// Fill SurfaceData/Builtin data function
float4 ComputeTangent(AttributesMesh input)
return float4(cross(input.normalOS, float3(0, 0, 1)), 1);
#include "../Lit/LitData.hlsl"
#define LAYERS_HEIGHTMAP_ENABLE (defined(_HEIGHTMAP0) || defined(_HEIGHTMAP1) || (_LAYER_COUNT > 2 && defined(_HEIGHTMAP2)) || (_LAYER_COUNT > 3 && defined(_HEIGHTMAP3)))
void GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData(FragInputs input, float3 V, inout PositionInputs posInput, out SurfaceData surfaceData, out BuiltinData builtinData)
#ifdef LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE // enable dithering LOD transition if user select CrossFade transition in LOD group
LODDitheringTransition(posInput.positionSS, unity_LODFade.x);
ApplyDoubleSidedFlipOrMirror(input); // Apply double sided flip on the vertex normal
LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord;
float4 blendMasks = GetBlendMask(layerTexCoord, input.color);
float depthOffset = ApplyPerPixelDisplacement(input, V, layerTexCoord, blendMasks);
ApplyDepthOffsetPositionInput(V, depthOffset, GetViewForwardDir(), GetWorldToHClipMatrix(), posInput);
SurfaceData surfaceData0, surfaceData1, surfaceData2, surfaceData3;
float3 normalTS0, normalTS1, normalTS2, normalTS3;
float3 bentNormalTS0, bentNormalTS1, bentNormalTS2, bentNormalTS3;
// For layered shader, alpha of base color is used as either an opacity mask, a composition mask for inheritance parameters or a density mask.
float alpha = PROP_BLEND_SCALAR(alpha, weights);
DoAlphaTest(alpha, _AlphaCutoff);
float3 normalTS;
float3 bentNormalTS;