lightData . up = light . light . transform . up ;
lightData . right = light . light . transform . right ;
if ( additionalLightData . archetype ! = LightArchetype . Punctual )
lightData . size = new Vector2 ( additionalLightData . lightLength , additionalLightData . lightWidth ) ;
lightData . size = new Vector2 ( additionalLightData . lightLength , additionalLightData . lightWidth ) ;
if ( lightData . lightType = = GPULightType . ProjectorBox | | lightData . lightType = = GPULightType . ProjectorPyramid )
case LightType . Point :
lightData . cookieIndex = m_CubeCookieTexArray . FetchSlice ( light . light . cookie ) ;
break ;
if ( additionalLightData . archetype = = LightArchetype . Projector )
lightData . cookieIndex = m_CookieTexArray . FetchSlice ( light . light . cookie ) ;
else if ( additionalLightData . archetype = = LightArchetype . Projector )
else if ( light . lightType = = LightType . Spot & & additionalLightData . spotLightShape ! = SpotLightShape . Cone )
// Projectors lights must always have a cookie texture.
lightData . cookieIndex = m_CookieTexArray . FetchSlice ( Texture2D . whiteTexture ) ;
// Then Culling side
var range = light . range ;
var lightToWorld = light . localToWorld ;
Vector3 lightPos = lightData . positionWS ;
Vector3 positionWS = lightData . positionWS ;
Vector3 positionVS = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( positionWS ) ;
Matrix4x4 lightToView = worldToView * lightToWorld ;
Vector3 xAxisVS = lightToView . GetColumn ( 0 ) ;
// apply nonuniform scale to OBB of spot light
var squeeze = true ; //sa < 0.7f * 90.0f; // arb heuristic
var fS = squeeze ? ta : si ;
bound . center = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( lightPos + ( ( 0.5f * range ) * lightDir ) ) ; // use mid point of the spot as the center of the bounding volume for building screen-space AABB for tiled lighting.
bound . center = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( positionWS + ( ( 0.5f * range ) * lightDir ) ) ; // use mid point of the spot as the center of the bounding volume for building screen-space AABB for tiled lighting.
// scale axis to match box or base of pyramid
bound . boxAxisX = ( fS * range ) * vx ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisX = vx ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisY = vy ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisZ = vz ;
lightVolumeData . lightPos = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( lightPos ) ;
lightVolumeData . lightPos = positionVS ;
lightVolumeData . radiusSq = range * range ;
lightVolumeData . cotan = cota ;
lightVolumeData . featureFlags = ( uint ) LightFeatureFlags . Punctual ;
bool isNegDeterminant = Vector3 . Dot ( worldToView . GetColumn ( 0 ) , Vector3 . Cross ( worldToView . GetColumn ( 1 ) , worldToView . GetColumn ( 2 ) ) ) < 0.0f ; // 3x3 Determinant.
bound . center = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( lightPos ) ;
bound . center = positionVS ;
bound . boxAxisX . Set ( range , 0 , 0 ) ;
bound . boxAxisY . Set ( 0 , range , 0 ) ;
bound . boxAxisZ . Set ( 0 , 0 , isNegDeterminant ? ( - range ) : range ) ; // transform to camera space (becomes a left hand coordinate frame in Unity since Determinant(worldToView)<0)
lightVolumeData . radiusSq = range * range ;
lightVolumeData . featureFlags = ( uint ) LightFeatureFlags . Punctual ;
else if ( gpuLightType = = GPULightType . Rectangle )
else if ( gpuLightType = = GPULightType . Line )
Vector3 centerVS = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( lightData . positionWS ) ;
float radius = 1.0f / Mathf . Sqrt ( lightData . invSqrAttenuationRadius ) ;
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x + 2 * range , 2 * range , 2 * range ) ; // Omni-directional
Vector3 extents = 0.5f * dimensions ;
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x * 0.5f + radius , lightData . size . y * 0.5f + radius , radius ) ;
dimensions . z * = 0.5f ;
centerVS + = zAxisVS * radius * 0.5f ;
bound . center = centerVS ;
bound . boxAxisX = dimensions . x * xAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisY = dimensions . y * yAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisZ = dimensions . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . center = positionVS ;
bound . boxAxisX = extents . x * xAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisY = extents . y * yAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisZ = extents . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . radius = dimensions . magnitude ;
bound . radius = extents . magnitude ;
lightVolumeData . lightPos = centerVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightPos = positionVS ;
lightVolumeData . boxInnerDist = dimensions ;
lightVolumeData . boxInvRange . Set ( 1 e5f , 1 e5f , 1 e5f ) ;
lightVolumeData . boxInnerDist = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x , 0 , 0 ) ;
lightVolumeData . boxInvRange . Set ( 1.0f / range , 1.0f / range , 1.0f / range ) ;
else if ( gpuLightType = = GPULightType . Line )
else if ( gpuLightType = = GPULightType . Rectangle )
Vector3 centerVS = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( lightData . positionWS ) ;
float radius = 1.0f / Mathf . Sqrt ( lightData . invSqrAttenuationRadius ) ;
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x * 0.5f + radius , radius , radius ) ;
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x + 2 * range , lightData . size . y + 2 * range , range ) ; // One-sided
Vector3 extents = 0.5f * dimensions ;
Vector3 centerVS = positionVS + extents . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisX = dimensions . x * xAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisY = dimensions . y * yAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisZ = dimensions . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisX = extents . x * xAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisY = extents . y * yAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisZ = extents . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . radius = dimensions . magnitude ;
bound . radius = extents . magnitude ;
lightVolumeData . lightPos = centerVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisX = xAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisY = yAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisZ = zAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . boxInnerDist = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x * 0.5f , 0.01f , 0.01f ) ;
lightVolumeData . boxInvRange . Set ( 1.0f / radius , 1.0f / radius , 1.0f / radius ) ;
lightVolumeData . lightPos = centerVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisX = xAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisY = yAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightAxisZ = zAxisVS ;
lightVolumeData . boxInnerDist = extents ;
lightVolumeData . boxInvRange . Set ( Mathf . Infinity , Mathf . Infinity , Mathf . Infinity ) ;
Vector3 posVS = worldToView . MultiplyPoint ( lightData . positionWS ) ;
// Projector lights point forwards (along Z). The projection window is aligned with the XY plane.
