
Merge branch 'master' into LighweightPipelineXR

robbiesri 8 年前
共有 12 个文件被更改,包括 490 次插入108 次删除
  1. 12
  2. 2
  3. 12
  4. 56
  5. 2
  6. 2
  7. 11
  8. 67
  9. 7
  10. 2
  11. 406
  12. 19


float texelSizeX = 1.0f, texelSizeY = 1.0f;
CachedEntry ce = m_EntryCache[ceIdx];
// modify
Matrix4x4 vp;
Matrix4x4 vp, invvp;
vp = ShadowUtils.ExtractPointLightMatrix( lights[sr.index], key.faceIdx, 2.0f, out ce.current.view, out ce.current.proj, out ce.current.lightDir, out ce.current.splitData );
vp = ShadowUtils.ExtractPointLightMatrix( lights[sr.index], key.faceIdx, 2.0f, out ce.current.view, out ce.current.proj, out invvp, out ce.current.lightDir, out ce.current.splitData );
vp = ShadowUtils.ExtractSpotLightMatrix( lights[sr.index], out ce.current.view, out ce.current.proj, out ce.current.lightDir, out ce.current.splitData );
vp = ShadowUtils.ExtractSpotLightMatrix( lights[sr.index], out ce.current.view, out ce.current.proj, out invvp, out ce.current.lightDir, out ce.current.splitData );
vp = ShadowUtils.ExtractDirectionalLightMatrix( lights[sr.index], key.faceIdx, cascadeCnt, cascadeRatios, nearPlaneOffset, width, height, out ce.current.view, out ce.current.proj, out ce.current.lightDir, out ce.current.splitData, m_CullResults, (int) sr.index );
vp = ShadowUtils.ExtractDirectionalLightMatrix( lights[sr.index], key.faceIdx, cascadeCnt, cascadeRatios, nearPlaneOffset, width, height, out ce.current.view, out ce.current.proj, out invvp, out ce.current.lightDir, out ce.current.splitData, m_CullResults, (int) sr.index );
m_TmpSplits[key.faceIdx] = ce.current.splitData.cullingSphere;
if( ce.current.splitData.cullingSphere.w != float.NegativeInfinity )

vp = Matrix4x4.identity; // should never happen, though
vp = invvp = Matrix4x4.identity; // should never happen, though
if (cameraRelativeRendering)
Vector3 camPosWS = camera.transform.position;

m_EntryCache[ceIdx] = ce;
sd.worldToShadow = vp.transpose; // apparently we need to transpose matrices that are sent to HLSL
sd.shadowToWorld = invvp.transpose;
sd.textureSize = new Vector4( m_Width, m_Height, ce.current.viewport.width, ce.current.viewport.height );
sd.texelSizeRcp = new Vector4( m_WidthRcp, m_HeightRcp, 1.0f / ce.current.viewport.width, 1.0f / ce.current.viewport.height );
sd.PackShadowmapId( m_TexSlot, m_SampSlot, ce.current.slice );
sd.PackShadowType( sr.shadowType, sanitizedAlgo );


// shadow texture related params (need to be set by ShadowmapBase and derivatives)
public Matrix4x4 worldToShadow; // to light space matrix
public Matrix4x4 shadowToWorld; // from light space matrix
public Vector4 textureSize; // the shadowmap's size in x and y. xy is texture relative, zw is viewport relative.
public Vector4 texelSizeRcp; // reciprocal of the shadowmap's texel size in x and y. xy is texture relative, zw is viewport relative.
public uint id; // packed texture id, sampler id and slice idx
public uint shadowType; // determines the shadow algorithm, i.e. which map to sample and how to interpret the data


// This file was automatically generated from Assets/ScriptableRenderPipeline/Core/Shadow/ShadowBase.cs. Please don't edit by hand.
// This file was automatically generated from Assets/ScriptableRenderPipeline/core/Shadow/ShadowBase.cs. Please don't edit by hand.

struct ShadowData
float4x4 worldToShadow;
float4x4 shadowToWorld;
float4 textureSize;
float4 texelSizeRcp;
uint id;
uint shadowType;

return value.worldToShadow;
float4x4 GetShadowToWorld(ShadowData value)
return value.shadowToWorld;
float4 GetTextureSize(ShadowData value)
return value.textureSize;
float4 GetTexelSizeRcp(ShadowData value)


