
- Updated ShadowsTest scene with a setup of cameras.

- Split Input Registering code from DebugActionManager and used it to register inputs for FreeCamera
Julien Ignace 7 年前
共有 7 个文件被更改,包括 1051 次插入130 次删除
  1. 884
  2. 81
  3. 100
  4. 10
  5. 93
  6. 13



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class FreeCamera : MonoBehaviour
public float m_LookSpeedController = 120f;

private static string kRightStickY = "Controller Right Stick Y";
private static string kVertical = "Vertical";
private static string kHorizontal = "Horizontal";
private string[] m_RequiredInputAxes = { kMouseX, kMouseY, kRightStickX, kRightStickY, kVertical, kHorizontal };
private bool m_Valid = true;
m_Valid = Debugging.CheckRequiredInputAxisMapping(m_RequiredInputAxes);
void RegisterInputs()
List <InputManagerEntry> inputEntries = new List<InputManagerEntry>();
// Add new bindings
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kRightStickX, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Fourth, sensitivity = 1.0f, gravity = 1.0f, deadZone = 0.2f });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kRightStickY, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Fifth, sensitivity = 1.0f, gravity = 1.0f, deadZone = 0.2f, invert = true });
if (m_Valid)
float inputRotateAxisX = 0.0f;
float inputRotateAxisY = 0.0f;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
float inputRotateAxisX = 0.0f;
float inputRotateAxisY = 0.0f;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
inputRotateAxisX = Input.GetAxis(kMouseX) * m_LookSpeedMouse;
inputRotateAxisY = Input.GetAxis(kMouseY) * m_LookSpeedMouse;
inputRotateAxisX += (Input.GetAxis(kRightStickX) * m_LookSpeedController * Time.deltaTime);
inputRotateAxisY += (Input.GetAxis(kRightStickY) * m_LookSpeedController * Time.deltaTime);
inputRotateAxisX = Input.GetAxis(kMouseX) * m_LookSpeedMouse;
inputRotateAxisY = Input.GetAxis(kMouseY) * m_LookSpeedMouse;
inputRotateAxisX += (Input.GetAxis(kRightStickX) * m_LookSpeedController * Time.deltaTime);
inputRotateAxisY += (Input.GetAxis(kRightStickY) * m_LookSpeedController * Time.deltaTime);
float inputVertical = Input.GetAxis(kVertical);
float inputHorizontal = Input.GetAxis(kHorizontal);
float inputVertical = Input.GetAxis(kVertical);
float inputHorizontal = Input.GetAxis(kHorizontal);
bool moved = inputRotateAxisX != 0.0f || inputRotateAxisY != 0.0f || inputVertical != 0.0f || inputHorizontal != 0.0f;
if (moved)
float rotationX = transform.localEulerAngles.x;
float newRotationY = transform.localEulerAngles.y + inputRotateAxisX;
bool moved = inputRotateAxisX != 0.0f || inputRotateAxisY != 0.0f || inputVertical != 0.0f || inputHorizontal != 0.0f;
if (moved)
float rotationX = transform.localEulerAngles.x;
float newRotationY = transform.localEulerAngles.y + inputRotateAxisX;
// Weird clamping code due to weird Euler angle mapping...
float newRotationX = (rotationX - inputRotateAxisY);
if (rotationX <= 90.0f && newRotationX >= 0.0f)
newRotationX = Mathf.Clamp(newRotationX, 0.0f, 90.0f);
if (rotationX >= 270.0f)
newRotationX = Mathf.Clamp(newRotationX, 270.0f, 360.0f);
// Weird clamping code due to weird Euler angle mapping...
float newRotationX = (rotationX - inputRotateAxisY);
if (rotationX <= 90.0f && newRotationX >= 0.0f)
newRotationX = Mathf.Clamp(newRotationX, 0.0f, 90.0f);
if (rotationX >= 270.0f)
newRotationX = Mathf.Clamp(newRotationX, 270.0f, 360.0f);
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(newRotationX, newRotationY, transform.localEulerAngles.z);
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(newRotationX, newRotationY, transform.localEulerAngles.z);
float moveSpeed = Time.deltaTime * m_MoveSpeed;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
moveSpeed *= Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) ? m_Turbo : 1.0f;
moveSpeed *= Input.GetAxis("Fire1") > 0.0f ? m_Turbo : 1.0f;
transform.position += transform.forward * moveSpeed * inputVertical;
transform.position += transform.right * moveSpeed * inputHorizontal;
float moveSpeed = Time.deltaTime * m_MoveSpeed;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
moveSpeed *= Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) ? m_Turbo : 1.0f;
moveSpeed *= Input.GetAxis("Fire1") > 0.0f ? m_Turbo : 1.0f;
transform.position += transform.forward * moveSpeed * inputVertical;
transform.position += transform.right * moveSpeed * inputHorizontal;


