readonly int m_CameraColorBuffer ;
readonly int m_CameraSubsurfaceBuffer ;
readonly int m_CameraFilteringBuffer ;
readonly int m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer ;
readonly int m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy ; // This is temporary, we will need to provide the correct opaque depth buffer to transparent without needing a copy
readonly int m_CameraStencilBuffer ;
readonly int m_VelocityBuffer ;
readonly int m_DistortionBuffer ;
readonly RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraSubsurfaceBufferRT ;
readonly RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraFilteringBufferRT ;
readonly RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ;
readonly RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopyRT ;
// 'm_CameraStencilBufferRT' is a temporary copy of the stencil buffer and should be removed
// once we are able to read from the depth buffer and perform the stencil test simultaneously.
readonly RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraStencilBufferRT ;
private RenderTexture m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer = null ;
private RenderTexture m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy = null ;
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ;
private RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopyRT ;
// Detect when windows size is changing
int m_CurrentWidth ;
int m_CurrentHeight ;
m_CameraColorBuffer = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraColorTexture" ) ;
m_CameraSubsurfaceBuffer = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraSubsurfaceTexture" ) ;
m_CameraFilteringBuffer = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraFilteringBuffer" ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraDepthTexture" ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraDepthTextureCopy" ) ;
m_CameraStencilBuffer = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CameraStencilTexture" ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier ( m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopyRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier ( m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy ) ;
m_CameraStencilBufferRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier ( m_CameraStencilBuffer ) ;
m_DebugViewMaterialGBuffer = Utilities . CreateEngineMaterial ( "Hidden/HDRenderPipeline/DebugViewMaterialGBuffer" ) ;
} ;
void CreateDepthBuffer ( Camera camera )
if ( m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer ! = null )
m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer . Release ( ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer = new RenderTexture ( camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight , 2 4 , RenderTextureFormat . Depth ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer . filterMode = FilterMode . Point ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer . Create ( ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier ( m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer ) ;
if ( NeedDepthBufferCopy ( ) )
if ( m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy ! = null )
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy . Release ( ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy = new RenderTexture ( camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight , 2 4 , RenderTextureFormat . Depth ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy . filterMode = FilterMode . Point ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy . Create ( ) ;
m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopyRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier ( m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy ) ;
void Resize ( Camera camera )
// TODO: Detect if renderdoc just load and force a resize in this case, as often renderdoc require to realloc resource.
if ( m_LightLoop = = null )
return ;
if ( camera . pixelWidth ! = m_CurrentWidth | | camera . pixelHeight ! = m_CurrentHeight | | m_LightLoop . NeedResize ( ) )
if ( camera . pixelWidth ! = m_CurrentWidth | | camera . pixelHeight ! = m_CurrentHeight )
if ( m_CurrentWidth > 0 & & m_CurrentHeight > 0 )
CreateDepthBuffer ( camera ) ;
if ( m_LightLoop . NeedResize ( ) )
m_LightLoop . ReleaseResolutionDependentBuffers ( ) ;
if ( m_CurrentWidth > 0 & & m_CurrentHeight > 0 )
m_LightLoop . ReleaseResolutionDependentBuffers ( ) ;
m_LightLoop . AllocResolutionDependentBuffers ( camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight ) ;
m_LightLoop . AllocResolutionDependentBuffers ( camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight ) ;
// update recorded window resolution
m_CurrentWidth = camera . pixelWidth ;
m_LightLoop . PushGlobalParams ( hdCamera . camera , renderContext ) ;
bool NeedDepthBufferCopy ( )
// For now we consider only PS4 to be able to read from a bound depth buffer. Need to test/implement for other platforms.
return SystemInfo . graphicsDeviceType ! = GraphicsDeviceType . PlayStation4 ;
Texture GetDepthTexture ( )
if ( NeedDepthBufferCopy ( ) )
return m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy ;
return m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer ;
private void CopyDepthBufferIfNeeded ( ScriptableRenderContext renderContext )
var cmd = new CommandBuffer ( ) ;
if ( NeedDepthBufferCopy ( ) )
using ( new Utilities . ProfilingSample ( "Copy depth-stencil buffer" , renderContext ) )
cmd . CopyTexture ( m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopyRT ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( "_MainDepthTexture" , GetDepthTexture ( ) ) ;
renderContext . ExecuteCommandBuffer ( cmd ) ;
cmd . Dispose ( ) ;
public override void Render ( ScriptableRenderContext renderContext , Camera [ ] cameras )
base . Render ( renderContext , cameras ) ;
RenderForwardOnlyOpaqueDepthPrepass ( cullResults , camera , renderContext ) ;
RenderGBuffer ( cullResults , camera , renderContext ) ;
// 'm_CameraStencilBufferRT' is a temporary copy of the stencil buffer and should be removed
// once we are able to read from the depth buffer and perform the stencil test simultaneously.
using ( new Utilities . ProfilingSample ( "Copy depth-stencil buffer" , renderContext ) )
// If full forward rendering, we did not do any rendering yet, so don't need to copy the buffer.
