4, 2, 6, 4, 7, 1, 5 } }, // Test with non unique set
}; |
[Test] |
[TestCaseSource("s_QuickSort")] |
public void QuickSort(int[] values) |
{ |
// We must perform a copy to avoid messing the test data directly
var ptrValues = stackalloc int[values.Length]; |
values.CopyTo(ptrValues, values.Length); |
CoreUnsafeUtils.QuickSort<int>(values.Length, ptrValues); |
for (int i = 0; i< values.Length - 1; ++i) |
Assert.LessOrEqual(ptrValues[i], ptrValues[i + 1]); |
} |
} |
} |
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"com.unity.render-pipelines.core" |
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joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
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descriptiveNegativeName: |
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dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
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descriptiveNegativeName: |
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altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Mouse X |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0.1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 1 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Mouse Y |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0.1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 1 |
axis: 1 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Mouse ScrollWheel |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0.1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 1 |
axis: 2 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Horizontal |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0.19 |
sensitivity: 1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 2 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Vertical |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0.19 |
sensitivity: 1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 1 |
type: 2 |
axis: 1 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire1 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: joystick button 0 |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire2 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: joystick button 1 |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire3 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: joystick button 2 |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Jump |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: joystick button 3 |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
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descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: return |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 0 |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
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descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
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altPositiveButton: space |
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dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
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descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
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positiveButton: escape |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 1 |
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dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
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type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
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- name: Not Walkable |
cost: 1 |
- name: Jump |
cost: 2 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
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debug: |
m_Flags: 0 |
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- Humanoid |
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--- !u!19 &1 |
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m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
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asyncUploadTimeSlice: 2 |
asyncUploadBufferSize: 4 |
resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor: 1 |
excludedTargetPlatforms: [] |
- serializedVersion: 2 |
name: High |
pixelLightCount: 2 |
shadows: 2 |
shadowResolution: 1 |
shadowProjection: 1 |
shadowCascades: 2 |
shadowDistance: 40 |
shadowNearPlaneOffset: 3 |
shadowCascade2Split: 0.33333334 |
shadowCascade4Split: {x: 0.06666667, y: 0.2, z: 0.46666667} |
