Merge pull request #442 from Unity-Technologies/feature/transparency
Merge pull request #442 from Unity-Technologies/feature/transparency
7 年前
共有 97 个文件被更改,包括 7217 次插入 和 12 次删除
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Clear Dragon.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Clear Dragon.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Cube Clear.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Cube Clear.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Mapped Dragon.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Mapped Dragon.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Sphere Clear.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Sphere Clear.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Sphere Map Earth.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickPlane Sphere Map Earth.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Clear Dragon.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Clear Dragon.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Cube Clear.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Cube Clear.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Mapped Dragon.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Mapped Dragon.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Sphere Clear.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Sphere Clear.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Sphere Map Earth.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThickSphere Sphere Map Earth.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Clear Dragon.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Clear Dragon.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Cube Clear.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Cube Clear.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Mapped Dragon.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Mapped Dragon.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Sphere Clear.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Sphere Clear.prefab.meta
84SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Sphere Map Earth.prefab
10SampleScenes/HDTest/GraphicTest/Common/Prefabs/Refraction ThinPlane Sphere Map Earth.prefab.meta
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m_Floats: |
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- _HeightMax: 1 |
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#include "../../Core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" |
#define SOURCE(n) _Source##n |
#define RESULT(n) _Result##n |
#define SOURCE_DECLARATION(n) Texture2D<float##n> SOURCE(n) |
#define RESULT_DECLARATION(n) RWTexture2D<float##n> RESULT(n) |
SamplerState sampler_LinearClamp; |
float4 _Size; |
#define KERNEL_SAMPLECOPY(sourceN, resultN, subscript) [numthreads(8, 8, 1)]\ |
void KSampleCopy##sourceN##_##resultN##_##subscript(uint2 dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID)\ |
{\ |
RESULT(resultN)[dispatchThreadId] = SOURCE(sourceN).SampleLevel(sampler_LinearClamp, float2(dispatchThreadId) * _Size.zw, 0.0).subscript;\ |
} |
// Source R |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy1_1_x |
// Source RG |
// Result R |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy2_1_x |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy2_1_y |
// Result RG |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy2_2_xx |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy2_2_xy |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy2_2_yx |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy2_2_yy |
// Source RGBA |
// Result R |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy4_1_x |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy4_1_y |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy4_1_z |
#pragma kernel KSampleCopy4_1_w |
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#include "../../Core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" |
Texture2D<float> _Source; |
RWTexture2D<float> _Result; |
SamplerState sampler_LinearClamp; |
float4 _Size; |
#pragma kernel KMain |
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)] |
void KMain(uint2 groupId : SV_GroupID, uint2 groupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID, uint2 dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID) |
{ |
// Upper-left pixel coordinate of quad that this thread will read |
int2 threadUL = dispatchThreadId; |
// Downsample the block |
float2 offset = float2(threadUL); |
float p00 = _Source.SampleLevel(sampler_LinearClamp, (offset ) * _Size.zw, 0.0).x; |
float p10 = _Source.SampleLevel(sampler_LinearClamp, (offset + float2(1.0, 0.0)) * _Size.zw, 0.0).x; |
float p01 = _Source.SampleLevel(sampler_LinearClamp, (offset + float2(0.0, 1.0)) * _Size.zw, 0.0).x; |
float p11 = _Source.SampleLevel(sampler_LinearClamp, (offset + float2(1.0, 1.0)) * _Size.zw, 0.0).x; |
float depth = min(min(min(p00, p01), p10), p11); |
// Write to the final target |
_Result[dispatchThreadId] = depth; |
} |
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guid: 64a553bb564274041906f78ffba955e4 |
timeCreated: 1506516404 |
licenseType: Pro |
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using UnityEngine; |
[ExecuteInEditMode] |
public class MaterialPlacer : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
Renderer m_Prefab; |
[SerializeField] |
int m_Rows = 2; |
[SerializeField] |
int m_Cols = 2; |
[SerializeField] |
Vector3 m_Size = Vector3.one; |
[SerializeField] |
string m_FloatName; |
[SerializeField] |
float m_FromValue = 0; |
[SerializeField] |
float m_ToValue = 1; |
int m_LastHash = 0; |
void Update() |
{ |
int hash = CalculateParameterHash(); |
if (hash != m_LastHash) |
{ |
m_LastHash = hash; |
Regenerate(); |
} |
} |
[ContextMenu("Regenerate")] |
void Regenerate() |
{ |
DestroyAll(); |
if (m_LastHash != 0) |
Generate(); |
} |
void Generate() |
{ |
var tr = transform; |
var count = (float)(m_Cols * m_Rows - 1); |
var _1_count = 1f / count; |
var valueOffset = m_FromValue; |
var valueStep = (m_ToValue - m_FromValue) * _1_count; |
var positionOffset = -m_Size; |
var positionStep = new Vector3(2f * m_Size.x / (m_Rows - 1f), 2f * m_Size.y / (m_Cols - 1f), 0); |
for (var j = 0; j < m_Cols; j++) |
{ |
for (var i = 0; i < m_Rows; i++) |
{ |
var instance = Instantiate(m_Prefab); |
var itr = instance.transform; |
itr.SetParent(tr, false); |
itr.localPosition = Vector3.Scale(positionStep, new Vector3(i, j, 0)) + positionOffset; |
var mat = Instantiate(instance.sharedMaterial); |
instance.material = mat; |
var value = valueOffset + valueStep * (i + j * m_Rows); |
instance.name = string.Format("{0} {1}", m_Prefab.name, value.ToString("F2")); |
mat.SetFloat(m_FloatName, value); |
} |
} |
} |
void DestroyAll() |
{ |
var tr = transform; |
var childCount = tr.childCount; |
for (var i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) |
{ |
var child = tr.GetChild(i); |
var renderer = child.GetComponent<Renderer>(); |
if (renderer != null) |
{ |
var mat = renderer.sharedMaterial; |
DestroyImmediate(mat, false); |
} |
DestroyImmediate(child.gameObject, false); |
} |
} |
int CalculateParameterHash() |
{ |
if (m_Prefab == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_FloatName)) |
return 0; |
return m_Prefab.GetInstanceID() |
^ m_Rows.GetHashCode() |
^ m_Cols.GetHashCode() |
^ m_Size.GetHashCode() |
^ m_FloatName.GetHashCode() |
^ m_FromValue.GetHashCode() |
^ m_ToValue.GetHashCode(); |
} |
void OnValidate() |
{ |
m_Rows = Mathf.Max(2, m_Rows); |
m_Cols = Mathf.Max(2, m_Cols); |
m_Size = Vector3.Max(Vector3.zero, m_Size); |
} |
} |
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assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
Reference in new issue