public static int DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT = 3 ;
// direct lights and reflection probes for now
public static int NR_LIGHT_MODELS = 2 ;
public static int NR_LIGHT_MODELS = 3 ;
public static int AREA_LIGHT = 2 ;
public enum DebugViewTilesFlags
DirectLighting = 1 ,
Reflection = 2
} ;
public struct SFiniteLightBound
public Vector3 boxAxisX ;
public float cotan ;
public Vector3 boxInnerDist ;
public uint lightCategory ; // DIRECT_LIGHT=0, REFLECTION_LIGHT=1
public uint lightCategory ; // DIRECT_LIGHT=0, REFLECTION_LIGHT=1, AREA_LIGHT=2
public Vector3 boxInvRange ;
public float unused2 ;
private static int s_GenListPerBigTileKernel ;
// clustered light list specific buffers and data begin
public DebugViewTilesFlags debugViewTilesFlags = 0 ;
public int debugViewTilesFlags = 0 ;
public bool enableClustered = false ;
public bool disableFptlWhenClustered = true ; // still useful on opaques. Should be false by default to force tile on opaque.
public bool enableBigTilePrepass = true ;
// Use for the second pass (fine pruning)
var numEntries2nd = new int [ numModels , numVolTypes ] ;
// TODO manage area lights
foreach ( var punctualLight in lightList . punctualLights )
var volType = punctualLight . lightType = = GPULightType . Spot ? LightDefinitions . SPOT_LIGHT : ( punctualLight . lightType = = GPULightType . Point ? LightDefinitions . SPHERE_LIGHT : - 1 ) ;
var volType = LightDefinitions . BOX_LIGHT ; // always a box for now
+ + numEntries [ LightDefinitions . REFLECTION_LIGHT , volType ] ;
foreach ( var areaLight in lightList . areaLights )
var volType = LightDefinitions . BOX_LIGHT ;
+ + numEntries [ LightDefinitions . AREA_LIGHT , volType ] ;
// add decals here too similar to the above
//Vector3 C =; // P + boxOffset;
var C = mat . MultiplyPoint ( boxOffset ) ; // same as commented out line above when rot is identity
var combinedExtent = e + new Vector3 ( blendDistance , blendDistance , blendDistance ) ;
var combinedExtent = e + new Vector3 ( blendDistance , blendDistance , blendDistance ) ;
Vector3 vx = mat . GetColumn ( 0 ) ;
Vector3 vy = mat . GetColumn ( 1 ) ;
m_lightShapeData [ index ] = lightShapeData ;
for ( int areaLightIndex = 0 ; areaLightIndex < lightList . areaLights . Count ; areaLightIndex + + )
LightData areaLightData = lightList . areaLights [ areaLightIndex ] ;
VisibleLight light = cullResults . visibleLights [ lightList . areaCullIndices [ areaLightIndex ] ] ;
// Fill bounds
var bound = new SFiniteLightBound ( ) ;
var lightShapeData = new LightShapeData ( ) ;
lightShapeData . lightType = ( uint ) LightDefinitions . BOX_LIGHT ;
lightShapeData . lightCategory = ( uint ) LightDefinitions . AREA_LIGHT ;
lightShapeData . lightIndex = ( uint ) areaLightIndex ;
if ( areaLightData . lightType = = GPULightType . Rectangle )
Vector3 centerVS = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( areaLightData . positionWS ) ;
Vector3 xAxisVS = worldToView . MultiplyVector ( areaLightData . right ) ;
Vector3 yAxisVS = worldToView . MultiplyVector ( areaLightData . up ) ;
Vector3 zAxisVS = worldToView . MultiplyVector ( areaLightData . forward ) ;
float radius = 1.0f / Mathf . Sqrt ( areaLightData . invSqrAttenuationRadius ) ;
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( areaLightData . size . x * 0.5f + radius , areaLightData . size . y * 0.5f + radius , radius ) ;
