
Add various comment and init Fresnel0 and SubsurfaceMask

- Add various comment
- Add setup of Fresnel0 in transmission (in addition to SSS)
- Remove the call to DecodeFromSSSBuffer and init SubsurfaceMask instead
- Rename all packInt function to PackUint
sebastienlagarde 7 年前
共有 3 个文件被更改,包括 88 次插入30 次删除
  1. 12
  2. 102
  3. 4


// Define various variante for ease of read
real PackFloatInt8bit(real f, uint i, real maxi)
real PackFloatUInt8bit(real f, uint i, real maxi)
void UnpackFloatInt8bit(real val, real maxi, out real f, out uint i)
void UnpackFloatUInt8bit(real val, real maxi, out real f, out uint i)
real PackFloatInt10bit(real f, uint i, real maxi)
real PackFloatUInt10bit(real f, uint i, real maxi)
void UnpackFloatInt10bit(real val, real maxi, out real f, out uint i)
void UnpackFloatUInt10bit(real val, real maxi, out real f, out uint i)
real PackFloatInt16bit(real f, uint i, real maxi)
real PackFloatUInt16bit(real f, uint i, real maxi)
void UnpackFloatInt16bit(real val, real maxi, out real f, out uint i)
void UnpackFloatUInt16bit(real val, real maxi, out real f, out uint i)
UnpackFloatInt(val, maxi, 65536.0, f, i);


// Enum for materialFeatureId (only use for encode/decode GBuffer)

return ((featureFlags & flag) != 0);
float3 ComputeDiffuseColor(float3 baseColor, float metallic)

void FillMaterialTransmission(uint diffusionProfile, float thickness, inout BSDFData bsdfData)
bsdfData.diffusionProfile = diffusionProfile;
bsdfData.fresnel0 = _TransmissionTintsAndFresnel0[diffusionProfile].a;
bsdfData.thickness = _ThicknessRemaps[diffusionProfile].x + _ThicknessRemaps[diffusionProfile].y * thickness;
uint transmissionMode = BitFieldExtract(asuint(_TransmissionFlags), 2u * diffusionProfile, 2u);

bsdfData.normalWS = surfaceData.normalWS;
bsdfData.perceptualRoughness = PerceptualSmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness);
// There is no mettalic with SSS and specular color mode
// There is no metallic with SSS and specular color mode
bsdfData.diffuseColor = ComputeDiffuseColor(surfaceData.baseColor, metallic);

// In forward everything is statically know and we could theorically cumulate all the material features. So the code reflect it.
// However in practice we keep parity between deferred and forward, so we should contrain the various features.
// The UI is in charge of setuping the constrain not the code, so if users is forward only and want full power, it is easy to unleash by some UI change
// However in practice we keep parity between deferred and forward, so we should constrain the various features.
// The UI is in charge of setuping the constrain, not the code. So if users is forward only and want unlish power, it is easy to unleash by some UI change
// Modify fresnel0
// Assign profile id and overwrite fresnel0
// Assign profile id and overwrite fresnel0
FillMaterialTransmission(surfaceData.diffusionProfile, surfaceData.thickness, bsdfData);