void RegisterInputs()
// Grab reference to input manager
var currentSelection = UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject;
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Edit/Project Settings/Input");
var inputManager = UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject;
// Wrap in serialized object
var soInputManager = new UnityEditor.SerializedObject(inputManager);
var spAxes = soInputManager.FindProperty("m_Axes");
List <InputManagerEntry > inputEntries = new List<InputManagerEntry>();
new InputManagerEntry { name = kEnableDebugBtn1, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "left ctrl", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 8" }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kEnableDebugBtn2, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "backspace", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 9" }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kDebugNextBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "page down", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 5" }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kDebugPreviousBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "page up", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 4" }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadHorizontal, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "right", btnNegative = "left", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadHorizontal, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Sixth, btnPositive = "right", btnNegative = "left", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadVertical, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "up", btnNegative = "down", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadVertical, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Seventh, btnPositive = "up", btnNegative = "down", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kValidateBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "return", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 0" }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
new InputManagerEntry { name = kPersistentBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "right shift", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 2" }.WriteEntry(spAxes);
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kEnableDebugBtn1, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "left ctrl", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 8" });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kEnableDebugBtn2, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "backspace", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 9" });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kDebugNextBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "page down", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 5" });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kDebugPreviousBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "page up", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 4" });
// Commit
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadHorizontal, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "right", btnNegative = "left", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadHorizontal, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Sixth, btnPositive = "right", btnNegative = "left", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadVertical, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "up", btnNegative = "down", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadVertical, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Seventh, btnPositive = "up", btnNegative = "down", gravity = 1000.0f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000.0f });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kValidateBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "return", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 0" });
inputEntries.Add(new InputManagerEntry { name = kPersistentBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "right shift", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 2" });
UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject = currentSelection;
class InputManagerEntry
public enum Kind { KeyOrButton, Mouse, Axis }
public enum Axis { X, Y, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eigth }
public enum Joy { All, First, Second }
public string name = "";
public string desc = "";
public string btnNegative = "";
public string btnPositive = "";
public string altBtnNegative = "";
public string altBtnPositive = "";
public float gravity = 0.0f;
public float deadZone = 0.0f;
public float sensitivity = 0.0f;
public bool snap = false;
public bool invert = false;
public Kind kind = Kind.Axis;
public Axis axis = Axis.X;
public Joy joystick = Joy.All;
bool InputAlreadyRegistered(string name, Kind kind, UnityEditor.SerializedProperty spAxes)
for (var i = 0; i < spAxes.arraySize; ++i )
var spAxis = spAxes.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
var axisName = spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue;
var kindValue = spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue;
if (axisName == name && (int)kind == kindValue)
return true;
return false;
public void WriteEntry(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty spAxes)
if(InputAlreadyRegistered(name, kind, spAxes))
var spAxis = spAxes.GetArrayElementAtIndex(spAxes.arraySize - 1);
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue = name;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("descriptiveName").stringValue = desc;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("negativeButton").stringValue = btnNegative;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("altNegativeButton").stringValue = altBtnNegative;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("positiveButton").stringValue = btnPositive;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("altPositiveButton").stringValue = altBtnPositive;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("gravity").floatValue = gravity;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("dead").floatValue = deadZone;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("sensitivity").floatValue = sensitivity;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("snap").boolValue = snap;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("invert").boolValue = invert;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue = (int)kind;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("axis").intValue = (int)axis;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("joyNum").intValue = (int)joystick;


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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental
public class InputManagerEntry
public enum Kind { KeyOrButton, Mouse, Axis }
public enum Axis { X, Y, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eigth }
public enum Joy { All, First, Second }
public string name = "";
public string desc = "";
public string btnNegative = "";
public string btnPositive = "";
public string altBtnNegative = "";
public string altBtnPositive = "";
public float gravity = 0.0f;
public float deadZone = 0.0f;
public float sensitivity = 0.0f;
public bool snap = false;
public bool invert = false;
public Kind kind = Kind.Axis;
public Axis axis = Axis.X;
public Joy joystick = Joy.All;
public class InputRegistering
static bool InputAlreadyRegistered(string name, InputManagerEntry.Kind kind, UnityEditor.SerializedProperty spAxes)
for (var i = 0; i < spAxes.arraySize; ++i)
var spAxis = spAxes.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
var axisName = spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue;
var kindValue = spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue;
if (axisName == name && (int)kind == kindValue)
return true;
return false;
static void WriteEntry(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty spAxes, InputManagerEntry entry)
if (InputAlreadyRegistered(entry.name, entry.kind, spAxes))
var spAxis = spAxes.GetArrayElementAtIndex(spAxes.arraySize - 1);
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue = entry.name;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("descriptiveName").stringValue = entry.desc;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("negativeButton").stringValue = entry.btnNegative;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("altNegativeButton").stringValue = entry.altBtnNegative;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("positiveButton").stringValue = entry.btnPositive;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("altPositiveButton").stringValue = entry.altBtnPositive;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("gravity").floatValue = entry.gravity;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("dead").floatValue = entry.deadZone;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("sensitivity").floatValue = entry.sensitivity;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("snap").boolValue = entry.snap;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("invert").boolValue = entry.invert;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue = (int)entry.kind;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("axis").intValue = (int)entry.axis;
spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("joyNum").intValue = (int)entry.joystick;
static public void RegisterInputs(List<InputManagerEntry> entries)
// Grab reference to input manager
var currentSelection = UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject;
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Edit/Project Settings/Input");
var inputManager = UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject;
// Wrap in serialized object
var soInputManager = new UnityEditor.SerializedObject(inputManager);
var spAxes = soInputManager.FindProperty("m_Axes");
foreach(InputManagerEntry entry in entries)
WriteEntry(spAxes, entry);
// Commit
UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject = currentSelection;


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