if ( ! areaLightData . twoSided )
centerVS - = zAxisVS * radius * 0.5f ;
dimensions . z * = 0.5f ;
bound . center = centerVS ;
bound . boxAxisX = dimensions . x * xAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisY = dimensions . y * yAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisZ = dimensions . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . scaleXY . Set ( 1.0f , 1.0f ) ;
bound . radius = dimensions . magnitude ;
lightShapeData . lightPos = centerVS ;
lightShapeData . lightAxisX = xAxisVS ;
lightShapeData . lightAxisY = yAxisVS ;
lightShapeData . lightAxisZ = zAxisVS ;
lightShapeData . boxInnerDist = dimensions ;
lightShapeData . boxInvRange . Set ( 1 e5f , 1 e5f , 1 e5f ) ;
else if ( areaLightData . lightType = = GPULightType . Line )
Vector3 centerVS = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( areaLightData . positionWS ) ;
Vector3 xAxisVS = worldToView . MultiplyVector ( areaLightData . right ) ;
Vector3 yAxisVS = worldToView . MultiplyVector ( areaLightData . up ) ;
Vector3 zAxisVS = worldToView . MultiplyVector ( areaLightData . forward ) ;
float radius = 1.0f / Mathf . Sqrt ( areaLightData . invSqrAttenuationRadius ) ;
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( areaLightData . size . x * 0.5f + radius , radius , radius ) ;
bound . center = centerVS ;
bound . boxAxisX = dimensions . x * xAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisY = dimensions . y * yAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisZ = dimensions . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . scaleXY . Set ( 1.0f , 1.0f ) ;
bound . radius = dimensions . magnitude ;
lightShapeData . lightPos = centerVS ;
lightShapeData . lightAxisX = xAxisVS ;
lightShapeData . lightAxisY = yAxisVS ;
lightShapeData . lightAxisZ = zAxisVS ;
lightShapeData . boxInnerDist = new Vector3 ( areaLightData . size . x * 0.5f , 0.01f , 0.01f ) ;
lightShapeData . boxInvRange . Set ( 1.0f / radius , 1.0f / radius , 1.0f / radius ) ;
Debug . Assert ( false ) ;
int i = LightDefinitions . AREA_LIGHT , j = LightDefinitions . BOX_LIGHT ;
int index = numEntries2nd [ i , j ] + offsets [ i , j ] ; + + numEntries2nd [ i , j ] ;
m_boundData [ index ] = bound ;
m_lightShapeData [ index ] = lightShapeData ;
// Sanity check
for ( var m = 0 ; m < numModels ; m + + )
m_lightCount = lightList . punctualLights . Count + lightList . envLights . Count ;
m_lightCount = lightList . punctualLights . Count + lightList . envLights . Count + lightList . areaLights . Count ;
s_ConvexBoundsBuffer . SetData ( m_boundData ) ; // TODO: check with Vlad what is happening here, do we copy 1024 element always ? Could we setup the size we want to copy ?
s_LightShapeDataBuffer . SetData ( m_lightShapeData ) ;
m_DebugViewTilesMaterial . SetMatrix ( "_InvViewProjMatrix" , invViewProj ) ;
m_DebugViewTilesMaterial . SetVector ( "_ScreenSize" , screenSize ) ;
m_DebugViewTilesMaterial . SetInt ( "_ViewTilesFlags" , ( int ) debugViewTilesFlags ) ;
m_DebugViewTilesMaterial . SetInt ( "_ViewTilesFlags" , debugViewTilesFlags ) ;
m_DebugViewTilesMaterial . EnableKeyword ( bUseClusteredForDeferred ? "USE_CLUSTERED_LIGHTLIST" : "USE_FPTL_LIGHTLIST" ) ;
m_DebugViewTilesMaterial . DisableKeyword ( ! bUseClusteredForDeferred ? "USE_CLUSTERED_LIGHTLIST" : "USE_FPTL_LIGHTLIST" ) ;