public class ShadowUtils
public static Matrix4x4 ExtractSpotLightMatrix( VisibleLight vl, out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 proj, out Vector4 lightDir, out ShadowSplitData splitData )
public static void InvertView( ref Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 invview )
invview = Matrix4x4.zero;
invview.m00 = view.m00; invview.m01 = view.m10; invview.m02 = view.m20;
invview.m10 = view.m01; invview.m11 = view.m11; invview.m12 = view.m21;
invview.m20 = view.m02; invview.m21 = view.m12; invview.m22 = view.m22;
invview.m33 = 1.0f;
invview.m03 = -(invview.m00 * view.m03 + invview.m01 * view.m13 + invview.m02 * view.m23);
invview.m13 = -(invview.m10 * view.m03 + invview.m11 * view.m13 + invview.m12 * view.m23);
invview.m23 = -(invview.m20 * view.m03 + invview.m21 * view.m13 + invview.m22 * view.m23);
public static void InvertOrthographic( ref Matrix4x4 proj, ref Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 vpinv )
Matrix4x4 invview;
InvertView( ref view, out invview );
Matrix4x4 invproj = Matrix4x4.zero;
invproj.m00 = 1.0f / proj.m00;
invproj.m11 = 1.0f / proj.m11;
invproj.m22 = 1.0f / proj.m22;
invproj.m33 = 1.0f;
invproj.m03 = proj.m03 * invproj.m00;
invproj.m13 = proj.m13 * invproj.m11;
invproj.m23 = - proj.m23 * invproj.m22;
vpinv = invview * invproj;
public static void InvertPerspective( ref Matrix4x4 proj, ref Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 vpinv )
Matrix4x4 invview;
InvertView(ref view, out invview);
Matrix4x4 invproj = Matrix4x4.zero;
invproj.m00 = 1.0f / proj.m00;
invproj.m03 = proj.m02 * invproj.m00;
invproj.m11 = 1.0f / proj.m11;
invproj.m13 = proj.m12 * invproj.m11;
invproj.m22 = 0.0f;
invproj.m23 = -1.0f;
invproj.m33 = proj.m22 / proj.m23;
invproj.m32 = invproj.m33 / proj.m22;
vpinv = invview * invproj;
public static Matrix4x4 ExtractSpotLightMatrix( VisibleLight vl, out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 proj, out Matrix4x4 vpinverse, out Vector4 lightDir, out ShadowSplitData splitData )
splitData = new ShadowSplitData();
splitData.cullingSphere.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, float.NegativeInfinity );

float fov = vl.spotAngle;
proj = Matrix4x4.Perspective(fov, 1.0f, znear, zfar);
// and the compound
InvertPerspective( ref proj, ref view, out vpinverse );
public static Matrix4x4 ExtractPointLightMatrix( VisibleLight vl, uint faceIdx, float fovBias, out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 proj, out Vector4 lightDir, out ShadowSplitData splitData )
public static Matrix4x4 ExtractPointLightMatrix( VisibleLight vl, uint faceIdx, float fovBias, out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 proj, out Matrix4x4 vpinverse, out Vector4 lightDir, out ShadowSplitData splitData )
Debug.Assert( faceIdx <= (uint) CubemapFace.NegativeZ, "Tried to extract cubemap face " + faceIdx + "." );

float nearPlane = vl.light.shadowNearPlane >= nearmin ? vl.light.shadowNearPlane : nearmin;
proj = Matrix4x4.Perspective( 90.0f + fovBias, 1.0f, nearPlane, farPlane );
// and the compound
InvertPerspective( ref proj, ref view, out vpinverse );
public static Matrix4x4 ExtractDirectionalLightMatrix( VisibleLight vl, uint cascadeIdx, int cascadeCount, float[] splitRatio, float nearPlaneOffset, uint width, uint height, out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 proj, out Vector4 lightDir, out ShadowSplitData splitData, CullResults cullResults, int lightIndex )
public static Matrix4x4 ExtractDirectionalLightMatrix( VisibleLight vl, uint cascadeIdx, int cascadeCount, float[] splitRatio, float nearPlaneOffset, uint width, uint height, out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 proj, out Matrix4x4 vpinverse, out Vector4 lightDir, out ShadowSplitData splitData, CullResults cullResults, int lightIndex )
Debug.Assert( width == height, "Currently the cascaded shadow mapping code requires square cascades." );
splitData = new ShadowSplitData();

ratios[i] = splitRatio[i];
cullResults.ComputeDirectionalShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives( lightIndex, (int) cascadeIdx, cascadeCount, ratios, (int) width, nearPlaneOffset, out view, out proj, out splitData );
// and the compound
InvertOrthographic( ref proj, ref view, out vpinverse );
return proj * view;


SamplerComparisonState compSamp = shadowContext.compSamplers[0];
return EvalShadow_CascadedDepth( shadowContext, algo, tex, compSamp, positionWS, normalWS, shadowDataIndex, L );
return EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_Blend( shadowContext, algo, tex, compSamp, positionWS, normalWS, shadowDataIndex, L );
float GetDirectionalShadowAttenuation( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int shadowDataIndex, float3 L, float2 unPositionSS )


