#define LTC_LUT_SCALE ((LTC_LUT_SIZE - 1) * rcp(LTC_LUT_SIZE))
#define LTC_LUT_OFFSET (0.5 * rcp(LTC_LUT_SIZE))
// Constant value for clear coat
#define CLEAR_COAT_IOR 1.5
#define CLEAR_COAT_IETA (1.0 / 1.5)
#define CLEAR_COAT_F0 0.04 // IORToFresnel0(CLEAR_COAT_IOR)
#define CLEAR_COAT_ROUGHNESS ClampRoughnessForAnalyticalLights(PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(CLEAR_COAT_PERCEPTUAL_ROUGHNESS))
// Helper for cheap screen space raycasting
void FillMaterialIdClearCoatData(float3 coatNormalWS, float coatCoverage, float coatIOR, inout BSDFData bsdfData)
bsdfData.coatNormalWS = lerp(bsdfData.normalWS, coatNormalWS, coatCoverage);
bsdfData.coatIOR = lerp(1.0, 1.0 + coatIOR, coatCoverage);
bsdfData.coatCoverage = coatCoverage;
void FillMaterialIdTransparencyData(float3 baseColor, float metallic, float ior, float3 transmittanceColor, float atDistance, float thickness, float transmittanceMask, inout BSDFData bsdfData)
// Uses thickness from SSS's property set
// Pre-integrate GGX FGD
// Integral{BSDF * <N,L> dw} =
// Integral{(F0 + (1 - F0) * (1 - <V,H>)^5) * (BSDF / F) * <N,L> dw} =
// F0 * Integral{(BSDF / F) * <N,L> dw} +
// (1 - F0) * Integral{(1 - <V,H>)^5 * (BSDF / F) * <N,L> dw} =
// (1 - F0) * Integral{(1 - <V,H>)^5 * (BSDF / F) * <N,L> dw} + F0 * Integral{(BSDF / F) * <N,L> dw}=
// (1 - F0) * x + F0 * y = lerp(x, y, F0)
// Pre integrate DisneyDiffuse FGD:
// z = DisneyDiffuse
else if (bsdfData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_CLEAR_COAT)
bsdfData.diffuseColor = ComputeDiffuseColor(surfaceData.baseColor, surfaceData.metallic);
bsdfData.fresnel0 = ComputeFresnel0(surfaceData.baseColor, surfaceData.metallic, DEFAULT_SPECULAR_VALUE );
// When using clear coat we assume that bottom layer is regular
FillMaterialIdClearCoatData(surfaceData.coatNormalWS, surfaceData.coatCoverage, surfaceData.coatIOR, bsdfData) ;
bsdfData.diffuseColor = ComputeDiffuseColor(surfaceData.baseColor, surfaceData.metallic );
bsdfData.fresnel0 = ComputeFresnel0(surfaceData.baseColor, surfaceData.metallic, DEFAULT_SPECULAR_VALUE);
bsdfData.coatMask = coatMask ;
// We store perceptualRoughness instead of roughness because it save a sqrt ALU when decoding
// (as we want both perceptualRoughness and roughness for the lighting due to Disney Diffuse model)
// Encode normal on 20bit with oct compression + 2bit of sign
float2 octNormalWS = PackNormalOctEncode((surfaceData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_CLEAR_COAT) ? surfaceData.coatNormalWS : surfaceData.normalWS);
float2 octNormalWS = PackNormalOctEncode(surfaceData.normalWS);
// To have more precision encode the sign of xy in a separate uint
uint octNormalSign = (octNormalWS.x < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) | (octNormalWS.y < 0.0 ? 2 : 0);
// Store octNormalSign on two bits with perceptualRoughness
if (surfaceData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_STANDARD)
outGBuffer2 = float4(float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), PackFloatInt8bit(surfaceData.metallic, GBUFFER_LIT_STANDARD_REGULAR_ID, 4 .0));
outGBuffer2 = float4(float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), PackFloatInt8bit(surfaceData.metallic, GBUFFER_LIT_STANDARD_REGULAR_ID, 2 .0));
outGBuffer2 = float4(surfaceData.specularColor, PackFloatInt8bit(0.0, GBUFFER_LIT_STANDARD_SPECULAR_COLOR_ID, 4 .0));
outGBuffer2 = float4(surfaceData.specularColor, PackFloatInt8bit(0.0, GBUFFER_LIT_STANDARD_SPECULAR_COLOR_ID, 2 .0));
else if (surfaceData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_SSS)
else if (surfaceData.materialId == MATERIALID_LIT_CLEAR_COAT)
// In the cae of clear coat, we want more precision for the coat normal than for the bottom normal (as it is expected to be smooth). So swap the normal encoding storage in Gbuffer.
