// SurfaceData is defined in StackLit.cs which generates StackLit.cs.hlsl
#include "StackLit.cs.hlsl"
// #include "../SubsurfaceScattering/SubsurfaceScattering.hlsl"
#include "../SubsurfaceScattering/SubsurfaceScattering.hlsl"
//#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/VolumeRendering.hlsl"
//NEWLITTODO : wireup CBUFFERs for ambientocclusion, and other uniforms and samplers used:
// Texture and constant buffer declaration
// Required for SSS, GBuffer texture declaration
// Declare the BSDF specific FGD property and its fetching function
#include "../PreIntegratedFGD/PreIntegratedFGD.hlsl"
// Required for SSS
#define GBufferType0 float4
#include "../../Lighting/LightLoop/LightLoop.cs.hlsl"
// Additional bits set in 'bsdfData.materialFeatures' to save registers and simplify feature tracking.
// Vertically Layered BSDF : "vlayering"
return lerp(dielectricF0.xxx, baseColor, metallic);
// Assume that bsdfData.diffusionProfile is init
void FillMaterialSSS(uint diffusionProfile, float subsurfaceMask, inout BSDFData bsdfData)
bsdfData.diffusionProfile = diffusionProfile;
bsdfData.fresnel0 = _TransmissionTintsAndFresnel0[diffusionProfile].a;
bsdfData.subsurfaceMask = subsurfaceMask;
bsdfData.materialFeatures |= GetSubsurfaceScatteringTexturingMode(bsdfData.diffusionProfile) << MATERIAL_FEATURE_FLAGS_SSS_TEXTURING_MODE_OFFSET;
// Assume that bsdfData.diffusionProfile is init
void FillMaterialTransmission(uint diffusionProfile, float thickness, inout BSDFData bsdfData)
bsdfData.diffusionProfile = diffusionProfile;
bsdfData.fresnel0 = _TransmissionTintsAndFresnel0[diffusionProfile].a;
bsdfData.thickness = _ThicknessRemaps[diffusionProfile].x + _ThicknessRemaps[diffusionProfile].y * thickness;
// The difference between the thin and the regular (a.k.a. auto-thickness) modes is the following:
// * in the thin object mode, we assume that the geometry is thin enough for us to safely share
// the shadowing information between the front and the back faces;
// * the thin mode uses baked (textured) thickness for all transmission calculations;
// * the thin mode uses wrapped diffuse lighting for the NdotL;
// * the auto-thickness mode uses the baked (textured) thickness to compute transmission from
// indirect lighting and non-shadow-casting lights; for shadowed lights, it calculates
// the thickness using the distance to the closest occluder sampled from the shadow map.
// If the distance is large, it may indicate that the closest occluder is not the back face of
// the current object. That's not a problem, since large thickness will result in low intensity.
bool useThinObjectMode = IsBitSet(asuint(_TransmissionFlags), diffusionProfile);
bsdfData.materialFeatures |= useThinObjectMode ? 0 : MATERIAL_FEATURE_FLAGS_TRANSMISSION_MODE_MIXED_THICKNESS;
// Compute transmittance using baked thickness here. It may be overridden for direct lighting
// in the auto-thickness mode (but is always be used for indirect lighting).
bsdfData.transmittance = ComputeTransmittanceDisney(_ShapeParams[diffusionProfile].rgb,
bsdfData.transmittance = ComputeTransmittanceJimenez(_HalfRcpVariancesAndWeights[diffusionProfile][0].rgb,
// Assume bsdfData.normalWS is init
void FillMaterialAnisotropy(float anisotropy, float3 tangentWS, float3 bitangentWS, inout BSDFData bsdfData)
SSSData ConvertSurfaceDataToSSSData(SurfaceData surfaceData)
SSSData sssData;
sssData.diffuseColor = surfaceData.baseColor;
sssData.subsurfaceMask = surfaceData.subsurfaceMask;
sssData.diffusionProfile = surfaceData.diffusionProfile;
return sssData;
// conversion function for forward
bsdfData.lobeMix = surfaceData.lobeMix;
// There is no metallic with SSS and specular color mode
float metallic = surfaceData.metallic;
bsdfData.diffuseColor = ComputeDiffuseColor(surfaceData.baseColor, metallic);
bsdfData.fresnel0 = ComputeFresnel0(surfaceData.baseColor, surfaceData.metallic, DEFAULT_SPECULAR_VALUE);
// Assign profile id and overwrite fresnel0
FillMaterialSSS(surfaceData.diffusionProfile, surfaceData.subsurfaceMask, bsdfData);
if (HasFeatureFlag(surfaceData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_STACK_LIT_TRANSMISSION))
// Assign profile id and overwrite fresnel0
FillMaterialTransmission(surfaceData.diffusionProfile, surfaceData.thickness, bsdfData);
if (HasFeatureFlag(surfaceData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_STACK_LIT_ANISOTROPY))
FillMaterialAnisotropy(surfaceData.anisotropy, surfaceData.tangentWS, cross(surfaceData.normalWS, surfaceData.tangentWS), bsdfData);
ConvertAnisotropyToRoughness(bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessA, bsdfData.anisotropy, bsdfData.roughnessAT, bsdfData.roughnessAB);
ConvertAnisotropyToRoughness(bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessB, bsdfData.anisotropy, bsdfData.roughnessBT, bsdfData.roughnessBB);
bsdfData.coatRoughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(bsdfData.coatPerceptualRoughness);
// Precomputed lighting data to send to the various lighting functions
struct PreLightData
float NdotV; // Could be negative due to normal mapping, use ClampNdotV()
float NdotV; // Could be negative due to normal mapping, use ClampNdotV()
// IBL: we calculate and prefetch the pre-integrated split sum data for
// all needed lobes
preLightData.layeredRoughnessT[1] = bsdfData.roughnessBT;
preLightData.layeredRoughnessB[1] = bsdfData.roughnessBB;
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[0] = bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessA;
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[1] = bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessB;
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[0] = bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessA;
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[1] = bsdfData.perceptualRoughnessB;
if (HasFeatureFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_STACK_LIT_ANISOTROPY))
preLightData.partLambdaV[0] = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(NdotV, bsdfData.roughnessAT);
preLightData.partLambdaV[1] = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(NdotV, bsdfData.roughnessBT);
iblN[0] = iblN[1] = N;
preLightData.partLambdaV[0] = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(NdotV, bsdfData.roughnessAT);
preLightData.partLambdaV[1] = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(NdotV, bsdfData.roughnessBT);
iblN[0] = iblN[1] = N;
// IBL
// Handle IBL pre calculated data + GGX multiscattering energy loss compensation term
// IBL
// Handle IBL pre calculated data + GGX multiscattering energy loss compensation term
GetPreIntegratedFGDGGXAndDisneyDiffuse(baseLayerNdotV, // just NdotV here...
