
Add FullscreenPassthrough render mode

sebastienlagarde 7 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 19 次插入28 次删除
  1. 10
  2. 37


// Default is the default rendering path define by the HDRendeRPipelineAsset FrameSettings.
// Custom allow users to define the FrameSettigns for this path
// Then enum can contain either preset of FrameSettings or hard coded path
// Unlit below is a hard coded path (a path that can't be implemented only with FrameSettings)
// FullscreenPassthrough below is a hard coded path (a path that can't be implemented only with FrameSettings)
Unlit // Hard coded path
FullscreenPassthrough // Hard coded path
public enum ClearColorMode

void UnRegisterDebug()
if (m_camera == null)
if (m_camera == null)
if (m_IsDebugRegistered)

// When LDR, unity render in 8bitSRGB, then do a final shader with sRGB conversion
// What should be done is just in our Post process we convert to sRGB and store in a linear 10bit, but require C++ change...
m_camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
if (m_camera == null)
if (m_camera == null)
m_camera.allowHDR = false;
// Tag as dirty so frameSettings are correctly initialize at next HDRenderPipeline.Render() call


if (camera.cameraType != CameraType.Reflection)
// TODO: Render only visible probes
ReflectionSystem.RenderAllRealtimeViewerDependentProbesFor(ReflectionProbeType.PlanarReflection, camera);
// First, get aggregate of frame settings base on global settings, camera frame settings and debug settings
// Note: the SceneView camera will never have additionalCameraData
var additionalCameraData = camera.GetComponent<HDAdditionalCameraData>();

// This is the main command buffer used for the frame.
var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get("");
// Specific pass to simply display the content of the camera buffer if users have fill it themselves (like video player)
if (additionalCameraData && additionalCameraData.renderingPath == HDAdditionalCameraData.RenderingPath.FullscreenPassthrough)
if (camera.cameraType != CameraType.Reflection)
// TODO: Render only visible probes
ReflectionSystem.RenderAllRealtimeViewerDependentProbesFor(ReflectionProbeType.PlanarReflection, camera);
// Init material if needed
// TODO: this should be move outside of the camera loop but we have no command buffer, ask details to Tim or Julien to do this

// TODO: Find a correct place to bind these material textures
// We have to bind the material specific global parameters in this mode
m_MaterialList.ForEach(material => material.Bind());
if (additionalCameraData && additionalCameraData.renderingPath == HDAdditionalCameraData.RenderingPath.Unlit)
// TODO: Add another path dedicated to planar reflection / real time cubemap that implement simpler lighting
// It is up to the users to only send unlit object for this camera path
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Forward", CustomSamplerId.Forward.GetSampler()))
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, hdCamera, m_CameraColorBuffer, m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer, ClearFlag.Color | ClearFlag.Depth);
RenderOpaqueRenderList(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, HDShaderPassNames.s_ForwardName);
RenderTransparentRenderList(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, HDShaderPassNames.s_ForwardName);
// Frustum cull density volumes on the CPU. Can be performed as soon as the camera is set up.
DensityVolumeList densityVolumes = m_VolumetricLightingSystem.PrepareVisibleDensityVolumeList(hdCamera, cmd);

// During rendering we use our own depth buffer instead of the one provided by the scene view (because we need to be able to control its life cycle)
// In order for scene view gizmos/icons etc to be depth test correctly, we need to copy the content of our own depth buffer into the scene view depth buffer.
// On subtlety here is that our buffer can be bigger than the camera one so we need to copy only the corresponding portion
// (it's handled automatically by the copy shader because it uses a load in pxiel coordinates based on the target).
// (it's handled automatically by the copy shader because it uses a load in pixel coordinates based on the target).
// This copy will also have the effect of re-binding this depth buffer correctly for subsequent editor rendering.
// NOTE: This needs to be done before the call to RenderDebug because debug overlays need to update the depth for the scene view as well.