// It also allow to use clear coat normal for SSR
float2 octBottomNormalWS = PackNormalOctEncode(surfaceData.normalWS);
outGBuffer2 = float4(octBottomNormalWS * 0.5 + 0.5, surfaceData.coatCoverage, PackFloatInt8bit(surfaceData.coatIOR, (int)(surfaceData.metallic * 15.5f), 16.0) );
outGBuffer2 = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, PackFloatInt8bit(surfaceData.coatMask, (int)(surfaceData.metallic * 15.5f), 16.0) );
// Lighting
int materialIdExtent;
UnpackFloatInt8bit(inGBuffer2.a, 4.0, metallic, materialIdExtent);
UnpackFloatInt8bit(inGBuffer2.a, 2.0, metallic, materialIdExtent);
// We have swap the encoding of the normal to have more precision for coat normal as it is more smooth
float3 coatNormalWS = bsdfData.normalWS;
bsdfData.normalWS = UnpackNormalOctEncode(float2(inGBuffer2.rg * 2.0 - 1.0));
float coatCoverage = inGBuffer2.b;
float coatIOR;
float coatMask;
UnpackFloatInt8bit(inGBuffer2.a, 16.0, coatIOR, metallic15);
UnpackFloatInt8bit(inGBuffer2.a, 16.0, bsdfData.coatMask, metallic15);
// When using clear coat we assume that bottom layer is regular
FillMaterialIdClearCoatData(coatNormalWS, coatCoverage, coatIOR, bsdfData);
if (specularColorMode)
struct PreLightData
// General
float NdotV;
float clamp NdotV; // clamped NdotV
// GGX
float partLambdaV;
float coatNdotV;
float ieta;
float coatFresnel0;
float3 refractV; // The view vector refracted through clear coat interface
float ccIEta;
float3 ccRefractV; // The view vector refracted through clear coat interface
float ccRoughness;
float ccPartLambdaV;
// IBL
float3 iblDirWS; // Dominant specular direction, used for IBL in EvaluateBSDF_Env()
float ltcMagnitudeDiffuse;
float3 ltcMagnitudeFresnel;
// area light clear coat
float3x3 ltcXformClearCoat; // TODO: make sure the compiler not wasting VGPRs on constants
float ltcClearCoatFresnelTerm;
float3x3 ltcCoatT;
// Refraction
float3 transmissionRefractV; // refracted view vector after exiting the shape
float3 transmissionPositionWS; // start of the refracted ray after exiting the shape
// This is a refract - TODO: do we call original refract or this one, original maybe slightly more expensive, to check
float3 ClearCoatTransform(float3 X, float3 N, float ieta)
float XdotN = saturate(dot(N, X));
return ieta * X + (sqrt(1 + ieta * ieta * (XdotN * XdotN - 1)) - ieta * XdotN) * N;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(PreLightData, preLightData);
float3 N;
float NdotV;
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
float NdotV = saturate(dot(N, V));
preLightData.clampNdotV = NdotV; // Caution: The handling of edge cases where N is directed away from the screen is handled during Gbuffer/forward pass, so here do nothing
N = bsdfData.coatNormalWS;
NdotV = saturate(dot(N, V));
preLightData.coatNdotV = NdotV;
float ieta = 1.0 / bsdfData.coatIOR; // inverse eta
preLightData.ieta = ieta;
preLightData.coatFresnel0 = Sq(bsdfData.coatIOR - 1.0) / Sq(bsdfData.coatIOR + 1.0);
// Clear coat IBL
preLightData.coatIblDirWS = reflect(-V, N);
// Clear coat area light
float theta = FastACosPos(NdotV);
float2 uv = LTC_LUT_OFFSET + LTC_LUT_SCALE * float2(0.0, theta * INV_HALF_PI); // Use Roughness of 0.0 for clearCoat roughness
// Get the inverse LTC matrix for GGX
// Note we load the matrix transpose (avoid to have to transpose it in shader)
preLightData.ltcXformClearCoat = 0.0;
preLightData.ltcXformClearCoat._m22 = 1.0;
preLightData.ltcXformClearCoat._m00_m02_m11_m20 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(_LtcData, s_linear_clamp_sampler, uv, LTC_GGX_MATRIX_INDEX, 0);
// Modify V for following calculation