SamplerComparisonState compSamp = shadowContext.compSamplers[SHADOW_DISPATCH_DIR_SMP];
return EvalShadow_CascadedDepth( shadowContext, algo, tex, compSamp, positionWS, normalWS, shadowDataIndex, L );
return EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_Blend( shadowContext, algo, tex, compSamp, positionWS, normalWS, shadowDataIndex, L );
float GetDirectionalShadowAttenuation( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int shadowDataIndex, float3 L, float2 unPositionSS )


for (int probeIndex = 0, numProbes = cullResults.visibleReflectionProbes.Count; (probeIndex < numProbes) && (sortCount < probeCount); probeIndex++)
var probe = cullResults.visibleReflectionProbes[probeIndex];
VisibleReflectionProbe probe = cullResults.visibleReflectionProbes[probeIndex];
// probe.texture can be null when we are adding a reflection probe in the editor
if (probe.texture == null || envLightCount >= k_MaxEnvLightsOnScreen)

LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = probe.boxProjection != 0 ? LightVolumeType.Box : LightVolumeType.Box;
// 16 bit lightVolume, 16 bit index
sortKeys[sortCount++] = (uint)lightVolumeType << 16 | (uint)probeIndex;
float boxVolume = 8 * probe.bounds.extents.x * probe.bounds.extents.y * probe.bounds.extents.z;
float logVolume = Mathf.Clamp(256 + Mathf.Log(boxVolume, 1.1f), 0, 8191); // Allow for negative exponents
// 13 bit volume, 3 bit LightVolumeType, 16 bit index
sortKeys[sortCount++] = (uint)logVolume << 19 | (uint)lightVolumeType << 16 | ((uint)probeIndex & 0xFFFF); // Sort by volume
// Not necessary yet but call it for future modification with sphere influence volume

// In 1. we have already classify and sorted the light, we need to use this sorted order here
uint sortKey = sortKeys[sortIndex];
LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = (LightVolumeType)((sortKey >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = (LightVolumeType)((sortKey >> 16) & 0x3);
int probeIndex = (int)(sortKey & 0xFFFF);
VisibleReflectionProbe probe = cullResults.visibleReflectionProbes[probeIndex];


float3 iblDiffuseLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float3 iblDiffuseLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// TODO: Check the reflection hierarchy, for the current system (matching legacy unity) we must sort from bigger solid angle to lower (lower override bigger). So begging by sky
// TODO: Change the way it is done by reversing the order, from smaller solid angle to bigger, so we can early out when the weight is 1.
// Only apply sky IBL if the sky texture is available.
float3 localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting;
float2 weight;
// The sky is a single cubemap texture separate from the reflection probe texture array (different resolution and compression)
context.sampleReflection = SINGLE_PASS_CONTEXT_SAMPLE_SKY;
EnvLightData envLightSky = InitSkyEnvLightData(0); // The sky data are generated on the fly so the compiler can optimize the code
EvaluateBSDF_Env(context, V, posInput, prelightData, envLightSky, bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight);
iblDiffuseLighting = lerp(iblDiffuseLighting, localDiffuseLighting, weight.x); // Should be remove by the compiler if it is smart as all is constant 0
iblSpecularLighting = lerp(iblSpecularLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight.y);
float totalIblWeight = 0; // Max: 1
// Reflection probes are sorted by volume (in the increasing order).
uint envLightCount = _EnvLightCount;
for(i = 0; i < envLightCount; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < envLightCount && totalIblWeight < 1.0; ++i)
uint envLightIndex = FetchIndex(envLightStart, i);
uint envLightIndex = i;
EvaluateBSDF_Env(context, V, posInput, prelightData, _EnvLightDatas[FetchIndex(envLightStart, i)], bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight);
EvaluateBSDF_Env(context, V, posInput, prelightData, _EnvLightDatas[envLightIndex], bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight);
// IBL weights should not exceed 1.
float accumulatedWeight = totalIblWeight + weight.y;
totalIblWeight = saturate(accumulatedWeight);
weight.y -= saturate(accumulatedWeight - totalIblWeight);
for (i = 0; i < _EnvLightCount; ++i)
// Only apply the sky IBL if the sky texture is available, and if we haven't yet accumulated enough IBL lighting.
if(_EnvLightSkyEnabled && totalIblWeight < 1.0)
EvaluateBSDF_Env(context, V, posInput, prelightData, _EnvLightDatas[i], bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight);
// The sky is a single cubemap texture separate from the reflection probe texture array (different resolution and compression)
context.sampleReflection = SINGLE_PASS_CONTEXT_SAMPLE_SKY;
EnvLightData envLightSky = InitSkyEnvLightData(0); // The sky data are generated on the fly so the compiler can optimize the code
EvaluateBSDF_Env(context, V, posInput, prelightData, envLightSky, bsdfData, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting, weight);
// IBL weights should not exceed 1.
float accumulatedWeight = totalIblWeight + weight.y;
totalIblWeight = 1.0;
weight.y -= saturate(accumulatedWeight - totalIblWeight);
// Apply ambient occlusion on direct lighting based on strenght factor


