atlasInit . baseInit . width = ( uint ) shadowInit . shadowAtlasWidth ;
atlasInit . baseInit . height = ( uint ) shadowInit . shadowAtlasHeight ;
atlasInit . baseInit . slices = 1 ;
atlasInit . baseInit . shadowmapBits = 3 2 ;
atlasInit . baseInit . shadowmapBits = shadowInit . shadowMap16Bit ? 1 6 u : 3 2 u ;
atlasInit . baseInit . shadowmapFormat = RenderTextureFormat . Shadowmap ;
atlasInit . baseInit . samplerState = SamplerState . Default ( ) ;
atlasInit . baseInit . comparisonSamplerState = ComparisonSamplerState . Default ( ) ;
m_ShadowMgr = new ShadowManager ( shadowSettings , ref scInit , ref budgets , m_Shadowmaps ) ;
// set global overrides - these need to match the override specified in LightLoop/Shadow.hlsl
bool useGlobalOverrides = true ;
m_ShadowMgr . SetGlobalShadowOverride ( GPUShadowType . Point , ShadowAlgorithm . PCF , ShadowVariant . V2 , ShadowPrecision . High , useGlobalOverrides ) ;
m_ShadowMgr . SetGlobalShadowOverride ( GPUShadowType . Spot , ShadowAlgorithm . PCF , ShadowVariant . V2 , ShadowPrecision . High , useGlobalOverrides ) ;
m_ShadowMgr . SetGlobalShadowOverride ( GPUShadowType . Directional , ShadowAlgorithm . PCF , ShadowVariant . V3 , ShadowPrecision . High , useGlobalOverrides ) ;
m_ShadowMgr . SetGlobalShadowOverride ( GPUShadowType . Point , ShadowAlgorithm . PCF , ShadowVariant . V2 , shadowInit . shadowMap16Bit ? ShadowPrecision . Low : ShadowPrecision . High , useGlobalOverrides ) ;
m_ShadowMgr . SetGlobalShadowOverride ( GPUShadowType . Spot , ShadowAlgorithm . PCF , ShadowVariant . V2 , shadowInit . shadowMap16Bit ? ShadowPrecision . Low : ShadowPrecision . High , useGlobalOverrides ) ;
m_ShadowMgr . SetGlobalShadowOverride ( GPUShadowType . Directional , ShadowAlgorithm . PCF , ShadowVariant . V3 , shadowInit . shadowMap16Bit ? ShadowPrecision . Low : ShadowPrecision . High , useGlobalOverrides ) ;
m_ShadowMgr . SetShadowLightTypeDelegate ( HDShadowLightType ) ;
public bool outputSplitLighting ;
public void RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow ( HDCamera hdCamera , RTHandleSystem . RTHandle deferredShadowRT , RenderTargetIdentifier depthTexture , CommandBuffer cmd )
public void RenderScreenSpaceShadows ( HDCamera hdCamera , RTHandleSystem . RTHandle deferredShadowRT , RenderTargetIdentifier depthTexture , CommandBuffer cmd )
bool sunLightShadow = m_CurrentSunLight ! = null & & m_CurrentSunLight . GetComponent < AdditionalShadowData > ( ) ! = null & & m_CurrentSunLightShadowIndex > = 0 ;
return ;
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Deferred Directional Shadow" , CustomSamplerId . TPDeferredDirectionalShadow . GetSampler ( ) ) )
using ( new ProfilingSample ( cmd , "Deferred Directional Shadow" , CustomSamplerId . TPScreenSpaceShadows . GetSampler ( ) ) )
Vector4 lightDirection = Vector4 . zero ;
Vector4 lightPosition = Vector4 . zero ;
// - if there is a sun light casting shadow, we need to use comput directional light shadows
// - if there is a sun light casting shadow, we need to use compute directional light shadows
// and contact shadows of the dominant light (or the directional if contact shadows are enabled on it)
// - if there is no sun or it's not casting shadows, we don't need to compute it's costy directional
// shadows so we only compute contact shadows for the dominant light