
Added a separate map for influence mask.

Julien Ignace 7 年前
共有 5 个文件被更改,包括 44 次插入14 次删除
  1. 10
  2. 1
  3. 1
  4. 45
  5. 1


public readonly GUIContent layersText = new GUIContent("Inputs");
public readonly GUIContent emissiveText = new GUIContent("Emissive");
public readonly GUIContent layerMapMaskText = new GUIContent("Layer Mask", "Layer mask");
public readonly GUIContent layerInfluenceMapMaskText = new GUIContent("Layer Influence Mask", "Layer mask");
public readonly GUIContent vertexColorModeText = new GUIContent("Vertex Color Mode", "Mode multiply: vertex color is multiply with the mask. Mode additive: vertex color values are remapped between -1 and 1 and added to the mask (neutral at 0.5 vertex color).");
public readonly GUIContent layerCountText = new GUIContent("Layer Count", "Number of layers.");
public readonly GUIContent layerTilingBlendMaskText = new GUIContent("Tiling", "Tiling for the blend mask.");

const string kLayerCount = "_LayerCount";
MaterialProperty layerMaskMap = null;
const string kLayerMaskMap = "_LayerMaskMap";
MaterialProperty layerInfluenceMaskMap = null;
const string kLayerInfluenceMaskMap = "_LayerInfluenceMaskMap";
MaterialProperty vertexColorMode = null;
const string kVertexColorMode = "_VertexColorMode";
MaterialProperty objectScaleAffectTile = null;

layerCount = FindProperty(kLayerCount, props);
layerMaskMap = FindProperty(kLayerMaskMap, props);
layerInfluenceMaskMap = FindProperty(kLayerInfluenceMaskMap, props);
vertexColorMode = FindProperty(kVertexColorMode, props);
objectScaleAffectTile = FindProperty(kObjectScaleAffectTile, props);
UVBlendMask = FindProperty(kUVBlendMask, props);

if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue = mainLayerModeInfluenceEnable ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
if (!useMainLayerInfluence.hasMixedValue && useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue != 0.0f)
m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(styles.layerInfluenceMapMaskText, layerInfluenceMaskMap);


// Layer blending options
_LayerMaskMap("LayerMaskMap", 2D) = "white" {}
_LayerInfluenceMaskMap("LayerInfluenceMaskMap", 2D) = "white" {}
[ToggleOff] _UseHeightBasedBlend("UseHeightBasedBlend", Float) = 0.0
_HeightOffset0("Height Offset0", Float) = 0


// Layer blending options
_LayerMaskMap("LayerMaskMap", 2D) = "white" {}
_LayerInfluenceMaskMap("LayerInfluenceMaskMap", 2D) = "white" {}
[ToggleOff] _UseHeightBasedBlend("UseHeightBasedBlend", Float) = 0.0
_HeightOffset0("Height Offset0", Float) = 0


return blendMasks;
float GetInfluenceMask(LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, bool useLodSampling = false, float lod = 0)
return useLodSampling ? SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_LayerInfluenceMaskMap, sampler_LayerMaskMap, layerTexCoord.blendMask, lod).r : SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_LayerInfluenceMaskMap, sampler_LayerMaskMap, layerTexCoord.blendMask).r;
// Return the maximun amplitude use by all enabled heightmap
// use for tessellation culling and per pixel displacement
// TODO: For vertex displacement this should take into account the modification in ApplyTessellationTileScale but it should be conservative here (as long as tiling is not negative)

// - Blend Mask use same mapping as main layer (UVO, Planar, Triplanar)
// From these rules it mean that PPD is enable only if the user 1) ask for it, 2) if there is one heightmap enabled on active layer, 3) if mapping is the same for all layer respecting 2), 4) if mapping is UV0, planar or triplanar mapping
// Most contraint are handled by the inspector (i.e the UI) like the mapping constraint and is assumed in the shader.
float ApplyPerPixelDisplacement(FragInputs input, float3 V, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord)
float ApplyPerPixelDisplacement(FragInputs input, float3 V, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float influenceMask)
bool ppdEnable = false;
bool isPlanar = false;

ppdParam.weights[3] = weights[3] * (_HeightAmplitude3 + _HeightAmplitude0 * _InheritBaseHeight3) / maxHeight;
// Think that inheritbasedheight will be 0 if height0 is fully visible in weights. So there is no double contribution of height0
float mainHeightInfluence = BlendLayeredScalar(0.0, _InheritBaseHeight1, _InheritBaseHeight2, _InheritBaseHeight3, weights);
float mainHeightInfluence = BlendLayeredScalar(0.0, _InheritBaseHeight1, _InheritBaseHeight2, _InheritBaseHeight3, weights) * influenceMask;
ppdParam.mainHeightInfluence = mainHeightInfluence;

return 0.0;
float4 GetMaxHeight(float4 heights)
float GetMaxHeight(float4 heights)
float maxHeight = max(heights.r, heights.g);

// Think that inheritbasedheight will be 0 if height0 is fully visible in weights. So there is no double contribution of height0
float influenceMask = GetInfluenceMask(layerTexCoord, true, lod);
return heightResult + height0 * inheritBaseHeight * inputBlendMasks.a; // We multiply by the input mask for the first layer because if the mask here is black it means that the layer is not actually underneath any visible layer so we don't want to inherit its height.
return heightResult + height0 * inheritBaseHeight * inputBlendMasks.a * influenceMask; // We multiply by the input mask for the first layer because if the mask here is black it means that the layer is not actually underneath any visible layer so we don't want to inherit its height.

