cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._SkyTexture, CoreUtils.magentaCubeTexture); |
// This is done here because we need to wait for one frame that the command buffer is executed before using the resulting textures.
if (m_NeedUpdateBakingSky) |
// Testing the current skybox material is because we have to make sure that additive scene loading or even some user script haven't altered it.
if (m_NeedUpdateBakingSky || (RenderSettings.skybox != m_StandardSkyboxMaterial)) |
{ |
// Here we update the global SkyMaterial so that it uses our baking sky cubemap. This way, next time the GI is baked, the right sky will be present.
float intensity = m_BakingSky.IsValid() ? 1.0f : 0.0f; // Eliminate all diffuse if we don't have a skybox (meaning for now the background is black in HDRP)