// Note: coatMask should be just a scale of the IOR to 1. However this only work correctly with true Fresnel equation,
// so in the code we also multiply F_Schlick by bsdfData.coatMask as an approximation
preLightData.ccIEta = lerp(1.0, CLEAR_COAT_IETA, bsdfData.coatMask);
preLightData.ccRefractV = RefractNoTIR(V, N, preLightData.ccIEta);
preLightData.ccRoughness = CLEAR_COAT_ROUGHNESS; // This can be modify in punctual light evaluation in case of minRoughness usage
preLightData.ccPartLambdaV = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(NdotV, CLEAR_COAT_ROUGHNESS);
float3 ltcMagnitude = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(_LtcData, s_linear_clamp_sampler, uv, LTC_MULTI_GGX_FRESNEL_DISNEY_DIFFUSE_INDEX, 0).rgb;
float ltcClearCoatFresnelMagnitudeDiff = ltcMagnitude.r; // The difference of magnitudes of GGX and Fresnel
float ltcClearCoatFresnelMagnitude = ltcMagnitude.g;
preLightData.ltcClearCoatFresnelTerm = preLightData.coatFresnel0 * ltcClearCoatFresnelMagnitudeDiff + ltcClearCoatFresnelMagnitude;
// TODO: Convert the area light with respect to Fresnel transmission
preLightData.ltcCoatT = float3x3( ieta + (1.0 - ieta) * N.x * N.x, 0.0 + (1.0 - ieta) * N.y * N.x, 0.0 + (1.0 - ieta) * N.z * N.x,
0.0 + (1.0 - ieta) * N.x * N.y, ieta + (1.0 - ieta) * N.y * N.y, 0.0 + (1.0 - ieta) * N.z * N.y,
0.0 + (1.0 - ieta) * N.x * N.z, 0.0 + (1.0 - ieta) * N.y * N.z, ieta + (1.0 - ieta) * N.z * N.z );
// Modify V for following calculation
preLightData.refractV = ClearCoatTransform(V, N, ieta);
V = preLightData.refractV;
// Scale roughness from base layer to take into account the clear coat, use the outgoing ray
preLightData.ccRoughnessScale = Sq(preLightData.ccIEta) * (NdotV / dot(bsdfData.normalWS, preLightData.refractV));
N = bsdfData.normalWS;
NdotV = saturate(dot(N, V));
preLightData.NdotV = NdotV;
float3 iblN, iblR;
// TODO: the fit seems rather poor. The scaling factor of 0.5 allows us
// to match the reference for rough metals, but further darkens dielectrics.
// Change the Fresnel term to account for transmission through Clear Coat and reflection on the base layer
float F = F_Schlick(preLightData.coatFresnel0, preLightData.coatNdotV);
F = Sq(-F * bsdfData.coatCoverage + 1.0);
F /= preLightData.ieta; //TODO: LaurentB why / ieta here and not for other lights ?
preLightData.ltcMagnitudeFresnel = F * bsdfData.fresnel0 * ltcGGXFresnelMagnitudeDiff + (float3)ltcGGXFresnelMagnitude;
preLightData.ltcMagnitudeFresnel = bsdfData.fresnel0 * ltcGGXFresnelMagnitudeDiff + (float3)ltcGGXFresnelMagnitude;
preLightData.ltcMagnitudeFresnel = bsdfData.fresnel0 * ltcGGXFresnelMagnitudeDiff + (float3)ltcGGXFresnelMagnitude;
RefractionModelResult refraction = REFRACTION_MODEL(V, posInput, bsdfData);
// Empirical remap to try to match a bit the refractio probe blurring for the fallback
preLightData.transmissionSSMipLevel = sqrt(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness) * uint(_GaussianPyramidColorMipSize.z);
preLightData.transmissionRefractV = -V;
preLightData.transmissionPositionWS = posInput.positionWS;
preLightData.transmissionTransmittance = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
preLightData.transmissionSSMipLevel = 0;
return preLightData;
// BSDF share between directional light, punctual light and area light (reference)
// This function apply BSDF * cos (required to deal with clear coating)
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
float NdotV = preLightData.clampNdotV;
// Optimized math. Ref: PBR Diffuse Lighting for GGX + Smith Microsurfaces (slide 114).