// If Deferred then the depth buffer is full (regular GBuffer + ForwardOnly depth prepass are done so we can copy it safely.
if ( ! m_Owner . renderingSettings . useForwardRenderingOnly )
var cmd = new CommandBuffer ( ) ;
cmd . CopyTexture ( m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT , m_CameraStencilBufferRT ) ;
renderContext . ExecuteCommandBuffer ( cmd ) ;
cmd . Dispose ( ) ;
CopyDepthBufferIfNeeded ( renderContext ) ;
if ( globalDebugSettings . materialDebugSettings . debugViewMaterial ! = 0 )
RenderForward ( cullResults , camera , renderContext , true ) ; // Render deferred or forward opaque
RenderForwardOnlyOpaque ( cullResults , camera , renderContext ) ;
// 'm_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopyRT' is a temporary copy of the depth texture and should be removed
// once we are able to read from the depth buffer during transparent pass.
using ( new Utilities . ProfilingSample ( "Copy depth-stencil buffer after all opaque" , renderContext ) )
// If full forward rendering, we did just rendered everything, so we can copy the depth buffer
// If Deferred nothing needs copying anymore.
if ( m_Owner . renderingSettings . useForwardRenderingOnly )
var cmd = new CommandBuffer ( ) ;
cmd . CopyTexture ( m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopyRT ) ;
renderContext . ExecuteCommandBuffer ( cmd ) ;
cmd . Dispose ( ) ;
CopyDepthBufferIfNeeded ( renderContext ) ;
RenderSky ( hdCamera , renderContext ) ;
if ( enableSSS )
// Output split lighting for materials tagged with the SSS stencil bit.
m_LightLoop . RenderDeferredLighting ( hdCamera , renderContext , globalDebugSettings . lightingDebugSettings , colorRTs , m_CameraStencilBufferRT , true , enableSSS ) ;
m_LightLoop . RenderDeferredLighting ( hdCamera , renderContext , globalDebugSettings . lightingDebugSettings , colorRTs , m_CameraDepth StencilBufferRT , new RenderTargetIdentifier ( GetDepthTexture ( ) ) , true , enableSSS ) ;
m_LightLoop . RenderDeferredLighting ( hdCamera , renderContext , globalDebugSettings . lightingDebugSettings , colorRTs , m_CameraStencilBufferRT , false , enableSSS ) ;
m_LightLoop . RenderDeferredLighting ( hdCamera , renderContext , globalDebugSettings . lightingDebugSettings , colorRTs , m_CameraDepth StencilBufferRT , new RenderTargetIdentifier ( GetDepthTexture ( ) ) , false , enableSSS ) ;
// Combines specular lighting and diffuse lighting with subsurface scattering.
m_FilterSubsurfaceScattering . SetVectorArray ( "_HalfRcpWeightedVariances" , sssParameters . halfRcpWeightedVariances ) ;
cmd . SetGlobalTexture ( "_IrradianceSource" , m_CameraSubsurfaceBufferRT ) ;
Utilities . DrawFullScreen ( cmd , m_FilterSubsurfaceScattering , hdCamera ,
m_CameraFilteringBufferRT , m_CameraStencilBufferRT ) ;
m_CameraFilteringBufferRT , m_CameraDepth StencilBufferRT ) ;
// Perform the horizontal SSS filtering pass, and combine diffuse and specular lighting.
m_FilterAndCombineSubsurfaceScattering . SetVectorArray ( "_FilterKernels" , sssParameters . filterKernels ) ;
m_CameraColorBufferRT , m_CameraStencilBufferRT ) ;
m_CameraColorBufferRT , m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT ) ;
context . ExecuteCommandBuffer ( cmd ) ;
cmd . Dispose ( ) ;
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( m_CameraColorBuffer , w , h , 0 , FilterMode . Point , RenderTextureFormat . ARGBHalf , RenderTextureReadWrite . Linear , 1 , true ) ; // Enable UAV
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( m_CameraSubsurfaceBuffer , w , h , 0 , FilterMode . Point , RenderTextureFormat . RGB111110Float , RenderTextureReadWrite . Linear , 1 , true ) ; // Enable UAV
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( m_CameraFilteringBuffer , w , h , 0 , FilterMode . Point , RenderTextureFormat . RGB111110Float , RenderTextureReadWrite . Linear , 1 , true ) ; // Enable UAV
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer , w , h , 2 4 , FilterMode . Point , RenderTextureFormat . Depth ) ;
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( m_CameraDepthStencilBufferCopy , w , h , 2 4 , FilterMode . Point , RenderTextureFormat . Depth ) ;
cmd . GetTemporaryRT ( m_CameraStencilBuffer , w , h , 2 4 , FilterMode . Point , RenderTextureFormat . Depth ) ;
if ( ! m_Owner . renderingSettings . ShouldUseForwardRenderingOnly ( ) )