// Clear RenderTarget to avoid tile initialization on mobile GPUs
// https://community.arm.com/graphics/b/blog/posts/mali-performance-2-how-to-correctly-handle-framebuffers
if (camera.clearFlags != CameraClearFlags.Nothing)
cmd.ClearRenderTarget(camera.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Color, camera.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Color || camera.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Depth, camera.backgroundColor);
bool clearDepth = (camera.clearFlags != CameraClearFlags.Nothing);
bool clearColor = (camera.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Color);
cmd.ClearRenderTarget(clearDepth, clearColor, camera.backgroundColor);


// directional light shadows
float GetDirectionalShadowAttenuationDefault( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int shadowDataIndex, float3 L )
return EvalShadow_CascadedDepth( shadowContext, positionWS, normalWS, shadowDataIndex, L );
return EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_Blend( shadowContext, positionWS, normalWS, shadowDataIndex, L );
float GetDirectionalShadowAttenuationDefault( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int shadowDataIndex, float3 L, float2 unPositionSS )


return EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, ndc, false );
uint2 EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( ShadowData sd, float3 positionWS, out float2 closestSampleNDC )
float4 posCS = mul( float4( positionWS, 1.0 ), sd.worldToShadow );
float2 posNDC = posCS.xy / posCS.w;
// calc TCs
float2 posTC = posNDC * 0.5 + 0.5;
closestSampleNDC = (floor(posTC * sd.textureSize.zw) + 0.5) * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw * 2.0 - 1.0.xx;
return (posTC * sd.scaleOffset.xy + sd.scaleOffset.zw) * sd.textureSize.xy;
int EvalShadow_GetCubeFaceID( float3 dir )
// TODO: Use faceID intrinsic on console

float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, texIdx, sampIdx, slice );
UnpackShadowType( sd.shadowType, shadowType, shadowAlgorithm );
return SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm(shadowContext, sd, payloadOffset, posTC, sd.bias, slice, shadowAlgorithm, texIdx, sampIdx);
return SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, payloadOffset, posTC, sd.bias, slice, shadowAlgorithm, texIdx, sampIdx );
#define EvalShadow_PunctualDepth_( _samplerType ) \

return offset + 4;
float EvalShadow_CascadedDepth( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int index, float3 L )
float EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_Blend( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int index, float3 L )
// load the right shadow data for the current face
float4 dirShadowSplitSpheres[4];

