public readonly int[] shadowsCascadeCountValues = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
public readonly GUIContent shadowsCascades = new GUIContent("Cascade values"); |
public readonly GUIContent tileLightLoopSettings = new GUIContent("Tile Light Loop settings"); |
public readonly GUIContent tileLightLoopSettings = new GUIContent("Tile Light Loop Settings"); |
public readonly string[] tileLightLoopDebugTileFlagStrings = new string[] { "Punctual Light", "Area Light", "Env Light"}; |
public readonly GUIContent splitLightEvaluation = new GUIContent("Split light and reflection evaluation", "Toggle"); |
public readonly GUIContent bigTilePrepass = new GUIContent("Enable big tile prepass", "Toggle"); |
public readonly GUIContent textureSettings = new GUIContent("texture Settings"); |
public readonly GUIContent textureSettings = new GUIContent("Texture Settings"); |
public readonly GUIContent spotCookieSize = new GUIContent("spotCookie Size"); |
public readonly GUIContent pointCookieSize = new GUIContent("pointCookie Size"); |
public readonly GUIContent reflectionCubemapSize = new GUIContent("reflectionCubemap Size"); |
public readonly GUIContent spotCookieSize = new GUIContent("Spot cookie size"); |
public readonly GUIContent pointCookieSize = new GUIContent("Point cookie size"); |
public readonly GUIContent reflectionCubemapSize = new GUIContent("Reflection cubemap size"); |
} |
private static Styles s_Styles = null; |
} |
} |
public override void OnInspectorGUI() |
private void DebugParametersUI(HDRenderLoop renderLoop) |
var renderLoop = target as HDRenderLoop; |
if (!renderLoop) |
return; |
var debugParameters = renderLoop.debugParameters; |
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(styles.debugParameters); |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(renderLoop); // Repaint
} |
EditorGUI.indentLevel--; |
} |
private void SkyParametersUI(HDRenderLoop renderLoop) |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.Space(); |
var skyParameters = renderLoop.skyParameters; |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(renderLoop); // Repaint
} |
EditorGUI.indentLevel--; |
} |
private void ShadowParametersUI(HDRenderLoop renderLoop) |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.Space(); |
var shadowParameters = renderLoop.shadowSettings; |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(renderLoop); // Repaint
} |
EditorGUI.indentLevel--; |
} |
private void TextureParametersUI(HDRenderLoop renderLoop) |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.Space(); |
var textureParameters = renderLoop.textureSettings; |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(renderLoop); // Repaint
} |
EditorGUI.indentLevel--; |
} |
private void TilePassUI(HDRenderLoop renderLoop) |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.Space(); |
// TODO: we should call a virtual method or something similar to setup the UI, inspector should not know about it
} |
EditorGUI.indentLevel--; |
} |
} |
public override void OnInspectorGUI() |
{ |
var renderLoop = target as HDRenderLoop; |
if (!renderLoop) |
return; |
DebugParametersUI(renderLoop); |
SkyParametersUI(renderLoop); |
ShadowParametersUI(renderLoop); |
TextureParametersUI(renderLoop); |
TilePassUI(renderLoop); |
} |
} |
} |