Vector3 boxDims = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x , lightData . size . y , 1 0 0 0 0 0 ) ;
Vector3 halfDims = 0.5f * boxDims ;
Vector3 dimensions = new Vector3 ( lightData . size . x , lightData . size . y , range ) ; // One-sided
Vector3 extents = 0.5f * dimensions ;
Vector3 centerVS = positionVS + extents . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . center = posVS ;
bound . boxAxisX = halfDims . x * xAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisY = halfDims . y * yAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisZ = halfDims . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . radius = halfDims . magnitude ;
bound . center = centerVS ;
bound . boxAxisX = extents . x * xAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisY = extents . y * yAxisVS ;
bound . boxAxisZ = extents . z * zAxisVS ;
bound . radius = extents . magnitude ;
lightVolumeData . lightPos = posVS ;
lightVolumeData . lightPos = centerVS ;
lightVolumeData . boxInnerDist = halfDims ;
lightVolumeData . boxInvRange . Set ( 1.0f / halfDims . x , 1.0f / halfDims . y , 1.0f / halfDims . z ) ;
lightVolumeData . boxInnerDist = extents ;
lightVolumeData . boxInvRange . Set ( Mathf . Infinity , Mathf . Infinity , Mathf . Infinity ) ;
lightVolumeData . featureFlags = ( uint ) LightFeatureFlags . Punctual ;
case LightType . Spot :
if ( punctualLightcount > = k_MaxPunctualLightsOnScreen )
continue ;
gpuLightType = GPULightType . Spot ;
lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType . Cone ;
switch ( additionalData . spotLightShape )
case SpotLightShape . Cone :
gpuLightType = GPULightType . Spot ;
lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType . Cone ;
break ;
case SpotLightShape . Pyramid :
gpuLightType = GPULightType . ProjectorPyramid ;
lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType . Cone ;
break ;
case SpotLightShape . Box :
gpuLightType = GPULightType . ProjectorBox ;
lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType . Box ;
break ;
default :
Debug . Assert ( false , "Encountered an unknown SpotLightShape." ) ;
break ;
break ;
case LightType . Directional :
break ;
default :
Debug . Assert ( false , "TODO: encountered an unknown LightType." ) ;
Debug . Assert ( false , "Encountered an unknown LightType." ) ;
else // LightArchetype.Area
switch ( additionalData . archetype )
case LightArchetype . Area :
if ( areaLightCount > = k_MaxAreaLightsOnScreen ) { continue ; }
lightCategory = LightCategory . Area ;
gpuLightType = ( additionalData . lightWidth > 0 ) ? GPULightType . Rectangle : GPULightType . Line ;
lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType . Box ;
break ;
case LightArchetype . Projector :
if ( punctualLightcount > = k_MaxPunctualLightsOnScreen ) { continue ; }
lightCategory = LightCategory . Punctual ;
switch ( light . lightType )
case LightType . Directional :
gpuLightType = GPULightType . ProjectorBox ;
lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType . Box ;
break ;
case LightType . Spot :
gpuLightType = GPULightType . ProjectorPyramid ;
lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType . Cone ;
break ;
default :
Debug . Assert ( false , "Projectors can only be Spot or Directional lights." ) ;
break ;
break ;
default :
Debug . Assert ( false , "TODO: encountered an unknown LightArchetype." ) ;
break ;
if ( areaLightCount > = k_MaxAreaLightsOnScreen ) { continue ; }
lightCategory = LightCategory . Area ;
gpuLightType = ( additionalData . lightWidth > 0 ) ? GPULightType . Rectangle : GPULightType . Line ;
lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType . Box ;
uint shadow = m_ShadowIndices . ContainsKey ( lightIndex ) ? 1 u : 0 ;