return shadow;
#define EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_( _samplerType ) \
float EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_Blend( ShadowContext shadowContext, uint shadowAlgorithm, Texture2DArray tex, _samplerType samp, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int index, float3 L ) \
{ \
/* load the right shadow data for the current face */ \
float4 dirShadowSplitSpheres[kMaxShadowCascades]; \
uint payloadOffset = EvalShadow_LoadSplitSpheres( shadowContext, index, dirShadowSplitSpheres ); \
float relDistance; \
int shadowSplitIndex = EvalShadow_GetSplitSphereIndexForDirshadows( positionWS, dirShadowSplitSpheres, relDistance ); \
if( shadowSplitIndex < 0 ) \
return 1.0; \
float4 scales = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] ); \
payloadOffset++; \
float4 borders = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] ); \
payloadOffset++; \
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex]; \
/* normal based bias */ \
float3 orig_pos = positionWS; \
uint orig_payloadOffset = payloadOffset; \
positionWS += EvalShadow_NormalBias( normalWS, saturate( dot( normalWS, L ) ), scales[shadowSplitIndex] * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw, sd.normalBias ); \
/* get shadowmap texcoords */ \
float3 posNDC; \
float3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, true ); \
/* sample the texture */ \
float slice; \
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, slice ); \
float shadow = SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, payloadOffset, posTC, sd.bias, slice, shadowAlgorithm, tex, samp ); \
float border = borders[shadowSplitIndex]; \
float alpha = border <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : saturate( (relDistance - (1.0 - border)) / border ); \
shadowSplitIndex++; \
float shadow1 = 1.0; \
if( shadowSplitIndex < kMaxShadowCascades ) \
{ \
float4 splitSphere = dirShadowSplitSpheres[shadowSplitIndex - 1]; \
float3 cascadeDir = normalize( -splitSphere.xyz + dirShadowSplitSpheres[shadowSplitIndex].xyz ); \
float3 wposDir = normalize( -splitSphere.xyz + positionWS ); \
float cascDot = dot( cascadeDir, wposDir ); \
alpha = cascDot > 0.0 ? alpha : lerp( alpha, 0.0, saturate( -cascDot * 4.0 ) ); \
shadow1 = shadow; \
[branch] \
if( alpha > 0.0 ) \
{ \
sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex]; \
positionWS = orig_pos + EvalShadow_NormalBias( normalWS, saturate( dot( normalWS, L ) ), scales[shadowSplitIndex] * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw, sd.normalBias ); \
posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, false ); \
/* sample the texture */ \
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, slice ); \
if( all( abs( posNDC.xy ) <= (1.0 - sd.texelSizeRcp.zw * 0.5) ) ) \
shadow1 = SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, orig_payloadOffset, posTC, sd.bias, slice, shadowAlgorithm, tex, samp ); \
} \
} \
shadow = lerp( shadow, shadow1, alpha ); \
return shadow; \
EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_( SamplerComparisonState )
EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_( SamplerState )
#undef EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_
float EvalShadow_hash12( float2 pos )
float3 p3 = frac( pos.xyx * float3( 443.8975, 397.2973, 491.1871 ) );
p3 += dot( p3, p3.yzx + 19.19 );
return frac( (p3.x + p3.y) * p3.z );
float EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_Dither( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int index, float3 L )
// load the right shadow data for the current face
float4 dirShadowSplitSpheres[4];
uint payloadOffset = EvalShadow_LoadSplitSpheres( shadowContext, index, dirShadowSplitSpheres );
float relDistance;
int shadowSplitIndex = EvalShadow_GetSplitSphereIndexForDirshadows( positionWS, dirShadowSplitSpheres, relDistance );
if( shadowSplitIndex < 0 )
return 1.0;
float4 scales = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] );
float4 borders = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] );
float border = borders[shadowSplitIndex];
float alpha = border <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : saturate( (relDistance - (1.0 - border)) / border );
#define EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_( _samplerType ) \
float EvalShadow_CascadedDepth( ShadowContext shadowContext, uint shadowAlgorithm, Texture2DArray tex, _samplerType samp, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int index, float3 L ) \
{ \
/* load the right shadow data for the current face */ \
float4 dirShadowSplitSpheres[kMaxShadowCascades]; \
uint payloadOffset = EvalShadow_LoadSplitSpheres( shadowContext, index, dirShadowSplitSpheres ); \
float relDistance; \
int shadowSplitIndex = EvalShadow_GetSplitSphereIndexForDirshadows( positionWS, dirShadowSplitSpheres, relDistance ); \
if( shadowSplitIndex < 0 ) \
return 1.0; \
float4 scales = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] ); \
payloadOffset++; \
float4 borders = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] ); \
payloadOffset++; \
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex]; \
/* normal based bias */ \
float3 orig_pos = positionWS; \
uint orig_payloadOffset = payloadOffset; \
positionWS += EvalShadow_NormalBias( normalWS, saturate( dot( normalWS, L ) ), scales[shadowSplitIndex] * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw, sd.normalBias ); \
/* get shadowmap texcoords */ \
float3 posNDC; \
float3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, true ); \
/* sample the texture */ \
float slice; \
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, slice ); \
float shadow = SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, payloadOffset, posTC, sd.bias, slice, shadowAlgorithm, tex, samp ); \
float border = borders[shadowSplitIndex]; \
float alpha = border <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : saturate( (relDistance - (1.0 - border)) / border ); \
shadowSplitIndex++; \
float shadow1 = 1.0; \
if( shadowSplitIndex < kMaxShadowCascades ) \
{ \
float4 splitSphere = dirShadowSplitSpheres[shadowSplitIndex - 1]; \
float3 cascadeDir = normalize( -splitSphere.xyz + dirShadowSplitSpheres[shadowSplitIndex].xyz ); \
float3 wposDir = normalize( -splitSphere.xyz + positionWS ); \
float cascDot = dot( cascadeDir, wposDir ); \
alpha = cascDot > 0.0 ? alpha : lerp( alpha, 0.0, saturate( -cascDot * 4.0 ) ); \
shadow1 = shadow; \
[branch] \
if( alpha > 0.0 ) \
{ \
sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex]; \
positionWS = orig_pos + EvalShadow_NormalBias( normalWS, saturate( dot( normalWS, L ) ), scales[shadowSplitIndex] * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw, sd.normalBias ); \
posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, false ); \
/* sample the texture */ \
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, slice ); \
if( all( abs( posNDC.xy ) <= (1.0 - sd.texelSizeRcp.zw * 0.5) ) ) \
shadow1 = SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, orig_payloadOffset, posTC, sd.bias, slice, shadowAlgorithm, tex, samp ); \
} \
} \
shadow = lerp( shadow, shadow1, alpha ); \
return shadow; \
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex];
// normal based bias
float3 orig_pos = positionWS;
positionWS += EvalShadow_NormalBias( normalWS, saturate( dot( normalWS, L ) ), scales[shadowSplitIndex] * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw, sd.normalBias );
// get shadowmap texcoords
float3 posNDC;
float3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, true );
if( shadowSplitIndex < (kMaxShadowCascades-1) )
float4 splitSphere = dirShadowSplitSpheres[shadowSplitIndex];
float3 cascadeDir = normalize( -splitSphere.xyz + dirShadowSplitSpheres[shadowSplitIndex+1].xyz );
float3 wposDir = normalize( -splitSphere.xyz + positionWS );
float cascDot = dot( cascadeDir, wposDir );
alpha = cascDot > 0.0 ? alpha : lerp( alpha, 0.0, saturate( -cascDot * 4.0 ) );
if( step( EvalShadow_hash12( posTC.xy ), alpha ) )
sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 2 + shadowSplitIndex];
positionWS = orig_pos + EvalShadow_NormalBias( normalWS, saturate( dot( normalWS, L ) ), scales[shadowSplitIndex+1] * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw, sd.normalBias );
posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS );
// sample the texture
uint texIdx, sampIdx;
float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, texIdx, sampIdx, slice );
uint shadowType, shadowAlgorithm;
UnpackShadowType( sd.shadowType, shadowType, shadowAlgorithm );
