// The view and proj matrices are per eye in stereo. This means we have to double the size of these buffers.
// TODO: Maybe in stereo, we will only support half as many lights total, in order to minimize buffer size waste.
// Alternatively, we could re-size these buffers if any stereo camera is active, instead of unilaterally increasing buffer size.
// TODO: I don't think k_MaxLightsOnScreen corresponds to the actual correct light count for cullable light types (punctual, area, env, decal)
s_AABBBoundsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer ( k_MaxStereoEyes * 2 * k_MaxLightsOnScreen , 3 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
s_ConvexBoundsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer ( k_MaxStereoEyes * k_MaxLightsOnScreen , System . Runtime . InteropServices . Marshal . SizeOf ( typeof ( SFiniteLightBound ) ) ) ;
s_LightVolumeDataBuffer = new ComputeBuffer ( k_MaxStereoEyes * k_MaxLightsOnScreen , System . Runtime . InteropServices . Marshal . SizeOf ( typeof ( LightVolumeData ) ) ) ;
Debug . Assert ( m_lightList . bounds . Count = = m_lightCount ) ;
Debug . Assert ( m_lightList . lightVolumes . Count = = m_lightCount ) ;
m_lightList . bounds . AddRange ( DecalSystem . m_Bounds ) ;
m_lightList . lightVolumes . AddRange ( DecalSystem . m_LightVolumes ) ;
m_lightCount + = DecalSystem . m_DecalDatasCount ;
if ( DecalSystem . m_DecalDatasCount > 0 )
// TODO: This adds the entire array to the buffer, likely introducing
// empty entries into the buffer. Currently, stereo assumes this buffer to
// be tightly packed. Decals are currently disabled for stereo anyway, so we
// will coordinate on a proper solution for this.
m_lightList . bounds . AddRange ( DecalSystem . m_Bounds ) ;
m_lightList . lightVolumes . AddRange ( DecalSystem . m_LightVolumes ) ;
m_lightCount + = DecalSystem . m_DecalDatasCount ;
if ( stereoEnabled )