
Improve the thickness remap GUI

Evgenii Golubev 8 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 17 次插入16 次删除
  1. 33


private class Styles
public readonly GUIContent sssProfilePreview0 = new GUIContent("Profile preview");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfilePreview1 = new GUIContent("Shows the fraction of light scattered from the source as radius increases to 1.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfilePreview2 = new GUIContent("Note that the intensity of the region in the center may be clamped.");
public readonly GUIContent sssTransmittancePreview0 = new GUIContent("Transmittance preview");
public readonly GUIContent sssTransmittancePreview1 = new GUIContent("Shows the fraction of light passing through the object as thickness increases to 1.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileStdDev1 = new GUIContent("Standard deviation #1", "Determines the shape of the 1st Gaussian filter. Increases the strength and the radius of the blur of the corresponding color channel.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileStdDev2 = new GUIContent("Standard deviation #2", "Determines the shape of the 2nd Gaussian filter. Increases the strength and the radius of the blur of the corresponding color channel.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileLerpWeight = new GUIContent("Filter interpolation", "Controls linear interpolation between the two Gaussian filters.");
public readonly GUIContent sssTexturingMode = new GUIContent("Texturing mode", "Specifies when the diffuse texture should be applied.");
public readonly GUIContent[] sssTexturingModeOptions = new GUIContent[2]
public readonly GUIContent sssProfilePreview0 = new GUIContent("Profile Preview");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfilePreview1 = new GUIContent("Shows the fraction of light scattered from the source as radius increases to 1.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfilePreview2 = new GUIContent("Note that the intensity of the region in the center may be clamped.");
public readonly GUIContent sssTransmittancePreview0 = new GUIContent("Transmittance Preview");
public readonly GUIContent sssTransmittancePreview1 = new GUIContent("Shows the fraction of light passing through the object as thickness increases to 1.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileStdDev1 = new GUIContent("Standard Deviation #1", "Determines the shape of the 1st Gaussian filter. Increases the strength and the radius of the blur of the corresponding color channel.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileStdDev2 = new GUIContent("Standard Deviation #2", "Determines the shape of the 2nd Gaussian filter. Increases the strength and the radius of the blur of the corresponding color channel.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileLerpWeight = new GUIContent("Filter Interpolation", "Controls linear interpolation between the two Gaussian filters.");
public readonly GUIContent sssTexturingMode = new GUIContent("Texturing Mode", "Specifies when the diffuse texture should be applied.");
public readonly GUIContent[] sssTexturingModeOptions = new GUIContent[2]
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileTransmission = new GUIContent("Enable transmission", "Toggles simulation of light passing through thin objects. Depends on the thickness of the material.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileThicknessRemap = new GUIContent("Thickness remap", "Remaps the thickness parameter from [0, 1] to the desired range.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileTransmission = new GUIContent("Enable Transmission", "Toggles simulation of light passing through thin objects. Depends on the thickness of the material.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileMinMaxThickness = new GUIContent("Min-Max Thickness", "Shows the values of the thickness remap below.");
public readonly GUIContent sssProfileThicknessRemap = new GUIContent("Thickness Remap", "Remaps the thickness parameter from [0, 1] to the desired range.");
public readonly GUIStyle centeredMiniBoldLabel = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
public readonly GUIStyle centeredMiniBoldLabel = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
public Styles()

m_TexturingMode.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup(styles.sssTexturingMode, m_TexturingMode.intValue, styles.sssTexturingModeOptions);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Transmission, styles.sssProfileTransmission);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_ThicknessRemap, styles.sssProfileMinMaxThickness);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Min thickness: ", thicknessRemap.x.ToString());
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Max thickness: ", thicknessRemap.y.ToString());
EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(styles.sssProfileThicknessRemap, ref thicknessRemap.x, ref thicknessRemap.y, 0, 1000);
EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(styles.sssProfileThicknessRemap, ref thicknessRemap.x, ref thicknessRemap.y, 0, 100);
m_ThicknessRemap.vector2Value = thicknessRemap;