float shadow = SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, payloadOffset, posTC, sd.bias, slice, shadowAlgorithm, texIdx, sampIdx );
return shadowSplitIndex < (kMaxShadowCascades-1) ? shadow : lerp( shadow, 1.0, alpha );
#define EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_( _samplerType ) \
float EvalShadow_CascadedDepth_Dither( ShadowContext shadowContext, uint shadowAlgorithm, Texture2DArray tex, _samplerType samp, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int index, float3 L ) \
{ \
/* load the right shadow data for the current face */ \
float4 dirShadowSplitSpheres[kMaxShadowCascades]; \
uint payloadOffset = EvalShadow_LoadSplitSpheres( shadowContext, index, dirShadowSplitSpheres ); \
float relDistance; \
int shadowSplitIndex = EvalShadow_GetSplitSphereIndexForDirshadows( positionWS, dirShadowSplitSpheres, relDistance ); \
if( shadowSplitIndex < 0 ) \
return 1.0; \
float4 scales = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] ); \
payloadOffset++; \
float4 borders = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] ); \
payloadOffset++; \
float border = borders[shadowSplitIndex]; \
float alpha = border <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : saturate( (relDistance - (1.0 - border)) / border ); \
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex]; \
/* normal based bias */ \
float3 orig_pos = positionWS; \
positionWS += EvalShadow_NormalBias( normalWS, saturate( dot( normalWS, L ) ), scales[shadowSplitIndex] * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw, sd.normalBias ); \
/* get shadowmap texcoords */ \
float3 posNDC; \
float3 posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, posNDC, true ); \
if( shadowSplitIndex < (kMaxShadowCascades-1) ) \
{ \
float4 splitSphere = dirShadowSplitSpheres[shadowSplitIndex]; \
float3 cascadeDir = normalize( -splitSphere.xyz + dirShadowSplitSpheres[shadowSplitIndex+1].xyz ); \
float3 wposDir = normalize( -splitSphere.xyz + positionWS ); \
float cascDot = dot( cascadeDir, wposDir ); \
alpha = cascDot > 0.0 ? alpha : lerp( alpha, 0.0, saturate( -cascDot * 4.0 ) ); \
if( step( EvalShadow_hash12( posTC.xy ), alpha ) ) \
{ \
sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 2 + shadowSplitIndex]; \
positionWS = orig_pos + EvalShadow_NormalBias( normalWS, saturate( dot( normalWS, L ) ), scales[shadowSplitIndex+1] * sd.texelSizeRcp.zw, sd.normalBias ); \
posTC = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS ); \
} \
} \
/* sample the texture */ \
float slice; \
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, slice ); \
float shadow = SampleShadow_SelectAlgorithm( shadowContext, sd, payloadOffset, posTC, sd.bias, slice, shadowAlgorithm, tex, samp ); \
return shadowSplitIndex < (kMaxShadowCascades-1) ? shadow : lerp( shadow, 1.0, alpha ); \
float3 EvalShadow_GetClosestSample_Point( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, int index, float3 L )
// get the algorithm
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index];
// load the right shadow data for the current face
int faceIndex = EvalShadow_GetCubeFaceID( L ) + 1;
sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + faceIndex];
float4 closestNDC = { 0,0,0,1 };
uint2 texelIdx = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, closestNDC.xy );
// load the texel
uint texIdx, sampIdx;
float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, texIdx, sampIdx, slice );
closestNDC.z = LoadShadow_T2DA( shadowContext, texIdx, texelIdx, slice );
// reconstruct depth position
float4 closestWS = mul( closestNDC, sd.shadowToWorld );
return closestWS.xyz / closestWS.w;
float3 EvalShadow_GetClosestSample_Point( ShadowContext shadowContext, Texture2DArray tex, float3 positionWS, int index, float3 L )
// get the algorithm
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index];
// load the right shadow data for the current face
int faceIndex = EvalShadow_GetCubeFaceID( L ) + 1;
sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + faceIndex];
float4 closestNDC = { 0,0,0,1 };
uint2 texelIdx = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, closestNDC.xy );
// load the texel
float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId(sd.id, slice);
closestNDC.z = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD( tex, texelIdx, slice, 0 ).x;
// reconstruct depth position
float4 closestWS = mul( closestNDC, sd.shadowToWorld );
return closestWS.xyz / closestWS.w;
float3 EvalShadow_GetClosestSample_Spot( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, int index )
// get the algorithm
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index];
float4 closestNDC = { 0,0,0,1 };
uint2 texelIdx = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, closestNDC.xy );
// load the texel
uint texIdx, sampIdx;
float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, texIdx, sampIdx, slice );
closestNDC.z = LoadShadow_T2DA( shadowContext, texIdx, texelIdx, slice );
// reconstruct depth position
float4 closestWS = mul( closestNDC, sd.shadowToWorld );
return closestWS.xyz / closestWS.w;
float3 EvalShadow_GetClosestSample_Spot( ShadowContext shadowContext, Texture2DArray tex, float3 positionWS, int index )
// get the algorithm
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index];
float4 closestNDC = { 0,0,0,1 };
uint2 texelIdx = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, closestNDC.xy );
// load the texel
float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId(sd.id, slice);
closestNDC.z = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD( tex, texelIdx, slice, 0 ).x;
// reconstruct depth position
float4 closestWS = mul( closestNDC, sd.shadowToWorld );
return closestWS.xyz / closestWS.w;
float3 EvalShadow_GetClosestSample_Punctual( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, int index, float3 L )
// get the algorithm
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index];
uint shadowType;
UnpackShadowType( sd.shadowType, shadowType );
// load the right shadow data for the current face
int faceIndex = shadowType == GPUSHADOWTYPE_POINT ? (EvalShadow_GetCubeFaceID( L ) + 1) : 0;
sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + faceIndex];
float4 closestNDC = { 0,0,0,1 };
uint2 texelIdx = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, closestNDC.xy );
// load the texel
uint texIdx, sampIdx;
float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, texIdx, sampIdx, slice );
closestNDC.z = LoadShadow_T2DA( shadowContext, texIdx, texelIdx, slice );
// reconstruct depth position
float4 closestWS = mul( closestNDC, sd.shadowToWorld );
return closestWS.xyz / closestWS.w;
float3 EvalShadow_GetClosestSample_Punctual( ShadowContext shadowContext, Texture2DArray tex, float3 positionWS, int index, float3 L )
// get the algorithm
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index];
uint shadowType;
UnpackShadowType( sd.shadowType, shadowType );
// load the right shadow data for the current face
int faceIndex = shadowType == GPUSHADOWTYPE_POINT ? (EvalShadow_GetCubeFaceID( L ) + 1) : 0;
sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + faceIndex];
float4 closestNDC = { 0,0,0,1 };
uint2 texelIdx = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, closestNDC.xy );
// load the texel
float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId(sd.id, slice);
closestNDC.z = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD( tex, texelIdx, slice, 0 ).x;
// reconstruct depth position
float4 closestWS = mul( closestNDC, sd.shadowToWorld );
return closestWS.xyz / closestWS.w;
float3 EvalShadow_GetClosestSample_Cascade( ShadowContext shadowContext, float3 positionWS, float3 normalWS, int index, float4 L )
// load the right shadow data for the current face
float4 dirShadowSplitSpheres[4];
uint payloadOffset = EvalShadow_LoadSplitSpheres( shadowContext, index, dirShadowSplitSpheres );
float relDistance;
int shadowSplitIndex = EvalShadow_GetSplitSphereIndexForDirshadows( positionWS, dirShadowSplitSpheres, relDistance );
if( shadowSplitIndex < 0 )
return 1.0;
float4 scales = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] );
float4 borders = asfloat( shadowContext.payloads[payloadOffset] );
ShadowData sd = shadowContext.shadowDatas[index + 1 + shadowSplitIndex];
float4 closestNDC = { 0,0,0,1 };
uint2 texelIdx = EvalShadow_GetTexcoords( sd, positionWS, closestNDC.xy );
// load the texel
uint texIdx, sampIdx;
float slice;
UnpackShadowmapId( sd.id, texIdx, sampIdx, slice );
closestNDC.z = LoadShadow_T2DA( shadowContext, texIdx, texelIdx, slice );
// reconstruct depth position
float4 closestWS = mul( closestNDC, sd.shadowToWorld );
return closestWS.xyz / closestWS.w;


