
Fix issue with upgrade decal script

Sebastien Lagarde 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 13 次插入4 次删除
  1. 17


// if the _hdrpVersion was not written. So older material that haven't been updated can't be detected.
// so for now we must check for _hdrpVersion in the .txt
// maybe in a far future we can rely on just mat.GetFloat("_hdrpVersion")
static float UpdateMaterial_GetVersion(string path)
static float UpdateMaterial_GetVersion(string path, Material mat)
// Find the missing property in the file and update EmissiveColor
string[] readText = File.ReadAllLines(path);

return float.Parse(sub);
// When _HdrpVersion don't exist we MUST create it, otherwise next call to
// mat.SetFloat("_HdrpVersion", value) will just put the default value instead of the value we pass!
// a call to GetFloat("_HdrpVersion") solve this.
float useless = mat.GetFloat("_HdrpVersion");
return 0.0f;

var mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>(path);
"Update material to new version...",
"Update material to new version " + caption + "...",
string.Format("{0} / {1} materials updated.", i, length),
i / (float)(length - 1));

// Get current version
float materialVersion = UpdateMaterial_GetVersion(path);
float materialVersion = UpdateMaterial_GetVersion(path, mat);
if (materialVersion < scriptVersion)

mat.SetFloat("_HdrpVersion", scriptVersion);
// Checkout the file and tag it as dirty
CoreEditorUtils.CheckOutFile(VCSEnabled, mat);

// Save all dirty assets
// No need to save in this case

// Add here all the material upgrade functions
// Note: This is a slow path as we go through all files for each script + update the version number after each script execution,
// but it is the safest way to do it currently for incremental upgrade
// Caution: When calling SaveAsset, Unity will update the material with latest addition at the same time, so for example
// unity can add a supportDecal when executing script for version 1 whereas they only appear in version 2 because it is now part
// of the shader. Most of the time this have no consequence, but we never know.
UpdateMaterialToNewerVersion("(EmissiveColor_1)", 1.0f, UpdateMaterial_EmissiveColor_1, UpdateMaterialFile_EmissiveColor_1);
UpdateMaterialToNewerVersion("(Decals_2)", 2.0f, UpdateMaterial_Decals_2, UpdateMaterialFile_Decals_2);