iblR[0] = reflect(-V, iblN[0]);
iblR[1] = reflect(-V, iblN[1]);
// This is a ad-hoc tweak to better match reference of anisotropic GGX.
// TODO: We need a better hack.
float fact = saturate(1.2 - abs(bsdfData.anisotropy));
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[0] *= fact;
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[1] *= fact;
iblR[0] = reflect(-V, iblN[0]);
iblR[1] = reflect(-V, iblN[1]);
// This is a ad-hoc tweak to better match reference of anisotropic GGX.
// TODO: We need a better hack.
float fact = saturate(1.2 - abs(bsdfData.anisotropy));
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[0] *= fact;
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[1] *= fact;
preLightData.iblR[0] = GetSpecularDominantDir(N, iblR[0], preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[0], NdotV);
preLightData.iblR[1] = GetSpecularDominantDir(N, iblR[1], preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[1], NdotV);
preLightData.iblR[0] = GetSpecularDominantDir(N, iblR[0], preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[0], NdotV);
preLightData.iblR[1] = GetSpecularDominantDir(N, iblR[1], preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[1], NdotV);
// Here, since this compensation term is already an average applied to a sum
//preLightData.energyCompensation[0] = CalculateEnergyCompensationFromSpecularReflectivity(specR);
preLightData.energyCompensation = CalculateEnergyCompensationFromSpecularReflectivity(specR);
preLightData.energyCompensation = 0.0;
preLightData.energyCompensation = 0.0;
} //...else !IsVLayeredEnabled
lightTransportData.emissiveColor = builtinData.emissiveColor;
return lightTransportData;
// Subsurface Scattering functions
bool ShouldOutputSplitLighting(BSDFData bsdfData)
return HasFeatureFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIAL_FEATURE_FLAGS_SSS_OUTPUT_SPLIT_LIGHTING);
// -Calculate influence weights from intersection with the proxies.
// Since the weights are influence blending weights, we can correctly
// use our lobe weight and mix them.
// -Fudge the sampling direction to dampen boundary artefacts.
// -Fudge the sampling direction to dampen boundary artefacts.
// -Do early discard for planar reflections.
// -Fetch samples of preintegrated environment lighting
EvaluateLight_EnvIntersection(positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData, influenceShapeType, R[i], tempWeight[i]);
// When we are rough, we tend to see outward shifting of the reflection when at the boundary of the projection volume
// Also it appear like more sharp. To avoid these artifact and at the same time get better match to reference we lerp to original unmodified reflection.
// Formula is empirical.
// When we are rough, we tend to see outward shifting of the reflection when at the boundary of the projection volume
// Also it appear like more sharp. To avoid these artifact and at the same time get better match to reference we lerp to original unmodified reflection.
// Formula is empirical.
float roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[i]);
R[i] = lerp(R[i], preLightData.iblR[i], saturate(smoothstep(0, 1, roughness * roughness)));
// Used by planar reflection to discard pixel:
// Used by planar reflection to discard pixel:
// TODOENERGY: should be done in ComputeAdding with FGD formulation for IBL.
// Note that when we're not vlayered, we apply it not at each light sample but at the end,
// at PostEvaluateBSDF.
envLighting += L;
// Note that when we're vlayered, this can be different per lobe depending on
// which interface generates it.
// Apply the fudge factor (boost) to compensate for multiple scattering not accounted for in the BSDF.
// This assumes all spec comes from a GGX BSDF.
// This assumes all spec comes from a GGX BSDF.
//specularLighting = ApplyEnergyCompensationToSpecularLighting(specularLighting, bsdfData.fresnel0, preLightData.energyCompensation[0]);
specularLighting = ApplyEnergyCompensationToSpecularLighting(specularLighting, bsdfData.fresnel0, preLightData.energyCompensation);