// Shader model >= 5.1
# define SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_COMP( _Tex2DArraySlots , _SamplerCompSlots ) float4 SampleCompShadow_T2DA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float3 tcs, float slice ) { return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_SHADOW( ctxt.tex2DArray[texIdx], ctxt.compSamplers[sampIdx], tcs, slice ); }
# define SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_SAMP( _Tex2DArraySlots , _SamplerSlots ) float4 SampleShadow_T2DA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float2 tcs, float slice, float lod = 0.0 ) { return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD( ctxt.tex2DArray[texIdx], ctxt.samplers[sampIdx], tcs, slice, lod ); }
# define SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_LOAD( _Tex2DArraySlots ) float4 LoadShadow_T2DA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint2 tcs, uint slice, uint lod = 0 ) { return LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD( ctxt.tex2DArray[texIdx], tcs, slice, lod ).x; }
# define SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_COMP( _TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerCompSlots ) float4 SampleCompShadow_TCA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float4 tcs, float cubeIdx ) { return SAMPLE_TEXTURECUBE_ARRAY_SHADOW( ctxt.texCubeArray[texIdx], ctxt.compSamplers[sampIdx], tcs, cubeIdx );}
# define SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_SAMP( _TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerSlots ) float4 SampleShadow_TCA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float3 tcs, float cubeIdx, float lod = 0.0 ) { return SAMPLE_TEXTURECUBE_ARRAY_LOD( ctxt.texCubeArray[texIdx], ctxt.samplers[sampIdx], tcs, cubeIdx, lod ); }