shadowmaskMode: 1 |
blendWeights: 2 |
textureQuality: 0 |
anisotropicTextures: 1 |
antiAliasing: 0 |
softParticles: 0 |
softVegetation: 1 |
realtimeReflectionProbes: 1 |
billboardsFaceCameraPosition: 1 |
vSyncCount: 1 |
lodBias: 1 |
maximumLODLevel: 0 |
streamingMipmapsActive: 0 |
streamingMipmapsAddAllCameras: 1 |
streamingMipmapsMemoryBudget: 512 |
streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame: 512 |
streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReduction: 2 |
streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequests: 1024 |
particleRaycastBudget: 256 |
asyncUploadTimeSlice: 2 |
asyncUploadBufferSize: 4 |
resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor: 1 |
excludedTargetPlatforms: [] |
- serializedVersion: 2 |
name: Very High |
pixelLightCount: 3 |
shadows: 2 |
shadowResolution: 2 |
shadowProjection: 1 |
shadowCascades: 2 |
shadowDistance: 70 |
shadowNearPlaneOffset: 3 |
shadowCascade2Split: 0.33333334 |
shadowCascade4Split: {x: 0.06666667, y: 0.2, z: 0.46666667} |
shadowmaskMode: 1 |
blendWeights: 4 |
textureQuality: 0 |
anisotropicTextures: 2 |
antiAliasing: 2 |
softParticles: 1 |
softVegetation: 1 |
realtimeReflectionProbes: 1 |
billboardsFaceCameraPosition: 1 |
vSyncCount: 1 |
lodBias: 1.5 |
maximumLODLevel: 0 |
streamingMipmapsActive: 0 |
streamingMipmapsAddAllCameras: 1 |
streamingMipmapsMemoryBudget: 512 |
streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame: 512 |
streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReduction: 2 |
streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequests: 1024 |
particleRaycastBudget: 1024 |
asyncUploadTimeSlice: 2 |
asyncUploadBufferSize: 4 |
resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor: 1 |
excludedTargetPlatforms: [] |
- serializedVersion: 2 |
name: Ultra |
pixelLightCount: 4 |
shadows: 2 |
shadowResolution: 2 |
shadowProjection: 1 |
shadowCascades: 4 |
shadowDistance: 150 |
shadowNearPlaneOffset: 3 |
shadowCascade2Split: 0.33333334 |
shadowCascade4Split: {x: 0.06666667, y: 0.2, z: 0.46666667} |
shadowmaskMode: 1 |
blendWeights: 4 |
textureQuality: 0 |
anisotropicTextures: 2 |
antiAliasing: 2 |
softParticles: 1 |
softVegetation: 1 |
realtimeReflectionProbes: 1 |
billboardsFaceCameraPosition: 1 |
vSyncCount: 1 |
lodBias: 2 |
maximumLODLevel: 0 |
streamingMipmapsActive: 0 |
streamingMipmapsAddAllCameras: 1 |
streamingMipmapsMemoryBudget: 512 |
streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame: 512 |
streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReduction: 2 |
streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequests: 1024 |
particleRaycastBudget: 4096 |
asyncUploadTimeSlice: 2 |
asyncUploadBufferSize: 4 |
resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor: 1 |
excludedTargetPlatforms: [] |
m_PerPlatformDefaultQuality: |
Android: 2 |
Lumin: 5 |
Nintendo Switch: 5 |
PS4: 5 |
PSP2: 2 |
Standalone: 5 |
WebGL: 3 |
Windows Store Apps: 5 |
XboxOne: 5 |
iPhone: 2 |
tvOS: 2 |
%YAML 1.1 |
%TAG !u!,2011: |
--- !u!78 &1 |
TagManager: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
tags: [] |
layers: |
- Default |
- TransparentFX |
- Ignore Raycast |
- |
- Water |
- UI |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
m_SortingLayers: |
- name: Default |
uniqueID: 0 |
locked: 0 |
%YAML 1.1 |
%TAG !u!,2011: |
--- !u!5 &1 |
TimeManager: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
Fixed Timestep: 0.02 |
Maximum Allowed Timestep: 0.33333334 |
m_TimeScale: 1 |
Maximum Particle Timestep: 0.03 |
%YAML 1.1 |
%TAG !u!,2011: |
--- !u!310 &1 |
UnityConnectSettings: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
serializedVersion: 1 |
m_Enabled: 0 |
m_TestMode: 0 |
m_EventOldUrl: |
m_EventUrl: |
m_ConfigUrl: |
m_TestInitMode: 0 |
CrashReportingSettings: |
m_EventUrl: |
m_Enabled: 0 |
m_LogBufferSize: 10 |
m_CaptureEditorExceptions: 1 |
UnityPurchasingSettings: |
m_Enabled: 0 |
m_TestMode: 0 |
UnityAnalyticsSettings: |
m_Enabled: 0 |
m_TestMode: 0 |
UnityAdsSettings: |
m_Enabled: 0 |
m_InitializeOnStartup: 1 |
m_TestMode: 0 |
m_IosGameId: |
m_AndroidGameId: |
m_GameIds: {} |
m_GameId: |
PerformanceReportingSettings: |
m_Enabled: 0 |
%YAML 1.1 |
%TAG !u!,2011: |
--- !u!937362698 &1 |
VFXManager: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
m_IndirectShader: {fileID: 0} |
m_CopyBufferShader: {fileID: 0} |
m_SortShader: {fileID: 0} |
m_RenderPipeSettingsPath: |
m_FixedTimeStep: 0.016666668 |
m_MaxDeltaTime: 0.05 |
Reference in new issue