
Added a m_DepthRenderBuffer flag to make it more clear when we use depth from prepass or from renderbuffer depending on msaa. Commented code and renamed DepthPrePass to make it more clear.

Felipe Lira 7 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 37 次插入21 次删除
  1. 56
  2. 2


private bool m_IntermediateTextureArray;
private bool m_RequireDepth;
private bool m_RequireCopyColor;
private bool m_DepthRenderBuffer;
private MixedLightingSetup m_MixedLightingSetup;
private const int kDepthStencilBufferBits = 32;

ShadowPass(visibleLights, ref context, ref lightData);
FrameRenderingConfiguration frameRenderingConfiguration;
SetupFrameRendering(out frameRenderingConfiguration, stereoEnabled);
SetupFrameRenderingConfiguration(out frameRenderingConfiguration, stereoEnabled);
SetupIntermediateResources(frameRenderingConfiguration, ref context);
// SetupCameraProperties does the following:

// Setup global time properties (_Time, _SinTime, _CosTime)
context.SetupCameraProperties(m_CurrCamera, stereoEnabled);
if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(frameRenderingConfiguration, FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass))
if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(frameRenderingConfiguration, FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPrePass))
DepthPass(ref context);
ForwardPass(visibleLights, frameRenderingConfiguration, ref context, ref lightData, stereoEnabled);

CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get("After Opaque");
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(CameraRenderTargetID.depth, m_DepthRT);
bool setRenderTarget = false;
RenderTargetIdentifier depthRT = m_DepthRT;
// When only have one effect in the stack. We blit to a work RT then blit it back to active color RT.
// When only have one effect in the stack we blit to a work RT then blit it back to active color RT.
// This seems like an extra blit but it saves us a depth copy/blit which has some corner cases like msaa depth resolve.
if (m_RequireCopyColor)

RenderPostProcess(cmd, m_CurrCameraColorRT, m_CurrCameraColorRT, true);
if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(config, FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass))
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_CurrCameraColorRT, m_DepthRT);
setRenderTarget = true;
SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CurrCameraColorRT, m_DepthRT);
SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CurrCameraColorRT, m_CopyDepth);
depthRT = m_CopyDepth;
setRenderTarget = true;
if (setRenderTarget)
SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CurrCameraColorRT, depthRT);

private void SetupFrameRendering(out FrameRenderingConfiguration configuration, bool stereoEnabled)
private void SetupFrameRenderingConfiguration(out FrameRenderingConfiguration configuration, bool stereoEnabled)
configuration = (stereoEnabled) ? FrameRenderingConfiguration.Stereo : FrameRenderingConfiguration.None;
if (stereoEnabled && XRSettings.eyeTextureDesc.dimension == TextureDimension.Tex2DArray)

m_ColorFormat = hdrEnabled ? RenderTextureFormat.DefaultHDR : RenderTextureFormat.Default;
m_RequireDepth = false;
m_RequireCopyColor = false;
m_DepthRenderBuffer = false;
m_CameraPostProcessLayer = m_CurrCamera.GetComponent<PostProcessLayer>();
bool msaaEnabled = m_CurrCamera.allowMSAA && m_Asset.MSAASampleCount > 1 && (m_CurrCamera.targetTexture == null || m_CurrCamera.targetTexture.antiAliasing > 1);

if (m_CameraPostProcessLayer.sortedBundles[PostProcessEvent.BeforeTransparent].Count == 1)
m_RequireCopyColor = true;
// Resolving depth msaa requires texture2DMS. Currently if msaa is enabled we do a depth pre-pass.
if (msaaEnabled)
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass;
// In case of soft particles we need depth copy. If depth copy not supported fallback to depth prepass

intermediateTexture = true;
bool supportsDepthCopy = m_CopyTextureSupport != CopyTextureSupport.None && m_Asset.CopyDepthShader.isSupported;
// currently fallback to depth prepass if msaa is enabled since. We need texture2DMS to support depth resolve.
configuration |= (msaaEnabled || !supportsDepthCopy) ? FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass : FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthCopy;
if (msaaEnabled)

if (m_RequireDepth)
// If msaa is enabled we don't use a depth renderbuffer as we might not have support to Texture2DMS to resolve depth.
// Instead we use a depth prepass and whenever depth is needed we use the 1 sample depth from prepass.
if (!msaaEnabled)
bool supportsDepthCopy = m_CopyTextureSupport != CopyTextureSupport.None && m_Asset.CopyDepthShader.isSupported;
m_DepthRenderBuffer = true;
// Soft particles need separate depth as it reads/write to depth at same time
if (softParticlesEnabled)
configuration |= (supportsDepthCopy) ? FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthCopy : FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPrePass;
configuration |= FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPrePass;
Rect cameraRect = m_CurrCamera.rect;

if (!m_IsOffscreenCamera)
colorRT = m_CurrCameraColorRT;
if (m_RequireDepth && !LightweightUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.DepthPass))
if (m_RequireDepth)
depthRT = m_DepthRT;

private void SetRenderTarget(CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTargetIdentifier colorRT, RenderTargetIdentifier depthRT, ClearFlag clearFlag = ClearFlag.None)
if (depthRT == BuiltinRenderTextureType.None)
if (depthRT == BuiltinRenderTextureType.None || !m_DepthRenderBuffer)
SetRenderTarget(cmd, colorRT, clearFlag);


Msaa = (1 << 1),
BeforeTransparentPostProcess = (1 << 2),
PostProcess = (1 << 3),
DepthPass = (1 << 4),
DepthPrePass = (1 << 4),
DepthCopy = (1 << 5),
DefaultViewport = (1 << 6),
IntermediateTexture = (1 << 7),