// conversion function for deferred
// GBuffer layout.
// GBuffer2 and GBuffer0.a interpretation depends on material feature enabled
//GBuffer0 RGBA8 sRGB Gbuffer0 encode baseColor and so is sRGB to save precision. Alpha is not affected.
//GBuffer1 R10B10G10A2
//GBuffer2 RGBA8
//GBuffer3 RGBA8
//FeatureName Standard
//GBuffer0 baseColor.r, baseColor.g, baseColor.b, specularOcclusion
//GBuffer1 perceptualRoughness, normal.x, normal.y, normal.sign
//GBuffer2 f0.r, f0.g, f0.b, featureID(3) / coatMask(5)
//GBuffer3 bakedDiffuseLighting.rgb
//FeatureName Subsurface Scattering + Transmission
//GBuffer0 baseColor.r, baseColor.g, baseColor.b, diffusionProfile(4) / subsurfaceMask(4)
//GBuffer1 perceptualRoughness, normal.x, normal.y, normal.sign
//GBuffer2 specularOcclusion, thickness, diffusionProfile(4) / subsurfaceMask(4), featureID(3) / coatMask(5)
//GBuffer3 bakedDiffuseLighting.rgb
//FeatureName Anisotropic
//GBuffer0 baseColor.r, baseColor.g, baseColor.b, specularOcclusion
//GBuffer1 perceptualRoughness, normal.x, normal.y, normal.sign
//GBuffer2 anisotropy, tangent.x, tangent.y(3) / metallic(5), featureID(3) / coatMask(5)
//GBuffer3 bakedDiffuseLighting.rgb
//FeatureName Irridescence
//GBuffer0 baseColor.r, baseColor.g, baseColor.b, specularOcclusion
//GBuffer1 perceptualRoughness, normal.x, normal.y, normal.sign
//GBuffer2 IOR, thickness, unused(3bit) / metallic(5), featureID(3) / coatMask(5)
//GBuffer3 bakedDiffuseLighting.rgb
// Note:
// For standard we have chose to always encode fresnel0. Even when we use metal/baseColor parametrization. This avoid
// compiler optimization problem that was using VGPR to deal with the various combination of metal non metal.
// For SSS, we move diffusionProfile(4) / subsurfaceMask(4) in GBuffer0.a so the forward SSS code only need to write into one RT
// and the SSS postprocess only need to read one RT
// We duplicate diffusionProfile / subsurfaceMask in GBuffer2.b so the compiler don't need to read the GBuffer0 before PostEvaluateBSDF
// The lighting code have been adapted to only apply diffuseColor at the end.
// This save VGPR as we don' need to keep the GBuffer0 value in register.
// The layout is also design to only require one RT for the material classification. All the material feature flags are deduced from GBuffer2.
// Encode SurfaceData (BSDF parameters) into GBuffer
// Must be in sync with RT declared in HDRenderPipeline.cs ::Rebuild
void EncodeIntoGBuffer( SurfaceData surfaceData,

outGBuffer2.rgb = float3(surfaceData.anisotropy * 0.5 + 0.5,
PackFloatInt8bit(surfaceData.metallic, storeSin | quadrant, 8));
PackFloatUInt8bit(surfaceData.metallic, storeSin | quadrant, 8));
else if (HasFeatureFlag(surfaceData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_LIT_IRIDESCENCE))

PackFloatInt8bit(surfaceData.metallic, 0, 8));
PackFloatUInt8bit(surfaceData.metallic, 0, 8));
// In the case of standard or specular color we always uncompress before encoding, so decoding is more efficient (it allow better optimization for the compiler and save VGPR)
// This mean that on the decode side, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_LIT_SPECULAR_COLOR doesn't exist anymore
materialFeatureId = GBUFFER_LIT_STANDARD;
float3 diffuseColor = surfaceData.baseColor;

outGBuffer0.rgb = diffuseColor; // sRGB RT
// outGBuffer2 is not sRGB, so use a fast encode/decode sRGB to keep precision
// Ensure that surfaceData.coatMask is 0 if the feature is not enabled
outGBuffer2.a = PackFloatInt8bit(coatMask, materialFeatureId, 8);
outGBuffer2.a = PackFloatUInt8bit(coatMask, materialFeatureId, 8);
// RT3 - 11f:11f:10f
outGBuffer3 = float4(bakeDiffuseLighting, 0.0);

// from the contents of the G-buffer, which can be used by the feature classification system.
// Note that return type is not part of the MACRO DECODE_FROM_GBUFFER, so it is sage to use return value for our need
// If you're not using the feature classification system, pass 0.
// If you're not using the feature classification system, pass UINT_MAX.
// Also, see comment in TileVariantToFeatureFlags. When we are the worse case (i.e last variant), we read the featureflags
// from the structured buffer use to generate the indirect draw call. It allow to not go through all branch and the branch is scalar (not VGPR)
uint DecodeFromGBuffer(uint2 positionSS, uint tileFeatureFlags, out BSDFData bsdfData, out float3 bakeDiffuseLighting)
// Note: we have ZERO_INITIALIZE the struct, so bsdfData.diffusionProfile == DIFFUSION_PROFILE_NEUTRAL_ID,