float NdotL = saturate(dot(bsdfData.coatNormalWS, L));
float NdotV = preLightData.coatNdotV;
// Apply isotropic GGX for clear coat
// See comment below
float NdotL = saturate(dot(N, L));
float invLenLV = rsqrt(max(2 * LdotV + 2, FLT_EPS));
float invLenLV = rsqrt(max(2.0 * LdotV + 2.0, FLT_EPS));
// Evaluate Fresnel on the Clear Coat
F = F_Schlick(preLightData.coatFresnel0, LdotH);
// TODO: No need to call D (to see with LaurentB) + question on * NdotL
specularLighting += F * D_GGX(NdotH, 0.01) * NdotL * bsdfData.coatCoverage;
F = F_Schlick(CLEAR_COAT_FRESNEL0, LdotH) * bsdfData.coatMask;
// Caution: as ccRoughness can be affect by minRoughness, we don't really know the value here and need to calculate the BRDF
// TODO: Should we call just D_GGX here ?
float DV = DV_SmithJointGGX(NdotH, NdotL, NdotV, preLightData.ccRoughness, preLightData.ccPartLambdaV);
specularLighting += F * DV * NdotL;
// Change the Fresnel term to account for transmission through Clear Coat
F = Sq(1.0 - F);
// Change the Fresnel term to account for transmission through Clear Coat and reflection on the base layer
F = Sq(-F * bsdfData.coatCoverage + 1.0);
// Hope the compiler can move this outside of the loop (we don't do it in PrelightData as we must not modify bsdfData there).
// Modify roughness for base layer (so it is taken into account for precomputing of PartLambdaV).
// Note that roughnessT and roughnessB are only use with punctual light (not with IBL)
float sigmaT = roughnessToVariance(bsdfData.roughnessT);
bsdfData.roughnessT = varianceToRoughness(sigmaT * preLightData.ccRoughnessScale);
// Note: We update perceptualRoughness from roughnessT which is not correct as roughnessT is mean for analytic light and is clamped
// however when we use clear coat, we are ok with the fact the the base layer will not be able to be perfectly smooth
bsdfData.perceptualRoughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(bsdfData.roughnessT);
float sigmaB = roughnessToVariance(bsdfData.roughnessB);
bsdfData.roughnessB = varianceToRoughness(sigmaB * preLightData.ccRoughnessScale);
// Change the Light and View direction to account for IOR change.
// Change the Light and View direction to account for IOR change
L = ClearCoatTransform(L, bsdfData.coatNormalWS, preLightData.ieta);
L = RefractNoTIR(L, N, preLightData.ccIEta);
NdotV = saturate(dot(N, V));
float NdotL = saturate(dot(bsdfData.normalWS, L)); // Must have the same value without the clamp
float NdotV = preLightData.NdotV; // Get the unaltered (geometric) version
float LdotV = dot(L, V);
float NdotL = saturate(dot(N, L)); // Must have the same value without the clamp
float LdotV = dot(L, V);
float NdotH = saturate((NdotL + NdotV) * invLenLV);
float LdotH = saturate(invLenLV * LdotV + invLenLV);
F *= F_Schlick(bsdfData.fresnel0, LdotH);
float NdotH = saturate((NdotL + NdotV) * invLenLV);
float LdotH = saturate(invLenLV * LdotV + invLenLV);
F *= F_Schlick(bsdfData.fresnel0, LdotH);
// We avoid divergent evaluation of the GGX, as that nearly doubles the cost.
// If the tile has anisotropy, all the pixels within the tile are evaluated as anisotropic.
float BdotH = dot(bsdfData.bitangentWS, H);
float BdotL = dot(bsdfData.bitangentWS, L);
// TODO: Do comparison between this correct version and the one from isotropic and see if there is any visual difference
DV = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
bsdfData.roughnessT, bsdfData.roughnessB, preLightData.partLambdaV);
specularLighting += F * DV;
specularLighting += F * DV * NdotL;
float roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness);
float3 diffuseTerm = DiffuseGGX(bsdfData.diffuseColor, NdotV, NdotL, NdotH, LdotV, roughness);
// A note on subsurface scattering: [SSS-NOTE-TRSM]
// The correct way to handle SSS is to transmit light inside the surface, perform SSS,
// We don't multiply by 'bsdfData.diffuseColor' here. It's done only once in PostEvaluateBSDF().
diffuseLighting = diffuseTerm;
diffuseLighting = diffuseTerm * NdotL ;
// In the "thin object" mode (for cards), we assume that the geometry is very thin.
