{ |
public class ScreenSpaceShadowResolvePass : ScriptableRenderPass |
{ |
public bool softShadows { get; set; } |
RenderTextureFormat m_ColorFormat; |
Material m_ScreenSpaceShadowsMaterial; |
: RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32; |
m_ScreenSpaceShadowsMaterial = renderer.GetMaterial(MaterialHandles.ScrenSpaceShadow); |
softShadows = false; |
} |
public override void Setup(CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTextureDescriptor baseDescriptor, int[] colorAttachmentHandles, int depthAttachmentHandle = -1, int samples = 1) |
return; |
CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get("Collect Shadows"); |
SetShadowCollectPassKeywords(cmd, renderingData.shadowData.directionalLightCascadeCount); |
SetShadowCollectPassKeywords(cmd, ref renderingData.shadowData); |
// Note: The source isn't actually 'used', but there's an engine peculiarity (bug) that
// doesn't like null sources when trying to determine a stereo-ized blit. So for proper
CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); |
} |
void SetShadowCollectPassKeywords(CommandBuffer cmd, int cascadeCount) |
void SetShadowCollectPassKeywords(CommandBuffer cmd, ref ShadowData shadowData) |
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywords.SoftShadowsText, softShadows); |
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywords.CascadeShadowsText, cascadeCount > 1); |
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywords.SoftShadowsText, shadowData.renderedDirectionalShadowQuality == LightShadows.Soft); |
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywords.CascadeShadowsText, shadowData.directionalLightCascadeCount > 1); |
} |
} |
} |