// Material classification only uses the G-Buffer 2.
float coatMask;
uint materialFeatureId;
UnpackFloatInt8bit(inGBuffer2.a, 8, coatMask, materialFeatureId);
UnpackFloatUInt8bit(inGBuffer2.a, 8, coatMask, materialFeatureId);
// Only sky/background do not have the Standard flag.
uint pixelFeatureFlags = MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_LIT_STANDARD; // Only sky/background do not have the Standard flag.
bool pixelHasSubsurface = materialFeatureId == GBUFFER_LIT_TRANSMISSION_SSS;
bool pixelHasTransmission = materialFeatureId == GBUFFER_LIT_TRANSMISSION || pixelHasSubsurface;
bool pixelHasAnisotropy = materialFeatureId == GBUFFER_LIT_ANISOTROPIC;

// Decompress feature-agnostic data from the G-Buffer.
float3 baseColor = inGBuffer0.rgb;
bsdfData.specularOcclusion = inGBuffer0.a; // Later overwritten for SSS
bsdfData.specularOcclusion = inGBuffer0.a; // Later possibly overwritten by SSS
bsdfData.perceptualRoughness = inGBuffer1.r;
float2 octNormalWS = inGBuffer1.gb;

float metallic;
uint unused;
UnpackFloatInt8bit(inGBuffer2.b, 8, metallic, unused);
UnpackFloatUInt8bit(inGBuffer2.b, 8, metallic, unused);
bsdfData.diffuseColor = ComputeDiffuseColor(baseColor, metallic);
bsdfData.fresnel0 = ComputeFresnel0(baseColor, metallic, DEFAULT_SPECULAR_VALUE);

bsdfData.diffuseColor = baseColor;
bsdfData.fresnel0 = FastSRGBToLinear(inGBuffer2.rgb); // Later overwritten for SSS
bsdfData.fresnel0 = FastSRGBToLinear(inGBuffer2.rgb); // Later possibly overwritten by SSS
DecodeFromSSSBuffer(inGBuffer0, positionSS, sssData);
// We don't need to do this call, see comment below
// DecodeFromSSSBuffer(inGBuffer0, positionSS, sssData);
// Overwrite the diffusion profile extracted by DecodeFromSSSBuffer().
// We must do this so the compiler can optimize away the read from the G-Buffer 0.
float unused;
UnpackFloatInt8bit(inGBuffer2.b, 16, unused, sssData.diffusionProfile);
// Overwrite the diffusion profile/subsurfaceMask extracted by DecodeFromSSSBuffer().
// We must do this so the compiler can optimize away the read from the G-Buffer 0 to the very end (in PostEvaluateBSDF)
// Note that we don't use sssData.subsurfaceMask here. But it is still assign so we can have the information in the
// material debug view + If we require it in the future.
UnpackFloatUInt8bit(inGBuffer2.b, 16, sssData.subsurfaceMask, sssData.diffusionProfile);
// Note: both function assign profile and overwrite fresnel0 (both SSS and Transmission)
// in case one feature is enabled and not the other.
// Overwrite fresnel0
FillMaterialSSS(sssData.diffusionProfile, sssData.subsurfaceMask, bsdfData);

float unused;
uint tangentFlags;
UnpackFloatInt8bit(inGBuffer2.b, 8, unused, tangentFlags);
UnpackFloatUInt8bit(inGBuffer2.b, 8, unused, tangentFlags);
// Get the rotation angle of the actual tangent frame with respect to the default one.
uint quadrant = tangentFlags;


// Note: The SSS buffer used here is sRGB
void EncodeIntoSSSBuffer(SSSData sssData, uint2 positionSS, out SSSBufferType0 outSSSBuffer0)
outSSSBuffer0 = float4(sssData.diffuseColor, PackFloatInt8bit(sssData.subsurfaceMask, sssData.diffusionProfile, 16));
outSSSBuffer0 = float4(sssData.diffuseColor, PackFloatUInt8bit(sssData.subsurfaceMask, sssData.diffusionProfile, 16));
// Note: The SSS buffer used here is sRGB

UnpackFloatInt8bit(sssBuffer.a, 16, sssData.subsurfaceMask, sssData.diffusionProfile);
UnpackFloatUInt8bit(sssBuffer.a, 16, sssData.subsurfaceMask, sssData.diffusionProfile);
void DecodeFromSSSBuffer(uint2 positionSS, out SSSData sssData)