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
float3 L = -lightData.forward; // Lights point backward in Unity
float NdotL = dot(N, L);
float NdotL = dot(N, L); // Note: Ideally this N here should be vertex normal - use for transmisison
// Compute displacement for fake thickObject transmission
float3 color; float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Directional(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L,
color, attenuation) ;
float3 color;
float attenuation ;
EvaluateLight_Directional(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L, color, attenuation);
float intensity = attenuation * saturate(NdotL);
[branch] if (intensity > 0)
// Note: We use NdotL here to early out, but in case of clear coat this is not correct. But we are ok with this
[branch] if (attenuation * NdotL > 0. 0)
lighting.diffuse *= intensity * lightData.diffuseScale;
lighting.specular *= intensity * lightData.specularScale;
lighting.diffuse *= attenuation * lightData.diffuseScale;
lighting.specular *= attenuation * lightData.specularScale;
lighting.diffuse += EvaluateTransmission(bsdfData, NdotL, preLightData.NdotV, attenuation * lightData.diffuseScale);
lighting.diffuse += EvaluateTransmission(bsdfData, NdotL, preLightData.clamp NdotV, attenuation * lightData.diffuseScale);
// Save ALU by applying light and cookie colors only once.
float dist = distSq * distRcp;
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
float3 L = unL * distRcp;
float NdotL = dot(N, L);
float NdotL = dot(N, L); // Note: Ideally this N here should be vertex normal - use for transmisison
// Compute displacement for fake thickObject transmission
float3 color; float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Punctual(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L, dist, distSq,
color, attenuation);
float intensity = attenuation * saturate(NdotL);
float3 color;
float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Punctual(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L, dist, distSq, color, attenuation);
[branch] if (intensity > 0)
// Note: We use NdotL here to early out, but in case of clear coat this is not correct. But we are ok with this
[branch] if (attenuation * NdotL > 0.0)
// Simulate a sphere light with this hack.
// Simulate a sphere light with this hack
// Note that it is not correct with our pre-computation of PartLambdaV (mean if we disable the optimization we will not have the
// same result) but we don't care as it is a hack anyway
bsdfData.roughnessT = max(bsdfData.ccRoughness, lightData.minRoughness);
lighting.diffuse *= intensity * lightData.diffuseScale;
lighting.specular *= intensity * lightData.specularScale;
lighting.diffuse *= attenuation * lightData.diffuseScale;
lighting.specular *= attenuation * lightData.specularScale;
lighting.diffuse += EvaluateTransmission(bsdfData, NdotL, preLightData.NdotV, attenuation * lightData.diffuseScale);
lighting.diffuse += EvaluateTransmission(bsdfData, NdotL, preLightData.clampNdotV, attenuation * lightData.diffuseScale);
// Save ALU by applying light and cookie colors only once.
float3 boxOuterDistance = lightData.influenceExtents;
float projectionDistance = BoxRayIntersectSimple(positionLS, dirLS, -boxOuterDistance, boxOuterDistance);
projectionDistance = max(projectionDistance, lightData.minProjectionDistance); // Setup projection to infinite if requested (mean no projection shape)
// No need to normalize for fetching cubemap
// We can reuse dist calculate in LS directly in WS as there is no scaling. Also the offset is already include in lightData.positionWS
R = (positionWS + projectionDistance * R) - lightData.positionWS;
float roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness);
float specularOcclusion = GetSpecularOcclusionFromAmbientOcclusion(preLightData.NdotV, indirectAmbientOcclusion, roughness);
float specularOcclusion = GetSpecularOcclusionFromAmbientOcclusion(preLightData.clamp NdotV, indirectAmbientOcclusion, roughness);
// Try to mimic multibounce with specular color. Not the point of the original formula but ok result.
// Take the min of screenspace specular occlusion and visibility cone specular occlusion