ComputeMaskWeights(blendMasks, outWeights);
float3 ComputeMainNormalInfluence(FragInputs input, float3 normalTS0, float3 normalTS1, float3 normalTS2, float3 normalTS3, LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float inputMainLayerMask, float weights[_MAX_LAYER])
float3 ComputeMainNormalInfluence(float influenceMask, FragInputs input, float3 normalTS0, float3 normalTS1, float3 normalTS2, float3 normalTS3, LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float inputMainLayerMask, float weights[_MAX_LAYER])
float influenceFactor = BlendLayeredScalar(0.0, _InheritBaseNormal1, _InheritBaseNormal2, _InheritBaseNormal3, weights);
float influenceFactor = BlendLayeredScalar(0.0, _InheritBaseNormal1, _InheritBaseNormal2, _InheritBaseNormal3, weights) * influenceMask;
// We will add smoothly the contribution of the normal map by using lower mips with help of bias sampling. InfluenceFactor must be [0..numMips] // Caution it cause banding...
// Note: that we don't take details map into account here.
float maxMipBias = log2(max(_NormalMap0_TexelSize.z, _NormalMap0_TexelSize.w)); // don't do + 1 as it is for bias, not lod

float3 ComputeMainBaseColorInfluence(float3 baseColor0, float3 baseColor1, float3 baseColor2, float3 baseColor3, LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float weights[_MAX_LAYER])
float3 ComputeMainBaseColorInfluence(float influenceMask, float3 baseColor0, float3 baseColor1, float3 baseColor2, float3 baseColor3, LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float weights[_MAX_LAYER])
float influenceFactor = BlendLayeredScalar(0.0, _InheritBaseColor1, _InheritBaseColor2, _InheritBaseColor3, weights);
float influenceFactor = BlendLayeredScalar(0.0, _InheritBaseColor1, _InheritBaseColor2, _InheritBaseColor3, weights) * influenceMask;
// We want to calculate the mean color of the texture. For this we will sample a low mipmap
float textureBias = 15.0; // Use maximum bias

ZERO_INITIALIZE(LayerTexCoord, layerTexCoord);
GetLayerTexCoord(input, layerTexCoord);
float depthOffset = ApplyPerPixelDisplacement(input, V, layerTexCoord);
float influenceMask = 0.0f;
influenceMask = GetInfluenceMask(layerTexCoord);
float depthOffset = ApplyPerPixelDisplacement(input, V, layerTexCoord, influenceMask);
ApplyDepthOffsetPositionInput(V, depthOffset, GetWorldToHClipMatrix(), posInput);

clip(alpha - _AlphaCutoff);
float3 normalTS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
surfaceData.baseColor = ComputeMainBaseColorInfluence(surfaceData0.baseColor, surfaceData1.baseColor, surfaceData2.baseColor, surfaceData3.baseColor, layerTexCoord, weights);
float3 normalTS = ComputeMainNormalInfluence(input, normalTS0, normalTS1, normalTS2, normalTS3, layerTexCoord, blendMasks.a, weights);
surfaceData.baseColor = SURFACEDATA_BLEND_VECTOR3(surfaceData, baseColor, weights);
float3 normalTS = BlendLayeredVector3(normalTS0, normalTS1, normalTS2, normalTS3, weights);
if (influenceMask > 0.0f)
surfaceData.baseColor = ComputeMainBaseColorInfluence(influenceMask, surfaceData0.baseColor, surfaceData1.baseColor, surfaceData2.baseColor, surfaceData3.baseColor, layerTexCoord, weights);
normalTS = ComputeMainNormalInfluence(influenceMask, input, normalTS0, normalTS1, normalTS2, normalTS3, layerTexCoord, blendMasks.a, weights);
surfaceData.baseColor = SURFACEDATA_BLEND_VECTOR3(surfaceData, baseColor, weights);
normalTS = BlendLayeredVector3(normalTS0, normalTS1, normalTS2, normalTS3, weights);
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = SURFACEDATA_BLEND_SCALAR(surfaceData, perceptualSmoothness, weights);
surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = SURFACEDATA_BLEND_SCALAR(surfaceData, ambientOcclusion, weights);