return res; \
float LoadShadow_T2DA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint2 tcs, uint slice, uint lod = 0 ) \
{ \
float res = 1.0; \
[unroll] for( uint i = 0; i < _Tex2DArraySlots; i++ ) \
{ \
[branch] if( i == texIdx ) \
{ \
res = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD( ctxt.tex2DArray[i], tcs, slice, lod ).x; \
break; \
} \
} \
return res; \
# define SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_COMP( _TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerCompSlots ) \
float4 SampleCompShadow_TCA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float4 tcs, float cubeIdx ) \
{ \

// helper macro to suppress code generation if _cnt is 0
#define SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_COMP( _Tex2DArraySlots , _SamplerCompSlots ) float4 SampleCompShadow_T2DA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float3 tcs, float slice );
#define SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_SAMP( _Tex2DArraySlots , _SamplerSlots ) float4 SampleShadow_T2DA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float2 tcs, float slice, float lod = 0.0 );
#define SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_LOAD( _Tex2DArraySlots ) float4 LoadShadow_T2DA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint2 tcs, uint slice, uint lod = 0 );
#define SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_COMP( _TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerCompSlots ) float4 SampleCompShadow_TCA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float4 tcs, float cubeIdx );
#define SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_SAMP( _TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerSlots ) float4 SampleShadow_TCA( ShadowContext ctxt, uint texIdx, uint sampIdx, float3 tcs, float cubeIdx, float lod = 0.0 );

#define SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNCS( _Tex2DArraySlots, _TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerCompSlots, _SamplerSlots ) \
SHADOW_CHECK( _Tex2DArraySlots , SHADOW_CHECK_ALT( _SamplerCompSlots, SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_COMP( _Tex2DArraySlots, _SamplerCompSlots ), SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_COMP( _Tex2DArraySlots, _SamplerCompSlots ) ) ) \
SHADOW_CHECK( _Tex2DArraySlots , SHADOW_CHECK_ALT( _SamplerSlots , SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_SAMP( _Tex2DArraySlots, _SamplerSlots ), SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_T2DA_SAMP( _Tex2DArraySlots, _SamplerSlots ) ) ) \
SHADOW_CHECK( _TexCubeArraySlots, SHADOW_CHECK_ALT( _SamplerCompSlots, SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_COMP(_TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerCompSlots ), SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_COMP(_TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerCompSlots ) ) ) \
SHADOW_CHECK( _TexCubeArraySlots, SHADOW_CHECK_ALT( _SamplerSlots , SHADOW_DEFINE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_SAMP(_TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerSlots ), SHADOW_DECLARE_SAMPLING_FUNC_TCA_SAMP(_TexCubeArraySlots, _SamplerSlots ) ) )