cmd.SetGlobalTexture(Uniforms._AOBuffer,UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.blackTexture);// Neutral is black, see the comment in the shaders
//TODO: Replace with custom sort, allocates mem and increases GC pressure.
Utilities.QuickSort(sortKeys,0,sortCount-1);// Call our own quicksort instead of Array.Sort(sortKeys, 0, sortCount) so we don't allocate memory (note the SortCount-1 that is different from original call).
// TODO: Refactor shadow management
// The good way of managing shadow:
// Not necessary yet but call it for future modification with sphere influence volume
Utilities.QuickSort(sortKeys,0,sortCount-1);// Call our own quicksort instead of Array.Sort(sortKeys, 0, sortCount) so we don't allocate memory (note the SortCount-1 that is different from original call).